July Mamas! 101 Due in 2015! ! 37 babies born 23 boys 14 girls <3

Congratulations and welcome Rach87 and Shorty.

Lcgoodac, two positives in two days sounds like you're definitely pregnant. Congratulations and welcome to the July Mamas club! :)

Ajarvis, you are awesome for keeping up with all your running. I used to be very active in the beginning of our TTC journey but after several months of not getting pregnant I started to worry that the heavy exercise might have something to do with it. My RE advised me to take it easy so I stopped working out last month and low and behold, we got our BFP :). I still walk 3 miles a few days a week but I'm too scared to do anything else. Maybe after the first ultrasound I'll pick up the pace a little.
Still no morning sickness. Not reassuring when I usually have it by now... Boobs are still super tender and I am exhausted and passed out in bed by 8.30 every night still. Praying super hard my hCG has done some miraculous doubling over the weekend and Fridays draw was just a bit of a funny one... :(
JoyOfMyLife - that's still exercise! Better than sitting around eating halloween candy hahaha. I always try and stay active through pregnancy. My youngest though I got lazy near the end and ate too many donuts. Losing the weight was HARD because of that. So this time I'm determined to be active like I was with my oldest!

Detterose - Crossing all fingers for you for good numbers on Monday! Remember symptoms, or the lack of don't indicate healthy or unhealthy pregnancy ;) When do you find out tomorrow?
I've got no symptoms at all which is why I was a bit shocked when I got a bfp!
Ajarvis - Its 7am Monday here in Australia. I have my blood test in an hour. Results should hopefully only take 2-4 hours after that. *fingers crossed* Have had some mild period like cramping this morning but so far no spotting. Really hoping little bean is hanging in there :( Every where I read about slow doubling hCG levels are basically not good though..
Sooo...Im not sure where I should have my due date right now. I was temping so I know when I ovulated but I also see somebody said to calculate from LMP until scan...in that case my due date would be July 2nd and I would be 5 wks 3 days. Hmm.
ahhh. Well good luck detterose! 3-5 hours and you should know!

Cdex67 it's probably easier to just go by your last period date. even if you know when you ovulated you don't know when it was fertilized, implanted etc. Even if you did still wouldn't know when baby was coming :p
Sooo...Im not sure where I should have my due date right now. I was temping so I know when I ovulated but I also see somebody said to calculate from LMP until scan...in that case my due date would be July 2nd and I would be 5 wks 3 days. Hmm.

that's only what i thought, i could be way wrong!:haha:
i'm guessing the calculations are done based on the "average" 28-day cycle, so if you ovulate much later, then calculating from the start of your period would actually not be as correct? i used babycenter's due date calculator (https://www.babycenter.com/pregnancy-due-date-calculator) and it gives two options for the "start" calculation date:

--First day of my last period (This is how most healthcare providers calculate your due date.)
--Date I conceived (Few people know this to the day; choose this option only if you're sure.)

"day i conceived" means...??:shrug: implantation? ovulation? there's a range of different days it could be since we don't know exactly the timing in there!:wacko: hahaha
Sooo...Im not sure where I should have my due date right now. I was temping so I know when I ovulated but I also see somebody said to calculate from LMP until scan...in that case my due date would be July 2nd and I would be 5 wks 3 days. Hmm.

LOL, as if it's not confusing enough as it is!
My sinuses are so stuffy too - just feel so swollen but otherwise feel ok so I think it is more pregnancy (I hear progesterone is a culprit of that…) and not really a cold.

My sinuses have been really stuffy too. I've had a cold since Thanksgiving (it's been a lingering cough for about 2 weeks though) and I thought my other symptoms were coming back or something. I'm glad to hear it might just be progesterone messing around with me. :thumbup:
Best wishes for today detterose! Welcome everyone!! After a day of no nausea yesterday, it's been back on and off most of the day. Worse than that is I caught a cold. My nose is so runny and I've been sneezing non-stop, yuck. Hopefully I can sleep it off tonight. Already planning to be in bed in the next half hour, it's 8 pm here. :blush:
6 here. Feed kids. Put them to bed. Eat chips and dip and watch the walking dead ;)
Kate - bah, it is the worst! My face is even swollen. Hopefully it goes away quickly for us both!

ajarvis - good on you. I ate whatever and was super lazy when pregnant with Nate. I honestly JUST lost the pregnancy weight and now I'm pregnant again. Though, I'm still overweight and was doing so good at losing. Going to be extra good this time around. So far that has been easy since I have been having food aversions.

detterose, thinking of you and praying for a high number :hugs:
My third angel has gained their wings far too early... Levels were 236. I started to bleed 2 hours after I got my results... Doctor at work sent me home to rest. :( Absolutely devastated....
No detterose :cry: I am so so sorry you have to go through this again. No one should have to ever go through it, ever. :hugs: Fly high sweet baby.
Medzi I'm TRYING to be good. But it's soooo hard cause I'm STARVING!! I just had supper 90 min ago and I feel like I haven't eaten all day lol
I'm so very sorry for your loss, Detterose. You are in my prayers!

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