Is it a standard practice to have your bloodwork done so early on in pregnancy, and then repeated a few days later?
Just curious as I don't think I had any done so early on with my last pregnancy, just got a GP appointment with no tests of any kind, she just referred me to hospital where I had my booking appointment at around 9 weeks. Seems to be the same again, just got a doc's appointment in a couple of weeks with no need to go any earlier unless there is a problem.
I am getting blood work done because I had pretty significant bleeding within a day of my BFP. 4 days of what could be considered a light period. My doctor ordered an ultrasound to determine viability and 2 beta tests for HCG to make sure those levels are okay.
I just went to my Family doctor and ask him to confirm the pregnancy. Gave me exactly what I wanted after telling him about the bleeding without me even asking.