July Mamas! 101 Due in 2015! ! 37 babies born 23 boys 14 girls <3


RMC's but mum to 3 now!
Sep 7, 2008
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Scroll down for everyone's due dates and babies birthdates as they arrive!!!! :happydance:

Congratulations July Mammas!! :baby:

Please let me know your due date and/or baby's birthdate and I will add you to the July mamas! :)

<3 :cloud9: Our July 2015 Mamas :cloud9: <3

Medzi ~ 12th June ~ :blue: Owen Zaven ~ 8lbs 11 oz
Srrme ~ 17th June ~ :pink: baby girl ~ 6lbs 10oz
:yellow: Auntiesarah25 :yellow:
:yellow: Kassy :yellow:

:yellow: mimomma :yellow:
:yellow: Shorty88 :yellow:
:yellow: Shirley. :yellow:
:yellow: KtownKate :yellow:
cdex67 ~ 12th June ~ :blue: Wesley Adam ~ 6lbs 15oz

:yellow: Cariad82 :yellow:
BeautifulRose:blue: ~ 29th May ~ :blue: baby boy ~ 5lbs6oz
:yellow: lozmega :yellow:
:yellow: Shocked At 41 :yellow:
Baby_Dreams ~ 5th June ~ :pink: Evie Hope ~ 6lbs 6oz

Livvy ~ 12th July ~ :blue: Slade Samuel ~ 7lbs 2.5oz

Starlight34 ~ 27th June ~ :blue: Elijah Oliver
:pink: lusterleaf :pink:
:blue: ellaford :blue:

:yellow: TTChopes :yellow:
:yellow: springcrane :yellow:
:yellow: lola33 :yellow:
sammynashley ~ 1st July ~ :blue: baby boy ~ 7lbs 10oz
JoyofMylife ~ 16th June ~ :blue: Sean Michael ~ 6lbs 7oz
:blue: kateloux :blue:

:yellow: WTTMommy :yellow:
:yellow: lotsoflove13 :yellow:

:yellow: Youngy :yellow:

:blue::blue: j_d_mommy :blue::blue: (csection June 12th!!)
timeforbaby ~ :blue: baby boy ~ 3.1kg

:yellow: carlsberg :yellow:
Ms Elizabeth ~ 10th July ~ :blue: Riddick ~ 7lbs 9oz
:yellow: alternatedi :yellow:
:yellow: Zephram :yellow:

TonyaG ~ 23rd May ~ :pink: :pink: Emma Joanne 4lbs 1oz & Ally Angela 3lbs 14oz

:yellow: kimbresque :yellow:
:blue: feb4th2011 :yellow:
:blue: Amherst1994 :blue:

Keyval ~ 8th July ~ :pink: Fiadh-Rose ~
Tasha ~ 17th June ~ :blue: Orion Rudi Beau ~
CertifiedOreo ~ 15th July ~ :pink: Olivia Ann ~ 7lbs 8oz
Rach87 ~ 11th July ~ :pink: Delilah Nadine ~ 7lbs 1oz

:yellow: pirateardnek :yellow:
:pink: Duffy fan 13 :yellow:
Wishing1010 ~ 9th July ~ :pink: Shelby ~ 7lbs

:yellow: lcgoodac :yellow:
MamaBee413 ~ 5th July ~ :blue: Nox Jamison ~ 5lbs 15oz
LuvallmyH ~ 8th July ~ :blue: Hawkin Griffin ~ 8lbs 8oz
Bubbles1088 ~ 7th July ~ :pink: baby girl ~ 6lb 15oz
:blue: MrsB11 :blue:

Harley Quinn ~ 8th July ~ :blue: Henry ~ 8lbs 1oz

Babyvaughan ~ 9th July ~ :blue: Gavin ~ 8lbs 4.6oz
:yellow: jenos :yellow:

:yellow: bee lady :yellow:
:blue: fluffet521 :blue:

heaveneats ~ 8th July ~ Hayden Andrew Leon ~ 7lbs 3oz
:pink: AndiAmsterdam :pink:
Dan-o ~ 19th June ~ :blue: Quinlan Frederick ~ 5lbs 9.5oz

:blue: Mrs Jellybean :blue:
:blue: MNgirl1991 :yellow:
Jbk ~ 16th July ~ :blue: baby boy ~ 7lns 8oz
poppy ~ 24th July ~ :pink: Elysia Aria ~ 9lbs 7oz

:yellow: SarahTabor :yellow:
Lucy1 ~13th July ~ :pink: Olivia Rose ~7lbs 11oz
:pink: Kians_Mummy :pink:

:yellow: ready4babies :yellow:
:yellow: Calcifer :yellow:
:blue: Aelyana :blue:

:yellow: MKAC2005 :yellow:
:yellow: pumpkin90 :yellow:
Lumi ~ 8th July ~ :blue: Dexter Jake ~ 7lbs 0.5oz
LIB ~ 19th June ~ :blue: Isaac ~ 5lbs 1oz
:pink: k4th :yellow:

:blue: UpNComer :yellow:
:yellow: emma23 :yellow:
:yellow: ptr :yellow:



:yellow: dollymix :yellow:
:yellow: katangel :yellow:
:blue: wiggler :yellow:
:yellow: kelbez :yellow:
mkhewson ~ July ~ :blue: Anderson David ~
:blue: mummatmadhouse :blue:

hollyw79 ~ 22nd July ~ :pink: Jewell Elizabeth ~ 6lbs 8oz
:yellow: cali_kt :yellow:
countryblonde ~ 22nd July ~ :blue: Jesse Robert ~ 8lbs 3oz
babytots ~ 10th July ~ :blue: Hayden-Lee Andrew ~
:yellow: RaquelDee :yellow:

:yellow: canadabear :yellow:
:blue: Jrepp :blue:
:yellow: Zombiequeen :yellow:


Khatif ~ 20th July ~ :pink: Kathryn Scout Maria Irene ~
:yellow: M2010 :yellow:

:blue: Csto :yellow:
Babygirl3289 ~ 24th July ~ :blue: Hudson James
:yellow: Wiggler :yellow:
:pink: greats :pink:
Alea ~ 23rd June ~ :pink: Maisie Grace ~ 4lbs 14oz


Remembering our Angel Babies :hugs:

:angel: jumpingo :angel:
:angel: WhisperOfHope :angel:
:angel: KozmikKitten :angel:
:angel: ajarvis :angel:

Sportysgirl :angel: Baby Spaughton born sleeping 25th February 10.15 pm :angel:




Bubbles1088 - OB/check up
Bubbles1088 - OB/check up
Babyvaughan - OB
Bubbles1088 - OB/check up

AUGUST !!overdue club!!



Some graphics for your siggies.... Big thanks to Livvy for these!!

Copy and paste the code. Just take the *'s out when you put it in your siggy!
Click on spolier to view :)
Red & team blue:


Orange & team blue:


Gold & team blue:


Red & team pink:


Orange & team pink:


Gold & team pink:


Red & team yellow:


Orange & team yellow:


Gold & team yellow:


If anyone has any more color requests, let me know!
Congratulations!! I'm due in July too :)

So far I've had very sore boobs and that is it - just how it was with my son Nate! I've also had a miscarriage around 7 weeks&#8230; I had the exact same spotting with both pregnancies so we will see if I have some this time around, but it wasn't until 6 weeks. I had HORRIBLE sickness with Nate - puking my guts up the entire pregnancy and was on medication so I am hoping it doesn't happen again but not too optimistic about it but it is worth it.

I have my first doctor appointment on Monday. I'm high risk so monitored close. Not sure if I will get an early dating scan or not - if not, my first scan won't be until December.

I'm hopefully due 3rd July, we found out on Sunday with,this little bean except the symptoms are hardcore, tiredness,nausea and sore boobs all started a few weeks ago and are full on, can't believe it's all happening so early!
We suffered a mmc before our little girl and so it's hard to get too excited until we have the scan.
Looking forward to,going through this with you ladies

Congratulations!! I'm due in July too :) So far I've had very sore boobs and that is it - just how it was with my son Nate! I've also had a miscarriage around 7 weeks… I had the exact same spotting with both pregnancies so we will see if I have some this time around, but it wasn't until 6 weeks. I had HORRIBLE sickness with Nate - puking my guts up the entire pregnancy and was on medication so I am hoping it doesn't happen again but not too optimistic about it but it is worth it. I have my first doctor appointment on Monday. I'm high risk so monitored close. Not sure if I will get an early dating scan or not - if not, my first scan won't be until December. :flower:

I hope you get an early scan. They are so reassuring. I'm high risk too, so let the blood draws commence! What are they going to be checking at your Monday appt? My doctor drew all my panels a couple days before my transfer (blood counts, a1c, cholesterol, hormones, etc, etc, etc) and I get results this Saturday. I guess it all looked okay since she hasn't said anything yet. I have PCOS, so I'm on Metformin, at least for now.

That's a bummer how sick you were with your son, but they say puking is a good sign! I kinda hope I puke at least occasionally. :haha: I had morning sickness with my miscarriage last year and my ectopic, but never puked, so if I puke this go round, I'll probably take it as a good sign that this pregnancy is different.

I'm hopefully due 3rd July, we found out on Sunday with,this little bean except the symptoms are hardcore, tiredness,nausea and sore boobs all started a few weeks ago and are full on, can't believe it's all happening so early! We suffered a mmc before our little girl and so it's hard to get too excited until we have the scan. Looking forward to,going through this with you ladies Xx

Isn't it crazy how early it can start?? I don't know exactly when my symptoms started since I was sick with the enterovirus all last week. I know the nausea started on Saturday, 5 days after my embryo transfer (so 10"dpo"). I know what you mean about not getting too excited, pregnancy after loss is definitely scary!
It is crazy how everything starts so early. With this pregnancy I tested early because while at the grocery store I thought about how my boobs hurt sooo much. Then remembered it was like that when I found out I was pregnant with Nate so picked up a test :)

On Monday I'll just be letting her know I took a home pregnancy test and she will probably order lab work (pee tests and blood work) and then I'll be referred to the medical disorders and pregnancy clinic and an obgyn (in Canada it is different - you only are seen throughout your pregnancy by an obgyn if you are high risk. If not you are just monitored by your regular family gp). I likely won't get any of the results unless something weird shows up or my hcg is low. I'll get paperwork to book the scan for around 12 weeks (it is optional but we do it) and she might let me book an early one just due to my past loss but we will see.

I'm starting to get waves of nausea in the afternoons but so far no puking. Honestly though, it was like I had food poisoning. I'm talking full on barfing :haha: I would be in my office at work with my head in the trash can. Eventually it just because so natural, like "excuse me one moment *barf* ok, what were you saying?"

Can't wait to hear about your results on Saturday!

Cariad82 - when do you go to the doc?
Good luck for Saturday bunyhuny and good luck Monday medzi - hope both appointments go really well.
As this is our second I can self refer myself to the midwives at any time so I think I'll leave it until around 7 weeks and then call. Last time I was seen by midwife at 10 weeks for a booking in appt and then a scan at 12 weeks. It feels ages away!

Ooh! Congratulations to you all! Can I join?

I wasn't charting this month, but based on the date of my last period, I'm due July 3rd!

I haven't had too many symptoms; my boobs were sore before my expected period (as usual), but are much less sore now. I've had some minor cramping, which I'd describe more as pulling, and I've had this lingering headache since yesterday. I also had some very light spotting on Sunday and Monday, which is typical a few days before my period. It stopped completely on Tuesday and I decided that I'd test if I didn't have my period by Wednesday. I fully expected it to be negative, but there was a faint line! I retested with a FRER digi this morning and it was positive too!

I guess I'll schedule an appointment with my doctor this morning...? I really have no clue where to start!
Yay! Congratulations, Kate!

Medzi- That sounds awful! I hope it doesn't get that bad this time around. I'll keep my FX'd for you!

Tomorrow morning I go into the lab for my followup beta- results coming in in the early afternoon by phone. Then appt with GP on Saturday. My digestive system is on the fritz today. With my other pregnancies, I backed up pretty early into the pregnancy; seems this time, it's going to be the opposite. Need to run errands today, but don't want to travel too far from the restroom...
Congratulations Kate! So far we have the same due date!
Exciting times ahead ladies xx
Congrats Kate! Some doctors want to see you right away, some will book the appointment later :) Call your office and see!
buny - Sorry just wanted to thread crash to say a massive Congratulations to you hun!!! I remember you from the ivf thread last year, youve been through so much and really deserve this precious gift :cloud9: xxx
Eeeek!!!! Hi, Plex!!!!!! I'm going to head over to your journal right now! <3 <3 <3

Hope everyone else is having a good day. I ran errands and now am totally exhausted. At least I got the non-perishables and freezables done for the next month- and I picked up a pregnancy journal! Yay! This is the one I picked up: The Ultimate Pregnancy Journal. I'm going to start on it after I get my beta results tomorrow.
Hey, Medzi- What's your due date? I think I'm going to start a list of all of us and our due dates in the original thread post.
I have that journal! I have one when I was pregnant with Nate and have another for this new baby (we are calling it Puffin!)

July 1!
Awww, Puffin! I love it!!!! <3 <3 <3 How did you pick that? My mom keeps asking me what we're calling this little one and I'm just at a loss. Puffin is adorable!
I love the inclusion of the due dates, Buny!

Medzi - I love the Puffin name! I am booked to see my doctor next Thursday. I just want that day to get here to know I'm not dreaming. I'll probably test every few days just to ease my mind. ;)

Cariad - July 3rd seems like a pretty good day to have a baby! Not to knock July 1st; Canada Day would be pretty sweet too!
Congratulations ladies!! My Due Date would be July 5th! I got two BFP today - very very faint for the first, and quite visible for me on the second. So going with positive and crossing fingers for darker lines tomorrow and sat/sun. I have 2 boys already 8 and 5 and this would be my SO's first baby - and last ha. I'm done at 3 :)
Medzi I just noticed you're in Alberta! So am I!
Ajarvis - I see you are in Calgary - SO AM I!! That is so cool! Congrats on your bfp!

Kate - I restested yesterday ;) Blaring bfp!

I love the inclusion of the due dates. We should include gender too - except I'm staying team yellow but I know a lot of people will probably find out.

Thanks - I love Puffin too! We named the first pregnancy Roo (which ended in a miscarriage), and Nate we called Cubby which has totally stuck, EVERYONE calls him Cubby! Puffin just kinda came to me the other day :) I love naming the bump especially because we stay team yellow.
Medzi yes I am! Last pregnancy on these boards there was I think 1 person close to me and most were not in Canada! Cool that you're in the same city!

I also like the idea of including due dates. Genders would be fun too. I found out with my first two, but leaving that decision to my SO this time as it's his first baby :)

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