July/August (Summer Sunbeams) 2012!

My reading was 127/133/88 and the other one she took at the appointment was 122/86. Doesn't sound too bad if you consider the fact that normal for me this pregnancy has been about 122/77 or 122/80. But combined with the onset of headaches, dizziness and an increase in spots in my vision, it had her concerned enough to have my blood work repeated.

Anyways, I'm hopeful it's just something to monitor and we'll be okay to get through until my c-section date.
It's quite scary really because it doesn't really sound that worrying from that but it shows in your bloods. Tempted to request bloods too because although my bp has come down to 125/71 i have my headache back and had spots this morning, keep losing my balance like my head just goes iyswim.
puppycat- yes def request to have it done.. better to be careful! My BP issues came up so suddenly and the only symptoms of anything being different were the headaches and dizziness.
Yep, ask for bloods and a protein to creatinine ratio done on your urine. But specifically that type of test on the urine. My doctor was very specific and its' the same I had to have done with my last pregnancy. I've been getting worse, it comes out of no where. And I totally understand the balance issues. It's not like it's really balance per say, but more like Im swimming in my head and things are just off..big time.
Got a 'telephone consultation' booked for this morning after waiting half an hr to get through to the Dr. So useful!!
Well, there was protein present or elevated? When they did the protein to creatinine ratio. Not too cleanr how its reported, but that with my higher BP is pre-eclampsia. Anyways, she had me do repeat blood work today and its now a standing order :dohh: at my OB's request.
Well even if it is something, he is here in 2 weeks and 3 days now! So just going to rest lots.

Our maternity photo's are ready! Going to go pick them up, I cant wait!
Not heard anything from the hospital or MW re my blood work so i'm taking this as a good sign that i dont have OC. Got 36 week MW apt tomorrow so will be asking just to make sure.

Has my sisters wedding this weekend in north yorkshire. I was soo nervous that i was going to go in to labour over the weekend & the fact i started loosing my plug on the saturday morning & getting bad cramps obviously didnt help matters lol. I didnt loose my plug untill early labour with DS so i really did think it was happening that morning, something my sister has been joking about for months.

I've been loosing little bits of plug since & baby keeps engaging & didengaging, i dont think its going to be long. i just hope i can get past next monday 23rd as its my DS 2nd birthday & i'll be 37 weeks then & im hoping for a home birth.
Hi everyone.
i you are all feeling better today, seems there are lots of complications/ worries now we are getting near. 'keep your eyes on thee prize' and i cant wait for some more birth announcements.

as for me- 7 DAYS!! no i haven't been watching the ring, my c-section is in one week and its so surreal and exciting!
hang in there ladies! I know you will all be so happy to have your LO's.
AFM - I now have strep b in my bladder and mild pneumonia. really. Why can't I get a break...
Wow, 7 days! Thats creeping up quickly! I have 16 days until my section. Its getting so close!

Im actually starting to feel a bit sad about it being over as I dont know if we will be having anymore after this. DH doesnt really want to, especially now that we have a little girl and boy. So its just kinda sad because it's a chapter of my life that is probably over :( no more babies. Anyone else feeling down?

Im sorry your sick DHime. I hope it all goes away quickly. How is your LO doing?
He is doing well today. Wish I could go see him. DH is going to go though. He is on room air today and not desaturating. FX he stays that way. He is on his way to 5 lbs. I am so proud of how much he is fighting. Something we have in common since he was born. we have both not stopped fighting for our lives.
Wow, 7 days! Thats creeping up quickly! I have 16 days until my section. Its getting so close!

Im actually starting to feel a bit sad about it being over as I dont know if we will be having anymore after this. DH doesnt really want to, especially now that we have a little girl and boy. So its just kinda sad because it's a chapter of my life that is probably over :( no more babies. Anyone else feeling down?

Im sorry your sick DHime. I hope it all goes away quickly. How is your LO doing?

I'm feeling sad that its almost over too, i love been pregnant & i know that in a few short weeks its going to be over. Dont get me wrong, i'm excited for the baby to be here, & i've been wanting to know what sex baby is for a long time now but i just want pregnancy to last a little longer. Altho me & OH havnt actually discussed it, he has dropped hints that the house we currently live in isnt big enough for more than two children. I dont know if he wants any more, i know i do, i do not feel like i have finished having children just yet. I'm scared to bring it up with him jut incase he says no more, i'd feel devistated. I dont want to actually say this is the last pregnancy i'm going to have.

I know that baby isnt going to be long now, i've been loosing bits of plug since saturday, i've been getting back pain & period cramps & after seeing the MW today, baby is 3/5 engaged. My DS came at 38+6 & when i asked what the posibility that this baby would come before EDD was, she said highly likely. I'm just hoping i can atleast get through July & past everyones birthdays this month, especially my DS & OH's birthday lol. I especially want to get past 37 weeks so i can have my home birth.

He is doing well today. Wish I could go see him. DH is going to go though. He is on room air today and not desaturating. FX he stays that way. He is on his way to 5 lbs. I am so proud of how much he is fighting. Something we have in common since he was born. we have both not stopped fighting for our lives.

I really hope you both have a speedy recovery, I cant imagine what you are going through right now love, i'm praying for you all xxx
Hey everyone.... so last night I was only able to sleep 2 hours I was having BH contractions every 10 min. and I was itching all over my body. It was horrible and still is. I waited until morning to call my Dr. They are having me come in tomorrow morning to draw blood. I have to wait because I have to fast for 8 hours before. She thinks I have pupps rash or the more dangerous liver disorder. Either way my body itches from head to toe. Especially my hands, feet, and belly. I am taking benadryl, but it makes me feel so drugged and I'm not sure how many more days I can go feeling like this. I am hoping i get some relief soon. Good news is I went to the bathroom this afternoon and noticed Ive started to lose my plug yay. I am praying that I go into active labor soon!
I hate false labour :( its sooo frustrating!! was getting regular pains yesterday...scrubbed the house from top to bottom and now they have eased off :''(

Just a quick question, wondering if anyone knows what this is..... when I sit down on the loo for a pee (sorry TMI) I feel like a pop or something drop??? I went midwife yesterday and she said most of his head is in my pelvis now so I dnt know if this is it? x
Wow, i'm seriously nesting. Just spent 2 hours cleaning the bathroom (its still not quite done) cleaning the most random things in there & scrubbing things frantically. I never went through this with DS, i so hope thins dosent mean labour is imminent. I'm really made up with a cold pritty bad, hardly had any sleep because of it, i dont think i can go through labour in this state :(
Torz, I was cleaning like a crazy woman last night too! I cleaned my car, the laundry room, the spare bedroom, the basement family room, and the kitchen. Then did a load of laundry and loaded the dishwasher...hmm...wish I had that much energy all the time!
GL with your cold though! I would welcome labor at this point!
Hi ladies, sounds like you are all busy and bodies are getting ready for the bubba's.

I have also been cleaning, dusting etc and at 4am this morning I thought it might be it. But pains stopped by 6am. I'm not ready yet :dohh:
Hang in there ladies. You are all in the home stretch and far enough along that you should have very few if any complications.
I hope the cold goes away before labor starts though. that would totally suck.
The cleaning is a good sign though for all of you. I wish I could have gotten that far. My house is still a disaster. Poor DH is having to do everything right now.
haha i wish i could clean like you all. I want to but im exhausted. I did a lot of cleaning last week. Good Luck ladies!
I'm in too much pain to clean! I'm 4/5 engaged and have a baby's head sitting right on my SPD ridden hips! Its all i can do to keep up with my toddler!

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