It feels like forever since I came on! Lots going on over here. Will get to that after I catch up!
First, thanks to everyone in regards to losing that job. It sucks, but it was only freelance, thank goodness. I didn't lose my actual main job (although I am still looking to replace it with one closer to the new house!)
sweetmomma, I've added

in my siggie too!
Angel, I have the ultrasound pics stashed away in our desk, I actually forgot where I had put them until I was searching through the desk for something else. I'm sure I'll find a better place for them soon, probably after we move. I have a box of pictures and other memories from the last decade or so, I will probably move them in there. FX that the other night was the night! And on the tornado thing... it's ridiculous isn't it! We woke up Sunday to our cars covered in ice, Monday it was 70.
vegas, so glad you're enjoying your new job! I use my OPKs when I get home from work, usually, around 2:30-3. Yesterday, though, I drove straight to a friend's house after work and didn't want to use it there, so I totally did it here at work! Luckily the bathroom is right across from my office, so I was able to just slip out and into the office and set the test off to the side.
Meli, what you said about when your DH gets sad about the mc... I agree. It does sound horrible, but it's nice to sometimes see they have emotions too. My OH tries to be strong for me when it comes to things that make me sad, so seeing that it does effect him reminds me he's human too. I'm sorry about your uncle's behavior. It's a very personal decision as to whether or not you still want to donate to him. I agree with everything Angel said.
Jasmine, yay on the house! Any more news on it? We're having some issues with ours :-/
jenn, I realize your post from when you should've been doing paperwork is almost a week old, but it made me laugh because I'm sitting at work and I actually have work to do, but I just really wanted to come on here and catch up! Sorry af got you! My last one was a lot worse too, not quite as bad as yours sounds! Love your vday idea!
I know there's a whoooole lot more I can respond to but I'm feeling totally impatient and want to get something posted because I missed you ladies!
I started responding on the other thread but then moved my response to this one. Are we stopping on that other one and moving here permanently?
AFM, lots going on. We were supposed to close on the house today, but it's not happening. The seller bought the house last July with the intent to rehab and flip it. He never got an appraisal and didn't express intent to sell. Apparently, this causes problems for us, and now there's more paperwork and stuff to be done, which puts off our closing. Our realtor should have known this so we could've had it all done in time - OH flipped on her the other day about that. I can say I WON'T recommend her to anyone, she's been so much trouble. Hopefully we'll be closing by the end of next week... we can't handle the stress of it all anymore, especially OH.
Speaking of the stress, we've been arguing a lot because of it. He's stressing BAD, and it makes him grumpy. The arguments always end with him apologizing saying it's his fault, which is very different as he has a hard time seeing himself as wrong, ever. His attempt to quit smoking failed, which doesn't surprise me with all the stress. He just switched to ecigs when the kit we ordered came in yesterday, so hopefully that will help.
We had a long talk the other day... well he mostly talked, I just listened. He's a very open person always, the most honest person I've ever known, he speaks his mind and his feelings even when they're inappropriate, but this time he was more open then he's ever been. He even cried (if he knew I told he'd die!). He got me crying... he talked about the miscarriage. He said "I wanted a son so fucking bad," talked about how knowing a baby was on the way motivated him to be a better person and then the baby was no longer on the way and he was lost.
I babble. Moving on... I've been searching for a new job to replace this one for when we move. I had an interview that ended up pissing me off. I drove an hour to get there to find out that the job I had applied for was given away and they wanted to interview me to do their web stuff... wish they would have told me because it's not a "job," it's more freelance - one day a week. I need a REAL job. A waste of 2 hours of driving and an hour of interviewing. I have an interview tomorrow for a work from home position, that would be awesome! I used to do that and loved it... would be even better WHEN (not if!) a baby is in the picture.
I've been using the OPKs since they came in the mail last week. Got a super close to positive yesterday, positive today (I couldn't help it, I used FMU), and we bd'd last night. FX! I feel good about this one. Also, the bd'ing was AMAZING, so that's a definite plus
Hope everyone is doing well today! Hopefully I won't disappear for so long again!