well my DD got worse today she threw up what felt like a gallon of liquid all over me and her we both had to get in the shower it was horrible!!! my hubby thought it was hysterical cuz I was covered in vomit gagging..so I made him clean the recliner she puked all over then he didn't think it was so funny shes at the dr now we're hoping its just a 24 hr bug or something..i'll be devastated if shes sick when I go into labor and cant come visit me..ive never been away from her for more than 24 hours and the time I was away from her for 24 hours I cried like a baby from the moment she left until she got back home and she was with her dad the whole time!!
oh nooooo! Hopefully like you say it's a bug and she will be well soon.
Try not to think of worst case scenarios. I'm sure she will be well soon and will be able to come and visit. Hope you don't get the bug too! X