Appointment went really well! All fine.
Baby is STILL free, infact midwife said VERY free
and she's LOL with more chance of going back to back! Little monkey.
Still, they're now not concerned at all after my appointment with the consultant last week which is great.
And I also learnt that my two favourite midwives are on call on Thursday night and Monday 8th baby you are allowed out anytime between 9-5pm....or Thursday or Monday
And that does bode well for my own feeling of Monday 8th.......eeeeee!! Which ever way it's looked at, it's really not going to be long until I hold my little girl!
Midwife was telling me about the manual handling course that they have to go on to prevent themselves obtaining any injuries etc......and the course RECOMMENDS to get a lady out of a pool in a homebirth situation that they SLIT THE POOL !!! And yes, thus allow all of the water to piss out all over the house
My midwife argued the point about what if they are in a high rise flat (houses & electricals underneath) or upstairs in a house - still the same. Do not lift a woman out, slit the pool
LUCKILY she doesn't agree lol I said you dare do that in my house, you'll be paying for new carpets!!!! How silly though?!?!!!