i have never been so relieved!!!
went to the hospital and seen the consultant, she done a detailed scan. she seen the markers but nothing else, no signs of any other abnormalities so she has said that these 2 markers could be nothing but could mean downs syndrome, downs is the absolute worst which really isnt that worrying for us.
also babies can be born with downs and not even have these markers! its all so confusing...
so now instead of having a 1 in 250 chance of downs which is the average we have a 1 in 50 chance. she said we can have an amnio if we want one or can wait and have one at 32 weeks when there is no risk of miscarriage but we wont be bothering with either.
so now we are just going to be waiting until little one is born to find out more. i know we will still be a bit worried but nowhere near as much as if she had edwards syndrome as these poor little things dont live long, may not even reach their first bday.
but the consultant seemed really optomistic as she found nothing else so we are so much more relaxed now and can start enjoying being pregnant again
shelly so sorry you couldnt find out what your having, the same happened to us when we were havin daisy and its sooooooooooo frustrating!!!id put your pic on in-gender, they are really good over there! but to be honest after the weekend weve had i wouldnt have been bothered if our little one was born green with purple hair!!!