~*~* July Sunbeams *~*~43 Babies Here So Far!!! 25 Boys / 18 Girls

proud im having the exact issue! marli wont latch properly to my right and ive found if i express it a little just before her feed she will latch, my main issue is im too full and she cant get on!
Here is Coltyn at 3 1/2 weeks! I have to say I love how his eyes bug out! LOL!


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Thanks for sharing pics, Joey and Coltyn are such handsome little heartbreakers!

Counting, genius on the do-it-yourself Moby!

Proud, I'm having the same issue (but opposite breast). In my case, it seems like my left nipple is a bit flatter than the right so she has quite a time latching to it. I've read Medela makes a product that you can wear to shape the nipple, I may look into that. I'm not sure that is the issue though because I get really full also. I'm going to try pumping a little before feeding her first to see if that fixes things.
My little boy was born on 1st of July , weighted 6 lb at 37 weeks , I been induced due to pre eclampsia .


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They admitted me!!!! After being sent home last night I came back tonight and am at 5cm!!!my epidural is on its way! I will update the front page in afew days when I'm home
Congrats rabab!!

Good luck tlh!! Can't wait to see your LO!!
Morning all, hope everyone is well.

A bit tired today and seems there will be no chance of a nap with the all the noise going on at the moment. Oh well, have plenty to do today, including going to find a new pram as we are not getting on with the silvercross we started off with.

Hope everyone else has a good day.

Baby Clark came into the world yesterday, shocking most of us by being an 8lb girl! She was 8 lbs even and 21 inches long. She made her debut at 4:39p after I started pitocin at around 7:30 am! She is gorgeous and we are so very in love! I'll try to get pictures and a birth story soon! She shares her July 8th birthday with my best friend from grade school through high school and my grandfather who passed away 23 years ago.

Good luck today Alice! Hope you get to meet your LO soon.

Good luck to everyone considering/having sweeps done in the upcoming days!

Congratulations on the birth of your little girl! How lovely that she shares a birthday with your friend & grandfather :happydance::thumbup::flower:

Our little girl arrived 29/6 Emelia Grace weighing 6lb12oz we are so happy :)

Congratulations on your little girl, lovely name :happydance::thumbup::flower:

So baby is breech... estimating at almost 9lbs. I'm being scheduled for a c section before the end of the week. Scared.

Those of you who've had c sections...what do I need to pack differently? Anything special I should buy? How hard will breastfeeding be afterwards?

So sorry to hear this Becca - It is shame you have to have a c-section. Thinking of you and sending best wishes that both you & your LO have an easy time of it :hugs:

Counting your little man is precious :)

Ugh having difficulty latching LO on my right breast. Is this normal to have difficulty with one side but absolutely no problem with the other?

I usually find one side easier than the other, but I have noticed for me, it depends on which direction I am facing. I think depending what side of a bed I am sitting on affects how I position me & Ellie and sometimes I am leaning further to one side than I realise. Some shifting around usually works for us.

Proud, not sure if it's normal for one side or the other, but I had issues latching Coltyn onto my left side. I continued to use the nipple shield for a bit longer but here we are starting yesterday fully feeding on both sides without a nipple shield! We have moments when it takes him a good 5 mins or so to get latched properly, but we get it. Good luck getting your LO to latch on to both sides!

Counting, your little man is precious!! I love how you made something like a moby wrap yourself! I was thinking about getting one but it might be easier doing something like that! My sister was also thinking about getting one. I'm going to call her and let her know too!

I am having such a hard time at night trying to feed Coltyn. I am just so tired and I feel it's quicker to pump and feed him rather than to just feed him. I'm getting frustrated with myself because I am so tired and feel I should put him straight to the breast but at the same time, I'm just so exhausted! I get to sleep around 2am every night and up again around 3 or 4 to feed him and then he will keep waking up. Giving him a bottle of expressed milk allows him to sleep for the entire 3 hours instead of waking up every 1-2 hrs. I feel like I'm being selfish but at the same time, I'm so mean and grumpy when I'm tired!

Here is Coltyn at 3 1/2 weeks! I have to say I love how his eyes bug out! LOL!

I sympathise entirely! It is very hard work when they go through their growth spurts! I have had occasions in the middle of the night when it seems like Ellie will never sleep that I feel like crying myself! Don't beat yourself up over giving him expressed milk - it's still breast milk at the end of the day. You need to look after yourself too to make sure you can look after him properly. :hugs:

He is a lovely little boy, love the new pictures :thumbup:

My little boy was born on 1st of July , weighted 6 lb at 37 weeks , I been induced due to pre eclampsia .
View attachment 641755

Congratulations on the birth of your little boy!
congrats rahab!!

good luck tlh!

missB hope you at least get to rest a little today!!

i'm feeling kinda 'off' today, but at least I don't have LO to look after :), he's at nursery. Actually managed a decent amount of sleep last night, about 10.30-4!! not had that sort of stretch in a while :), didn't sleep well after that but not bad :).

Ladies struggling with the bfeeding at night, I remember sooo well, only thing other than expressing a little off so baby isn't trying to latch onto an engorged breast I can say is persevere, this hard stage doesn't last forever and in the long run its way easier to pick baby up, feed and your done, rather than faff with a pump, bottle etc! once baby is bigger they'll latch without even thinking and be sooo efficient at getting loads of milk out you'll be done feeding in minutes :) xx
They admitted me!!!! After being sent home last night I came back tonight and am at 5cm!!!my epidural is on its way! I will update the front page in afew days when I'm home

How exciting! Best of luck hope all is well with you & LO x x
Caro103 - Sorry to hear you are feeling off - hope you can get some rest today too. Good to hear the BF gets easier, I am always glad to hear positive stories.
My little girl was born July 10th at 3:33am she is 9lbs 6oz 21.5 inches long! I ended up delivering her alone..hubbys parents still haven't made it but she came fast the Dr was down the hall and barely made it in time to deliver her
Tlh - so big for 38 weeks! No wonder she was in such a hurry to get here! Congratulations!

I'll respond to more when I'm on the computer and not my phone. Just laying in bed cuddling my 3 year old for the last morning before a newborn joins us.
Caro, thanks for the positive breastfeeding story! It is hard at night when you are just so tired. Thankfully my husband helps a lot (he'll burp her, change her, and settle her back down to sleep) but usually she cluster feeds from 1-5ish and that's all me lol.

Tlh, congratulations! :happydance: What a big girl, can't wait to see pictures, I bet she is so beautiful!

Rabab, congratulations! :D your little man is so cute!
Congrats tlh what a big girl :)

Thanks for all the reassurance ladies. It's good to know I'm not alone on one breast being more difficult. It can be very frustrating. I have found if I stimulate my nipple some before trying to latch her it helps some. My right one is a little flatter than the left so I think that has something to do with it. And I believe my let down may be faster on the right which I think is what's causing her to readjust after I get her latched well. I'm trying hard to stick it out but I admittedly have had some I'm gonna give up thoughts. Going on two weeks now though and I feel very proud of myself! I've made it much much farther this Time than with my first :happydance:
Congrats tlh ... Woohoooo :cloud9:

To those struggling with breastfeeding, keep at it! As someone else said it really does get easier...Once you've got it Sussed! And so much easier in the long run. I almost gave up too, but glad I persevered. Which reminds me I've got to find my pump!
Breastfeeding was SO hard those first few weeks. Chapped/bleeding nipples, exhaustion, I even got thrush! (that was dire. I cried just thinking about Jessica's next feed!) It was all so much work but honestly after a month or so it was such second nature. I think they really should tell all new moms that you are GOING to feel like you're failing. It's intense but will get to be sooo easy. You'll be glad you stuck with it when you realize how many bottles you don't have to wash! LOL

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