July/August (Summer Sunbeams) 2012!

I got to hold him today!
omg it felt so good! I was fighting tears in the pic but its all i got. lol
aww DHime that is so precious! so glad you were finally able to hold your baby boy. I can't imagine how you felt. So glad he is doing well. He is a little fighter. :)

congrats on making it full term ladies!

Me nothing new just waiting waiting... waiting! I am 1.5cm and 50% effaced. I am so ready for her. I can't wait to have her in my arms.
Wow dhime what a moment! He looks so sweet! It's all steps towards taking him home x

Woken up this morning with a weird feeling that baby may have turned, o really want this to be true so it could be wishful thinking :(
apple you might be right because I knew when my baby turned :) Fingers Crossed!
I had a feeling when baby went head down too. I had pressure and shooting pains in my pelvic area. I now think he has turned back the other way :dohh: Good thing it doesn't matter for me, lol

Beautiful picture DHime!! I love it!
Nope it was wishful thinking. Ecv hurt alot and it didn't work I had to get her to stop after a few mins. Cesarean for me, booked In for the 25th x
Oh im sorry apple. Are they going to double check to see if baby flips head down before you go in for the c-section?

Been to my doctor and my BP is going up. Same week as with my DDs pregnancy and everything. Went for blood work, hoping its okay and i will just be monitored. Baby has indeed flipped head up and is no where near my pelvis. she couldnt feel him when she did a cervix check lol
dhime, that picture is so precious! i am so glad you are both fighting and staying strong. i can only imagine how hard this all is for you. :hugs:
apple, i'm sorry it didn't work for you- i hope the very best for your c section.

i finally got out of the hospital today after fighting another blood infection. they had to cut my port out due to the infection so now i am relying on sublingual and liquid meds and peripheral IV's for fluids every few days to deal with my hyperemesis.

i won't lie, i am feeling absolutely awful- but the good news is doctors have decided it's best to induce me early and have given me a date! i will be getting an amino on the 26th of July and if babies lungs are ready i will be induced on the 27th. it will be so hard getting through the next few weeks but at least i know I'm close!

hope you all are hanging in there, we will be meeting our little ones so soon!
Carli, that's great that you've got light at the end of the tunnel - and you're right its coming up fast! Sounds like its been tough going for you.

Apple, I'm so sorry to hear that the EVC didn't work. :( You tried & did everything you could. I know that chances of a baby turning spontaneously decrease after 36 weeks, but some still do! :hugs2: Its still possible. And if not, there might be a good reason for it that you wouldn't know til later.
fx for all those in breech.
carli - hang in there.

his blood gasses were not good today so it was a step backward this time. They told me there would be bad days as well as good so I hope this is as bad as it gets. Blood gases measure how well his lungs and kidneys are working. But i did get to hold him again. He cried and broke my heart when it was time to go.

On another note, I was back in the hosp today as I have an infection now in my bladder from the cathider. They are worried that I may also have an infection in my uterus but they aren't sure about that part since everything is still very swollen. I am again on antibiotics again. Good thingy is my hemoglobin level is up to 8.6 so the anemia is slowly getting better.
aw all that matter is baby gets here as safely as possible. Hang in there it will all be worth it in the end.

DHime... thinking of you. Hope today is a better day. Get well soon!

38 weeks today!!!! hoping she comes soon but if not only 2 weeks to go! woo hoo! I am so excited!
thanks everyone, im feeling much more up beat today having a date i can work towards and it feels more real.

carlicarebear- sounds like your having a really rough time but now you have date too and you can see the end in sight. hope your feeling better soon.

DHime- i hope he's gases are better tomorrow, ive never been through it myself but i always hear with a baby in ncu there are good and bad days.

I know i keep saying it but i cant believe how far we have come from when this thread started! and everyone's pregnancy has been so different. chins up everyone we are on the home straight!
37+6 today :yahoo:

Midwife informed us today that there has been no growth over the past 2 weeks which is a bit of a concern to us but she said not to worry, she wants me in again this friday. Fingers crossed.

Anybody going to be giving birth at Bolton hospital?

good news today. His blood gasses are back up and they have increased his food intake.
An up day.
I hope everyone is hanging in there.
That's great news DHime! Glad to hear today has been a good day!

I have to agree that having a booked c-section took a lot of my anxiety away and knowing when the end date is, feels nice.

Leeandemma- I hope everything is okay on friday!
Had my blood work yesterday and didn't hear anything back from my doctor by the end of the day so assumed all was well, but have gotten a call from them today(which I missed) that I need to come in monday morning. So obviously something has come back on my blood work as I already had an appointment for thursday, but they dont want to wait until then to see me. I had the blood work done because my blood pressure has gone up and I've been getting headaches and dizziness and spots in my vision. I had boarder line pre-e with my DD, so they've been cautious. Anywho, hoping it's nothing major, but have to spend my weekend worrying now! Booo!
Good news dhime!
Leeandemma if she doesnt sound too concerned try not to be (easier said) I'm sure they will tell you more at the next appointment. Never been to bolton!
Ttcinbc- I hope it's not pre e but if it is at least you've made it to a safe stage to have your baby now.

I've just realised how much stuff I still have to do before he gets here!

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