Hi guys, can I join?
I got my BFP today! My cycles are very irregular and I didn't suspect I'd got pregnant this month because I've not felt sick or tired (which I was by this stage with my son) and also because I have really irregular unpredictable cycles. But a few days ago I kept having cramps and sore boobs like I was going to have AF but it just didn't come, bought a test out today and an instant clear BFP in seconds. I'm so happy!
I think I'm 5 weeks tomorrow. I keep having headaches and the odd dizzy spell but nothing else. By this point with my son I was tired, nauseous with really sore boobs and off so many foods. But that was 4.5 years ago.
Just waiting for my husband to get home so I can tell him. I wish I'd tested a couple of days ago as that was our 2 year wedding anniversary so I could have put something in the card, nevermind. Even though I'm a 2nd-time mum I feel really nervous and scared like I'm doing it all for the first time again! x