+*+ July Babies+*+blue 76, pink 92, yellow 29. 129 Here already!

hoping somthing will happen soon ifeel quite odd today and lots of mucous tmi
Hi ladies, I'm a couple days late posting my news but I've been busy. My little baby Grace was born on July 29th at 4:06am. The delivery was quick!! I woke up at 2am with sharp contractions (much like the worst period pains), after timing them on my own and realizing they were 5 minutes apart and lasting a minute, I then told hubby he better get ready for the hospital. We left the house at 2:40am, got to the hospital around 3am, and went to the Triage for analysis. The nurses checked my cervix and I was already 8cm dilated, I asked for an epidural so they started the bloodwork. The nurse said she thought I was too far along for the epidural but they'll try for me (I think they knew there wasn't a chance but said that to make me feel better). At 3:35am we were admitted to our delivery room, and baby Grace arrived at 4:06am... without an epidural! So it was quite the delivery, 2 hrs from contractions (that woke me up) to the time I met her. What an experience!! Hubby and I are so thrilled.
Congrats designergirl! I am now officially overdue!! Now I am going to have an August bubba!! I suppose it was always a real possibility being due 31st July, but at least I know he will definately be here this month!!!!
Nothing here, another day waiting around!
This baby will be born 9th Aug when its induced.
Can you finally add me on to the list please.
Had my LO baby Jack on the 29th July :] x

Hows wannabubba doing??
So the 28th is the only day in July with no babies born.
how can that be? Something wrong with that
Hi all, I'm still hanging on. Still very crampy and loosing lots of, well I don't know what it is tbh, but slimey, clear (sometimes brown tinged) mucus (sorry tmi) lots of tightenings but not regular enough yet. Def getting more uncomfy. Will get out for a walk today and see if that helps. If still no baby by Tuesday I have a sweep booked so maybe that'll be just what I need to get thing's going in full swing!

How is everyone else feeling today??
hi all, quick message Ruby Jessica arrived on Thursday 29th July after 2 days of hell!!!!

We are both ok and doing fine
NG09 - Youre literally experiencing what I am. Its horrible. Ive been like this since my sweep on Tuesday and theres a small chance of me getting a sweep tomorrow but more likely tuesday, then induction wednesday. I actually burst into tears today because its just taking so long. Somethings deffinatly happening but urgh...its taking too long now. Day 11 of being overdue *sigh*. Im hoping Ill see the midwife again and she'll be like 'oh, your 5cm!'...I was about 2cm at my last sweep on tuesday.
Aaww hun :hugs: I know how you feel, it's awful coz all you want is for soemone to say 'your baby will be born at 5pm on the dot today'!!! I have given in to the fact that it aint gonna happen like that!

My sister was exactly the same when she was in labour with her daughter, days of this she had aswell. The thing I have learned from her is to make sure I spend these days gathering as much energy as I can coz I'm gonna need it. She didn't sleep for days as she was continually expecting something to happen and by the time it did she was shattered.

In a strange way I am glad it's all happening gradually like this as it's letting me prepare mentally for whats about to happen, if that makes sense!

Keep your chin up Mel, hopefully things will get going soon xx
Congratulations to the new mummies and I hope you overdue ladies have some good news soon.
Baby Bella was born on 28th July @ 7.55pm weighing 9lb 2oz. It was a very traumatic labour. Only got home last night following a blood transfusion. Shes amazing though. Well done to all the other july mummies.
Congrats Sore-boobs, sorry the birth was so traumatic. Hope you recover well.
I am happy to announce that Alexander Michel was born on July 26th at 05:52 (was due on 22nd) after a short labour.

I decided the morning before that I was going to clean the whole house to try to get things going. It worked!!! I went to bed around 22:30 and I had a few contractions that stopped after about 30 mins. I then woke up with contractions again at 00:30. I told hubby who was very excited. Contractions were getting worst and closer together so at about 02:30, we left for the hospital. When they checked me, I was already 8cm dilated. After a while, I couldn't handle the pain anymore so I asked for the epidural. That wasn't too bad at all. Shortly after, they checked me again and I was almost completely dilated. They broke my water and I started pushing. It only took about twenty minutes and I was holding my baby boy.

5 1/2 hours of labour from start to finish, quite different from my first which took 23 hours. I am so glad I took the epidural, I wouldn't have been able to push without it because of the burning sensation in my lower back every time I had a contraction. Hurray for the epidural!!!

Baby Alexander is now six days old and he is doing just great! His big brother is really happy that he is finally here and he is a great helper.

Congrats to all the other July mommies. I hope you are enjoying your little bundle of joy as much as I am mine!
hope everyone is good... think ive been loosing a litle bit of plug today as everytime i wipe, its exactly how other have explained. Mw app 2mro for 3rd sweep see if that does anything, if not being induced on wednesday, just want baby out now :(xx
Now 41+2 argh lol. I never dreamed I'd go this overdue.. induction tomorrow will finally get to meet my little girl in the next few days :D If there is anyone else left from July I hope you're doing well and that I'm not the only one :haha:

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