July Mamas! 101 Due in 2015! ! 37 babies born 23 boys 14 girls <3

So glad to have made it to 30 weeks. My next mile stone is 32. :D
My body is celebrating being 28 weeks by being extremely exhausted today lol. I've managed to shower & eat and the days half way over lol
For those of you worried about baby positioning check out spinningbabies.com. It's a whole website geared towards getting baby into proper position during pregnancy and while in labor
Tasha - you did a bloody marvellous job!!! You are well informed, countered every argument they gave & got what you need for your baby. When is your professor back? Can you contact them on Friday & run through your concerns? You shouldn't have to fight for everything, it's really not on. We should all be able to rely on professionals that know what they're doing & just do it! But you did brilliantly. Sorry to hear the centiles aren't moving as you would hope, I would expect your professor to take that seriously & overrule everyone else! Sending you lots of :hugs:

Thank you k4th. I'm not sure when he's back, I'll ask tomorrow. Thank you for listening to my rant. It really helps.

Tasha you did wonderful! I'm always so scared to come back at drs even when I know their wrong but I've had to do it quite a bit this go round. Sad they treat us as a number rather than a real person.

Afm: I get weekly progesterone shot to stop pre term labor and I've been getting them since 15 weeks well with my insurance change I guess it doesn't cover the nurse coming out to administer the shots and it says you shouldn't go more than 10 days without it and my last shot was last Monday so today is day 10. I have my cervical scan in an hour so I'm taking the shots with me and hopefully they will give it to me. I've read online that a lot of women go into labor after missing one shot so I'm freaking out. I've lost a lot of mucous plug over the last few weeks and last time I was checked at 24 weeks I was 1cm dilated

Thank you. It is sad. I hate that many just follow text books and don't listen to us.

Did the scan go okay? Did they inject you?

Two quick questions: do any of you have AF like cramps when you first wake up? Every morning I have these really painful uterine cramps that feel like my period is about to start. Also, do any of you experience a shaking sensation like your baby just shook?

I'm so glad you get this, the shaking freaks me out. No advice but I'm glad I'm not alone.

Tasha, you did so great standing up for yourself and Rudi! I am afraid to stand up to authority figures like that so props to you. You are quite educated on all of this and are using your knowledge. I do hope everything ends up being alright. :hugs:

Rose, I hope everything works out and you don't go into preterm labor. Ugh insurance is a nightmare...

Jrepp, I can't say that but I did have a painful uterine cramp last night while trying to fall asleep. Will explain more about that below. I hope yours is nothing to worry about!

AFM, last night while falling asleep, I was shot awake by a VERY painful uterine cramp, one that rivals AF cramps (which is hard to do for me; my AF cramps get really, really bad). It didn't last long, only a few seconds, but it hurt so bad. I've had some slight cramps down there before that, but nothing out of the ordinary and nothing regular, but I am curious as to what it was. My first thought was contraction, but it didn't happen again thank goodness. Baby has been moving since too so that's a good sign. Anyone else experience this? Could it have been a single contraction? I guess with how painful it was, I don't know what else it could have been. I don't think it was BH because those just feel tight for me, not painful as all hell.

Thank you bubbles. I'm usually the same, I suffer from anxiety (general) and social anxiety so that situation is hard but I couldn't do nothing.

My braxton hicks vary and sometimes they're quite painful. I wonder if those sorts of pains might get more often as it progresses?

hi ladies
dont write very much but im always stalking to see how you all are.
anyway i had my 28 week scan and dr appointment yesterday . after being told from day 1 about more than likely goingfor a section they now dont wanna give it to me and are sayingthis labour should be alot different . i had a 3rd degree tear from forceps. baby got distressed after being in labout too long andit was verging on a section . they used suction but it failed. my main problem wasnt with the tear but the fact that baby got distressed ... my labour kept stopping and starting and i ended up needing pitocin half way through ...

anyway i had a scan yesterday aswell and baby is breech at 28 weeks ... not so much a problem
she is measuring 31 weeks and they feel baby is gonna be alot bigger than my last ( 8lbs)

so there saying if babys growth slows and shes a similar weight to my last they want me to go natural but they will give me a sweep and maybe induce early so i dont go over term again ( 9 days )

if baby is breech no doubt about a section

and if baby is on the big side the decision is mine of what to do .

came away so confused and that i still dont know for sure whats gonna happen . i know you never can but i wish i had some idea ha

That's a lot to take in. Can you just make a decision later on?

Just wanted to let you know a thought.... They say the second baby is easier to deliver as the first baby already "blazed the path" so to speak... (some ladies are exceptions though)... hopefully that helps with you deciding on what you want to do.

This was certainly true for me!

For me I finally feel like I can enjoy being pregnant. I really didn't care for the second trimester I was so uncomfortable, stressed, and then the HB & kidney issues just had me loosing it. Coming into third tri his HB being back to normal, no stretching ligiments, and his activity being consistent I'm getting a taste of why people love pregnancy! I'm cherishing these weeks left. Its very likely to be my only pregnancy as my health is to complicated to go through it again, I keep thinking I need to fulfill everything I ever wanted to do during pregnancy! I'm going to take lots of maternity pictures, do the belly cast in a few weeks! We are going to the beach end of next month and getting old time photos done I'll be 33 weeks pregnant last time we had them done we were 16 years old, then I wanna come back next year and do them with our son :)

I'm so glad you can finally enjoy it. Those photos sound like they'll be fabulous.

Tasha, can you link the website about baby movement again, please?
I cannot find it anymore.

Here you go Hun https://www.countthekicks.org.uk/mums/your-babys-movements/

Happy third trimester day.

Thanks everyone.

Tasha, did it get worse as third tri went on, or stay stable?

I spoke to my midwife yesterday and she said that although the measurements are out, it's not enough to worry about at this point. So that's good, I guess we just keep an eye on it now and make sure it doesn't get worse. I think the ultrasound tech really freaked me out at the scan, she just told me the measurements were out and low and I needed to rest more, etc. Of course they are not meant to say anything because they aren't doctors!

Just hope my transverse baby turns before I'm full term and I'm trying for a VBAC!

For me it gets worse but I've got a clotting disorder so that's to be expected.

I'm glad you are reassured, the thing is one scan never tells you much even if baby is extremely small because a small baby isn't necessarily a bad thing, there has to be people on the 2nd centile as much as there does 50th and 98th :) will you have another scan to make sure baby stays on its line?

Tasha - good on your for fighting for your baby! Ridiculous that is needed!!! You're amazing <3

Sorry, everyone, I haven't even read back at all - so busy these days but all is good. BP meds were increased and I'm seeing the OBGYN weekly now. 30 weeks - woot woot!

Thank you. Wow, thirty weeks sounds sooooo pregnant. Congrats.

Sorry everyone I haven't been able to catch up fully but hope eveyone is well.

30 weeks tomorrow... yikes!

Happy 30 weeks x

So glad to have made it to 30 weeks. My next mile stone is 32. :D

Happy 30 weeks too. Little milestones are good aren't they? My next one is 29 weeks as my prom was 28+6.

My body is celebrating being 28 weeks by being extremely exhausted today lol. I've managed to shower & eat and the days half way over lol

:haha: happy 28 weeks.
My back is horribly painful today :( Its hard to focus at work!

Oh no :hugs:
@Babygirl if you can get in a pool it helped me so much with my back! I used the indoor pool at my gym but once I started going I stopped having back pain!
Congratulations on reaching 30 weeks ladies! I will be there on Monday and can't wait! This is a huge milestone for me too.

For those of you experiencing back and/or hip pain, have you tried sleeping with a body pillow? My sis-in-law gave me a snoogle a few weeks ago and my back pain has pretty much disappeared. They're a little pricey but highly worth it!
Tasha, I have general anxiety disorder and some social anxiety as well. I definitely understand where you're coming from there. That makes it all the more remarkable what you did. You handled it so well.

And yes, I too was thinking that maybe the further along you get, the stronger/more painful the BHs get. I haven't had anything that strong today yet thankfully. Hoping they are few and far between. It definitely scared me last night.
Tasha- your so strong for fighting your corner! A lot of the time I feel doctors are so rushed they don't look af things properly!

Yay for the ladies that have hit 30weeks!! Only a few days to go for me :)

Babyvaughan- I didn't care for 2nd trimester much either! The pics sound like a lovely idea!

Sorry if I missed anyone I have baby bran and nothing seems to stay there.

Afm- had a hospital visit yesterday..went to the doctors with a 3day headache she checked my BP and it was 152/80 she wasn't happy with it so she checked my urine which was clear but sent me to hospital to get checked so sat up there had a reading of 123/90 on a machine and then a reading of 110/60 on a manual cuff & pump 1min later, so they stuck with the lower number checked my urine again and sent me home.. Was pretty annoying but at least I got double checked.

Still have the headache but was told it's normal but 4days long is annoying me now.

I pumped up my birthing ball today (although I'm having a section) it's so comfy to sit on especially with my SPD :) might not be able to walk tomorrow tho :haha:
Babyv - I haven't tried swimming - That is a good idea!

Joyofmylife- I have a snoogle, its super awkward to lay on and I feel its kinda bulky but I am going to try it out tonight :) Thanks!

OMG! Baby Hudson was very active yesterday. This morning he was active but now I think he wore himself out haha. I just cannot wait to meet him!

26 weeks today! 4 weeks until Hawaii (I'll be 30 weeks) Then just 9 more weeks until I get to meet my son! I'm so excited! This pregnancy truly has gone by pretty fast! I am already ready to be done :)

Hope you ladies are having a great day ! Yesterday I ate too much sugar (which I think is why Hudson was active lol) But I get worried cuz my GTT is on May 5th - I better slow down on the sweets, but it is so hard!
Thanks girls.

Sammy I've been told that machines can be unreliable for pregnant ladies. I hope the headache goes soon though.

Happy 26 weeks babygirl :)

My ctg went well. We did thirty minutes of trace and didn't lose it once which they said is unusual at this gestation because they're still fairly small and wiggle away. It's because there isn't any movements, so it wasn't in my head like the Dr tried to make out. It was a good trace though, lots of accelerations and decels :) The mw was fabulous, she runs the DAU but she said she won't make an appointment for me because she just wants me to come in any time I'm worried or anxious whether that be once a week, fortnightly or every day :)
Thank you Tasha!

That's great news! What are CTG's?

Also someone mentioned earlier about tied lips or tongues on their babies? Is that cleft lip?
It's where they put two things on your tummy, one that follows the babies heartbeat and puts it on paper (so they can see if there is anything wrong) and one to check if you're contracting.

Tongue tie is the bit under your tongue, it's like a line connecting your tongue to bottom of your mouth, some babies are born with too much and it just makes feeding (breast in particular I think) tricky, so they made need it cut, same goes for the lip x
Lol Tasha, did you change your screen name and picture? That is hilarious!:haha::rofl:
Omg just logged on and thought we had another new lady :haha:

Tasha, are you having lady garden issues? :rofl:
Lol - I noticed earlier but it took me a while to figure out who it was!!! Tasha - you really shouldn't do this to a whole group of self confessed "baby brain" ladies :haha:
having a mower doing the bush would be soooo nice.... it's kind of a bitch to try to shave with the bump in the way :haha:

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