Morning sickness is creeping up on me. Last night I had a terrible bout of nausea and vomitting. Today, I'm feeling pretty naseous, no vomitting yet, but I have crazy heartburn. I am snacking on crackers at the moment because it helps with the nausea. DH swears that 7-up will make me feel better, but so far, it has not, but bless his little heart.
I've been eating a lot of doritos. That's all I think about eating. I was a vegetarian before getting pregnant with my daughter, but all I craved was bacon cheeseburgers and with the hyperemesis kicking my butt, I caved and got a burger and have been back to eating meat ever since. I tend to crave mostly carb-rich and greasy foods.
I have an appointment with my regular Dr. on Thursday. I wonder if she would agree to place an order for another beta hcg for me. I've already had 2 done, but I'd love to have another. I'd also like my progesterone levels checked. I don't see my OB until Dec. 13 and that seems like such a long time away from now. I'm feeling super anxious and impatient.