June Angel Baby Mommas Hoping for Rainbows!!

Angel: What day are you currently on (I don't see a chart attached)? I'm a late ovulator myself. Usually day 17-23 (I really hate having such a range).

Meli: For some reason I have been picturing your uncle as a second father type. Someone who you have always been close to and who has always been kind to you. Now you have painted a very different picture of him and now I think you are really an awesome person for wanting to help what appears to be a not-so-nice man who isn't even all that close to your family. Personally, if I were you and wanted to donate an organ to someone I would just sign the back of my driver's license where they ask if you want to be an organ donor and let fate work it out. I would not put my life and TTC on hold for him. If you still want to donate and you are a match then do what your heart tells you to do. I am sorry if that comes across as strong, but I believe in giving to those who have given or who have great potential and I'm just not seeing it. Perhaps I am not a very generous person (I think I need to reflect some on this).

Timer just went off on dinner, so I'll take the quiz tomorrow.
My Ovulation Chart

Think today might be ovulation day.
Meli, what is your favorite genre of books? Do you have a favorite author?
That weather report is insane Angel!

Okay, here's my quiz, what a cute idea!

Where is my cell phone?
On my desk

Yes, married June 2008 been together since January 2005!

Your hair?
Blonde, going even blonder on Wednesday! Naturally golden blonde.

Your mother?
Haven't spoken since 2009, it's complicated!

Your father?
Passed away from Lung cancer in 2010, he was my best friend :(

Your favorite thing?
Loads! So hard to choose one! Watching Disney dvds with Eva or drinking wine!

Favorite drink?
Dry white wine!

What room are you in?
Office at work!

Your hobby?
Bear making, knitting, reading

Your fear?
Losing a child/baby

Where do you want to be in 6 years?
Have two children, debt free, savings for a house deposit, new car!

Where were you last night?

Something that you aren't good at?
I have no patience!

Wish list item?
Ipod and American diner style bar stools for new house and a million other things!

Last thing you did?
Paid a bill!

What are you wearing?
Purple and black dress with peter pan collar and a bright purple cardigan!

Your pets?
A cat called Sonny but we don't get on, I'm not a cat person and our relationship is one of great comic value in our home!

Have a lot of friends from moving around lots, it's hard to keep up with them all but I have a great relationship with my best friends.

Your mood?

Double chocca mocca

Your car?
Nissan Micra called 'Nip nip!'

Something you're not wearing?

Your favorite store?
Knitting shop, home bargains, charity shops, primark!

Your favorite color?
Emerald green, red and purple

Favorite Book?
Me before you jojo moyles, Time travellers wife Audrey Niffenegger, Hunger Games trilogy, Northern Lights trilogy, Brass Helen Walsh etc etc!

Favorite Movie?

When is the last time you cried?
The other night in bed thinking about my dad and how he looked when he took his last breathe :(

Favorite place to eat?
Hope & Anchor, cosy pub for Sunday lunch!

Favorite place I'd like to be right now?
Having a nice breakfast somewhere not here!

Which would you prefer, Harry Potty or Twilight?
Harry Potter!
Btw, Angel, do you know where you can buy a chip from beauty and the beast mug? That's like the most adorable thing in the whole world, I want one if it does exist!


I think there is one on the American ebay but it's from Japan and it costs a fortune! 90 in dollars x
Where is my cell phone?
In my bedroom, charging.

Yes, married since 2003, started dating in 1995!

Your hair?
Blonde,but they are highlights. I am a natural blonde, but it is dark blonde.

Your mother?
We speak almost every day and she is one of the kindest people ever.

Your father?
Very close to my dad as well.

Your favorite thing?
I love to cook, run, read and watch movies

Favorite drink?
Wine; red in the winter and white in the summer.

What room are you in?
Breakfast room

Your hobby?
Cooking and working out (balance, right?)

Your fear?
Death and bugs.

Where do you want to be in 6 years?
I have no idea! I just sort of hope we don't move again.

Where were you last night?

Something that you aren't good at?
Sitting still.

Wish list item?
To get Charlotte to sleep through the night again and for her to stop wetting the bed!

Last thing you did?
Ate breakfast

What are you wearing?
Black pants, teal green shirt

Your pets?
Two Cavalier King Charles Spaniels: Chevy and Rufus. My first babies.

A few close friends from high school and collage and a lot of other people I consider friends from all the different places we have lived.

Your mood?

Nothing at the moment

Your car?
A GMC Acadia and a Mercedes (trying to sell it)

Something you're not wearing?
Makeup (still need to do that this morning)

Your favorite store?

Your favorite color?
Light aqua blue, pink and kelly green

Favorite Book?
Don't really have a favorite, but I read tons.

Favorite Movie?
Top Gun (first one I thought of, but not sure if it really my favorite anymore).

When is the last time you cried?
It's been a while, so that is a good thing.

Favorite place to eat?
Anywhere, but home is a treat!

Favorite place I'd like to be right now?
At my parents house

Which would you prefer, Harry Potty or Twilight?
Harry Potter, of course!
I'm loving the quiz!

'To get Charlotte to sleep through the night again' I have this wish for Eva too actually! We've regressed also from her being able to self settle and we now lye down with her until she falls asleep each night and if she wakes up in the night. This as well as her coming in our bed every morning at 1am! I haven't a clue where to start but maybe the move could be a good inspiration!

I notice it's Charlotte's 3rd birthday soon! What are you doing with her?

ps Awww, your mum and dad sound lush! x x
Btw, Angel, do you know where you can buy a chip from beauty and the beast mug? That's like the most adorable thing in the whole world, I want one if it does exist!


I think there is one on the American ebay but it's from Japan and it costs a fortune! 90 in dollars x

I don't! I saw it on Pinterest and fell in love!! I love dinsey movies as well and Beauty and the Beast is one of my faves!! Peter Pan is coming out of the vault in Feb and I can't wait to get it for Carter!
Vegas, how do you like your GMC? Is that have a third row? Is it like driving a tank?
Btw, Angel, do you know where you can buy a chip from beauty and the beast mug? That's like the most adorable thing in the whole world, I want one if it does exist!


I think there is one on the American ebay but it's from Japan and it costs a fortune! 90 in dollars x

I don't! I saw it on Pinterest and fell in love!! I love dinsey movies as well and Beauty and the Beast is one of my faves!! Peter Pan is coming out of the vault in Feb and I can't wait to get it for Carter!

Oh bum! Oooh Peter Pan though, I'll get it for Eva, yaay x
It feels like forever since I came on! Lots going on over here. Will get to that after I catch up!

First, thanks to everyone in regards to losing that job. It sucks, but it was only freelance, thank goodness. I didn't lose my actual main job (although I am still looking to replace it with one closer to the new house!)

sweetmomma, I've added :bfp: in my siggie too!

Angel, I have the ultrasound pics stashed away in our desk, I actually forgot where I had put them until I was searching through the desk for something else. I'm sure I'll find a better place for them soon, probably after we move. I have a box of pictures and other memories from the last decade or so, I will probably move them in there. FX that the other night was the night! And on the tornado thing... it's ridiculous isn't it! We woke up Sunday to our cars covered in ice, Monday it was 70.

vegas, so glad you're enjoying your new job! I use my OPKs when I get home from work, usually, around 2:30-3. Yesterday, though, I drove straight to a friend's house after work and didn't want to use it there, so I totally did it here at work! Luckily the bathroom is right across from my office, so I was able to just slip out and into the office and set the test off to the side.

Meli, what you said about when your DH gets sad about the mc... I agree. It does sound horrible, but it's nice to sometimes see they have emotions too. My OH tries to be strong for me when it comes to things that make me sad, so seeing that it does effect him reminds me he's human too. I'm sorry about your uncle's behavior. It's a very personal decision as to whether or not you still want to donate to him. I agree with everything Angel said.

Jasmine, yay on the house! Any more news on it? We're having some issues with ours :-/

jenn, I realize your post from when you should've been doing paperwork is almost a week old, but it made me laugh because I'm sitting at work and I actually have work to do, but I just really wanted to come on here and catch up! Sorry af got you! My last one was a lot worse too, not quite as bad as yours sounds! Love your vday idea!

I know there's a whoooole lot more I can respond to but I'm feeling totally impatient and want to get something posted because I missed you ladies!

I started responding on the other thread but then moved my response to this one. Are we stopping on that other one and moving here permanently?

AFM, lots going on. We were supposed to close on the house today, but it's not happening. The seller bought the house last July with the intent to rehab and flip it. He never got an appraisal and didn't express intent to sell. Apparently, this causes problems for us, and now there's more paperwork and stuff to be done, which puts off our closing. Our realtor should have known this so we could've had it all done in time - OH flipped on her the other day about that. I can say I WON'T recommend her to anyone, she's been so much trouble. Hopefully we'll be closing by the end of next week... we can't handle the stress of it all anymore, especially OH.

Speaking of the stress, we've been arguing a lot because of it. He's stressing BAD, and it makes him grumpy. The arguments always end with him apologizing saying it's his fault, which is very different as he has a hard time seeing himself as wrong, ever. His attempt to quit smoking failed, which doesn't surprise me with all the stress. He just switched to ecigs when the kit we ordered came in yesterday, so hopefully that will help.

We had a long talk the other day... well he mostly talked, I just listened. He's a very open person always, the most honest person I've ever known, he speaks his mind and his feelings even when they're inappropriate, but this time he was more open then he's ever been. He even cried (if he knew I told he'd die!). He got me crying... he talked about the miscarriage. He said "I wanted a son so fucking bad," talked about how knowing a baby was on the way motivated him to be a better person and then the baby was no longer on the way and he was lost.

I babble. Moving on... I've been searching for a new job to replace this one for when we move. I had an interview that ended up pissing me off. I drove an hour to get there to find out that the job I had applied for was given away and they wanted to interview me to do their web stuff... wish they would have told me because it's not a "job," it's more freelance - one day a week. I need a REAL job. A waste of 2 hours of driving and an hour of interviewing. I have an interview tomorrow for a work from home position, that would be awesome! I used to do that and loved it... would be even better WHEN (not if!) a baby is in the picture.

I've been using the OPKs since they came in the mail last week. Got a super close to positive yesterday, positive today (I couldn't help it, I used FMU), and we bd'd last night. FX! I feel good about this one. Also, the bd'ing was AMAZING, so that's a definite plus :haha:

Hope everyone is doing well today! Hopefully I won't disappear for so long again!

Wow..that weather is INSANE!

GL on your O day yesterday-did you get lots of BD’ing in??

I like all different types of genres. Fiction, non-fiction, biographies, autobiographies, atm I am reading “The Infertility Cure” and “Inconceivable”. I should be able to finish at least one book this weekend while we’re at the mountains!


Unfortunately, no, my uncle is def not a second father type of figure. You make some VERY valid points also…thanks for your input!!

I know…my uncle sounds like such a horrible person. Tbh, I really don’t know where all the bitterness comes from, I don’t know who crapped in his cornflakes, there is nobody else in my family who is like him. He is really difficult and that truly makes it difficult for those who want to help him!! He’s always been such a moody, crabby person.

I have to say that the ONE redeeming quality I can point to is this: He is a great father (in his own twisted way). He has a 21 y/o daughter, divorced her mother when she was about 6 y/o. He fought for, and was granted primary custody. His whole life has been about raising his daughter, doing what’s best for her, working hard to be able to give her the best he can, private school education, he never even really had any real relationships after his divorce. It’s obvious he loves his daughter, would do anything for her, he lived his life for her. Now, that’s resulted in a spoiled brat, but that’s another story….It’s sad because he kept her from coming around us. We don’t really know her, we prob see her once a year or so, although we are ALWAYS reaching out to her. When she graduated high school, we had a party for her, do you know the comment she made (when she thought nobody was listening, but I heard her?). She had brought a friend with her to her party, and she told her friend “I didn’t want to come, but I’m so glad I did” as she gestured to all the cash she received from us as grad gifts. I never even told my family about this comment- I just couldn’t. I didn’t want to disappoint them. My uncle’s bitterness kept him from bringing her around, and that’s so sad, because we are such a large and united family. All she hears is all the negative stuff he puts in her head. Her mom isn’t a great mom at all, as a matter of fact, she cant stand her mom, she doesn’t get along with her. Now her dad is sick, who knows if he will recover. Then what will she be left with? Yes, her father will leave her an inheritance, but what about family, and people to ground her and support her?? It’s truly sad because I’m sure he never thought this would ever happen to him. I guess my point is that the only reason I would still consider it is because he has a daughter, and the little bit of good in him I can see are from his efforts to raise her. If my father needed it, and I wasn’t a match, I would be desperate for someone to help him. I have to just say that truly, if the recipient was my DH, SS, mother, father, brothers, sil, niece, nephews, even many cousins, aunts or uncles, I would not hesitate to do it. not at all!! It makes it SO difficult when the person is estranged, but I just feel so sorry for him and his daughter, I truly pity them.

On another note, I just paid for FF for 1 year membership, they have a special on FB, I set up an FB acct quickly using my work email, got the FF promo code, paid for membership, then cancelled the FB acct…hee hee how sneaky am I lol!
Got the work done that I needed to do so I can do the quiz now!

Where is my cell phone?
On my desk right now


Your hair?
Brown. I used to color it A LOT, but since I can't get to my friend's (who is also my hairdresser and amazing at it!) house to do it often anymore, I don't. He taught me how to color it myself but I miss the highlights!

Your mother?
A pain in the butt, but I love her

Your father?
Love him! He's awesome

Your favorite thing?
Too broad a question! Hmm... Cupcakes, getting a massage from OH, waking up and not having to go to work... so much more!

Favorite drink?
Water, 7-Up, apple juice, moscato or margarita

What room are you in?
Office at work

Your hobby?
Web stuff, television and movies. I really need a life! Haha

Your fear?
Being alone

Where do you want to be in 6 years?
With a family (2-3 kids), with OH, in our home with all the work on it completed, debt free would be nice!

Where were you last night?

Something that you aren't good at?
I have no patience! <<< I agree with Jasmine here! I'm also bad at expressing my emotions, sadness comes out as anger.

Wish list item?
Besides the obvious - baby? :winkwink: Stuff for the new house - bamboo blinds, area rugs, new sofa, lamps

Last thing you did?
Solved a problem that was pissing me off at work

What are you wearing?
Dark jeans, red sweater, black hoodie, sneakers

Your pets?
Gracie (10 1/2) and Capone (10 months) - cats

I keep a small group of in person friends, two that I'm closer to than the rest

Your mood?
Ready to go home from work! In a good mood.


Your car?
Bright red Mazda 3

Something you're not wearing?

Your favorite store?
Hmm... I love thrift stores!

Your favorite color?
Blue, red, green

Favorite Book?
Don't really have one, haven't read books in awhile

Favorite Movie?
Zombie movies!

When is the last time you cried?
Last night when I was fighting with OH. All is good now!

Favorite place to eat?
I love the pizza at the hole in the wall down the street from my brother, Chili's

Favorite place I'd like to be right now?

Which would you prefer, Harry Potty or Twilight?
Neither. Booooo.

I remember you saying that your father passed away in 2010. My heart breaks for you! I cannot imagine going through something like that. It must have been so difficult to see his last breath, so I assume you were with him, and I’m sure that must have been a huge comfort for him, although it probably was the most difficult thing you’ve gone through. I just hope I have the strength to be there, and be strong for my loved ones, if ever in the same situation. You don’t have to comment back on this, I don’t want to be a buzzkill, but I just had to say it….:hug:


I love the names of your pets!! Peepers and Bugs!! Sometimes I tell DH that I want a pet just so I can name them cute names….like Bon Bon (Spanish for marshmallow), or Peanut, or Mr. Snuggles, those names crack me up!

I know you asked vegas about her car, I hope she is happier with hers than my family’s experience with it. My SIL had one for 2 years, it was always breaking down, always in the shop, left her stranded on the freeway with the kids in the car!!! They finally got an attorney and sued GMC under the lemon law. They were able to return the car to the dealer, get their down payment back, and all the monthly payments they had made in those 2 years. Basically, they drove that car for 2 years for free. I think when they bought it, it was the first year the Acadia model came out. I guess that’s why they say to never buy a car when the new model first comes out---give it a couple years for them to work out the kinks that invariably pop up. Hoping that vegas’ experience is NOTHING like my SIL’s!!


So nice to hear from you! We were about to send out a search party lol! I just figured you were really busy with new house business, and hoping you weren’t in depression mode due to those stupid stupid people that let you go.

I think the intention is to move over permanently to this thread now.

I’m sorry to hear of all the stress with your new house., but I’m sure it will all be worth it when all is said and done!! I’m so excited for you. FX that it closes next week!

I know what you mean of stress and arguing. DH has been kind of grumpy this last week also….but I know it’s due to the money he’s spending on the front yard and shutters. He’s kind of, hummmm, how shall I say it? TIGHT! And that’s a lot of cash to spend all at once…I totally understand and just let him vent, I let things slide, SS and I just look at each other and give each other “the look” LOL!

I hope your DH is successful in quitting smoking-the ecigs are a step in the right direction!!

I know it was hard to hear all that DH said, but I’m glad he shared his feelings with you. My DH is the same way (open, honest, speaks his mind even when its inappropriate sometimes, although I wonder if sometimes I am just too sensitive?) but he’s not that way in regards to his feelings..I have to yank those out of him sometimes, I try not to because then I cry and I hate crying!!!

:dust: FX that you will get pg soon and DH will find his motivation again to be a better person. Motivation is a strong driver of behaviors, that’s for sure! As a matter of fact, now I'm remembering that when my brother had his first child, he stopped smoking too! He was a social smoker, but quit when my nephew was born.

That stinks about the wasted time, energy, and fuel! FX that you get this work at home position, because like you said, it would be even better WHEN you get your rainbow!! I think last night was the babymaker.......

You and vegas motivated to buy some IC’s from ebay this week, 50 opk’s and 20 hpt’s for $9.99. They should arrive by tomorrow, a few days before I’ll need them. I still have about 15-20 Dollar Store opk’s but will use them along with the IC’s when they start getting darker.

Good news! DH just texted me pix of our front yard--concrete has been poured, just waiting for it to set a lil more, then the colored concrete stamping will begin!! SO excited to get home and see results in person. We are going to the mountains this weekend so I prob wont be able to respond until Monday, but I’ll def be stalking the thread until then!
So that's where Stef's been! Having loads of special kisses and amazing sex with Blake! :haha: I love that name btw! Ahh, so happy for ya! Make sure to get in a couple more of those sessions to seal the deal for this month! If you caught the start of your surge today you still have a couple more days of fun!

Meli, I see why you're facing such a dilema with your uncle, that's really a hard one. I hope you come to the right decision or just a decision at least, it doesn't seem like there is a right one in this case!

Talking of books, has anyone read 'The fault in our stars?' It's on my wishlist but quite expensive on the kindle so wondered if you guys had read it, it's supposed to be amazing, sad topic but really good. Also, have my eye on some Rosamund Pilcher books but have never read any of hers. I'm also going to check out 'the Forgotton Garden' too Angel.

I'm absolutely shattered tonight, coming down with a cold, luckily I have the day off tomorrow so I can have a lazy morning :)

Stef, good luck with getting your house closed off. We move on the 28th February, slightly later date than planned but the main thing is, the house is ours now! It's off the market and just sitting there waiting for us! So exciting! x
Jasmine: I think it is something to do with their age with regards to the not sleeping well. Let's just hope it's a phase. I don't let Charlotte sleep with us, but I do go and to the guest bedroom as it is next to her room and I can hear her better if she needs me. So I spend the first half of the night in my bed and the second half of the night on the other side of the house. The up side is that I can't hear my dh snoring.

Angel: Yes, it is the one with the third row. Actually, it is very easy to handle and not tank-like at all (much smaller than a Yukon or similar). I love it! We keep the third row folded down most of the time for extra storage.

Stef: Welcome back! Sorry that your closing is delayed and your realtor isn't the brightest, but you are still working on getting it closed so that is good. I hope you get that work at home position as it sounds perfect! Also, I think I might want to change my favorite thing to cupcakes. Just thinking about them makes me happy.

Meli: Yikes about the Acadia! Hopefully, mine won't be a lemon. I bought it certified pre-owned so it has a warranty (it is a 2009, so not the first year). So far so good, but I've only had it since November (as I was anticipating needing a larger vehicle at the time). I want to see your yard when it is all done. I know it will be beautiful. Also, I know you will love you new IC tests. All of testing, none of the guilt. Have fun on your trip.

Jasmine: So happy you have your move date set! I haven't read any of those books you mentioned. I am currently reading the newest Janet Evanovich book and then I plan on reading some mystery mom my sent me. I mainly stick to fiction. I still need to read the second two "Fifty Shades". I wasn't all that impressed with the first one, but I still want to see where it goes. Did anyone else read them?

Nothing more to say today. DD was up from 4am on last night as she has a cold, so I am quite tired. Really hoping to get some sleep tonight.
So much to respond to!

Welcome back Stef!!! Awesome news on the upcoming ovulation and fantastic BDing. Maybe if I finally O'd today or will tomorrow, we will be right with each other! As for you oh, that is great that he is so open with you and was able to express those kinds of emotions and let you see him cry. Also, sorry the closing got delayed. Hopefully once the paper work is done things will go smoothly! Sorry about your wasted time with that interview, hopefully the one tomorrow will go well. Are you guys just moving houses in St. Louis or moving cities? Lastly, I love your cat's name, Capone!!

Meli, Now that you have explained why you want to donate, it makes tons more sense to me and very honorable. Also, thanks for the info on the GMC. I really want a minivan, but I am not sure if I can get dh to get a "grocery getter", as he calls it. I got my dog's name from a Stephen King novel. It was the name of one of the character's pet rock. I named the cat Bugs because he used to do a cute little hopping thing like Bugs Bunny. I really like the name Bon Bon! That would be so cute on like a Pomeranian!

Jasmine, I haven't read that book, but will have to look it up. And Pilcher. The Forgotten Garden was very good and so is one of her other books Distant Hours. I still have to read her other two, but I am very much looking forward to it!

Vegas, We really need something with a third row and more storage by the time I have another baby. I baby sit another little boy, a 2yr as well and I have a double stroller for the boys. There is NO way it will fit in the trunk of my Malibu, so I have to put it in my front seat and it is such a hassle to get in and out! Which Evanovich are you reading, isn't she a popular author that also writes using another name? I have read all of the fifty books. I hate to start something I can't finish, so I read all three, but I DID NOT like them! I got very irritated reading them and it did nothing for my libido!
Does anyone have any names picked out? For a girl it would be Kinsley Monroe and for a boy possible Lucas Alexander.

Also, who are your top 5 hotties?
1. The Character Gannicus (from Spartacus on Starz) (his real name is Dustin Clare, but I am more in love with the character)
2. Adam Levine
3. Johnny Depp
4. Gerard Butler
5. Ryan Reynolds
Stef - I have no patience! <<< I agree with Jasmine here! I'm also bad at expressing my emotions, sadness comes out as anger. THIS IS ME TOO! X

Meli - Thanks so much for for kind words about my dad. It was the hardest thing that I have ever done staying with him in those last few days. We got the call that we needed to go to Wales where I am from ASAP (about a 4 hour drive) so we left straight away, when we got to the hospital we were told it was a matter of hours until he died but he held on for 9 DAYS. During that time the cancer had attacked his brain and it sent him mad, this was not nice at all, they had to sedate him heavily but even so he was strong enough to communicate with us by squeezing our hands, wiggling his toes etc. We were able to have a private room after the first two days and we listened to a lot of music and talked to him a lot, about memories and just tried to comfort him as best we could. Although, it was the hardest thing I have ever done, I will also cherish those last few days I spent with him and I'm proud that as a family we were all there for him in his final moments. The weirdest thing happened, about ten minutes before he died the really heavy metal hospital door to his room opened on it's own, really slowly, this happened twice, almost like someone was coming to collect him. Gives me shivers thinking about it. I think the hardest thing with my dad was that he was only given the diagnosis 5 weeks before he died, all he wanted was a time frame but the couldn't give him one. I miss him so much.

Sorry about that, I think that needed to come out actually!

Vegas - yes, I am thinking that when they get to the grand old age of 3, they start getting ready for school, they have so much energy! Their tantrums are more intense, it's definitely harder having a toddler than a baby! Next time, I won't let the baby in our bed though at all, like you, I'll persevere another way! Oh no, is your OH a bad snorer then?

Angel - I had a name picked out for a boy it was Flynn but I was saying to OH last night that because that name was picked out for my angel it might feel a bit weird still using it, almost like it helps me to have closure by not using it, does that make sense? I love the name though but one of my friend's gave birth to a Finley who she calls Finn (this was like a few days after my mc, grrr) so it's maybe too close, I like to be individual so I wouldn't like it if people were constantly going 'Oh, Gemma has a Finn and you have a Flynn' Also, our surname is Gladstone so as the name would be Flynn Stephen Gladstone, it might remind people of Flintstone! Anyway, I may use it still but probably not. What do people think about the Finn/Flynn and Flintstone issue? Be honest! I'm leaning more towards 'Lennon' for a boy now as my dad and OH are HUGE Beatles fans and I love surname names for boys, just like Carter! I think they sound so cool! For a girl I like Astrid, Willow and Fawn.

Hmmm, as for hotties I quite like John Paul White from The Civil Wars (band)


He looks NOTHING like my OH, hehe! Oooh, I love Johnny Depp too, he looks a bit like him too! Out of your hotties I quite like Ryan Reynolds too, he looks more like my OH's type too!

Hope you get your temp rise Angel x I started my digital opks today, no smiley so just as well, OH is away over night, phewff x x x

Have a GREAT time at the mountains Meli, speak soon x x
John Paul White looks like one of those guys that doesn't start out hot, but as you here songs from them, or see them more they grow on you! I like the name Flynn, but I really like Lennon!

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