Buffy - with our insurance we have to pay $60 for each scan, which I mean isn’t a ton of money but if we can avoid paying it we will. We just bought a house and with the holidays and everything, things are a little tight right now. We didn't have the 12 week scan with either of our other babies and we’re ok to wait until the 20 week scan to see if there are any abnormalities or whatnot (we would keep the baby regardless). So I guess I’m just trying to decide if I would rather have a scan around 8 weeks to know everything’s ok, or hold out till 12 when they really look a lot more like a baby! I have my own Doppler and found my DD’s heartbeat around 9 weeks last time, so I could just go that route I suppose and try to wait for the 12 week scan.. idk! Or maybe I’ll cave and get both
Housewifey - same here, usually 2 scans, one at 12 and one at 20
I’ve had 4 or 5 with each pregnancy though for various reasons. My Drs aren’t shy about giving them to me which I usually appreciate!
Unique, sorry! Hormones suck sometimes!!
Babybrain, no cravings yet. Not really any symptoms at all. Still stupid sick with a bad cold or the flu. Making me not have any appetite at all. I too am freezing constantly! That was a symptom with both my other pregnancies too.
My plans for the weekend are to rest and hopefully get better. This is the fourth day of this sickness and it’s kicking my rear! Both my kiddos have it too. Last night my DS had to sleep in my bed with me because he kept waking every 20 minutes and crying “mommy mommy” because he felt so sick
Neither of us slept hardly at all, and of course I was up breastfeeding my DD too. Ugh. DH slept just fine on the couch though, told me it was the best sleep he’s gotten in a while. Sometimes I could punch that man..
Four those are GREAT numbers! I know it’s easier said than done but try to relax hun
Congrats krockwell, those numbers are awesome!! I agree, ultrasounds are SUCH a fun part of pregnancy-that and feeling babe move
Although, with my DD, her kicks were SO intense that in the third trimester I started to dread them! She’s a super active baby and that was apparent even before she was born.