We're out Just had a chemical confirmed at hosp xxx
We're out
If I know when I ovulated... Should I go by that date??? I have my first ultrasound dec 11th which if by LMP I will be a little over 7 weeks... By O date I'll be a little over 4 weeks... I ovulated CD 19! I just don't want them to find no heart beat bc the baby will only be 4 weeks by O! What do u guys think?
If I know when I ovulated... Should I go by that date??? I have my first ultrasound dec 11th which if by LMP I will be a little over 7 weeks... By O date I'll be a little over 4 weeks... I ovulated CD 19! I just don't want them to find no heart beat bc the baby will only be 4 weeks by O! What do u guys think?