Hey everyone, glad you are all doing ok, albeit a bit nervous or nauseous!
I am starting to stress about my school again. Got one research paper done and almost done with this semester, but I have to find an art mentor for the courses I "have to"/get to design for Spring. I need my course contracts filled out and submitted by December 11, and my old art professor I thought was a shoe-in is not interested. I'm asking if she can ask if any of her colleagues are interested. It's minimal work, someone just has to skype or email me every couple weeks for a couple months, maybe monitor my online portfolio for art assignments, and they get a $480 stipend (not a paying job...but that's a nice bonus, for the amount of "work"). Ugh this is frustrating.
Anyone know someone with a Master's in the Arts, or 10 years professional work, that wants an easy part-time gig? heheh.
Now I also have to consider that I can't do some of the work I had intended for my senior year, like ceramics and oil paints are probably off-limits. I have a ton of canvas but I don't know if I can use it with watercolor (without heavy chemical applications). Maybe I should do my senior project in pâpier mâché?..?...lol.