Squig so lovely to see an update from you! So glad your little lady is doing well. I promise I'll learn to do one of those accenty things so I can write her name It's such a beautiful name! How are you feeling? I hope your not too sore and the baby blues have been kind to you
Afm - Carl went back to work today and Xander went back to school. I know I'm a baddy for saying it but it is wonderful! There is so much peace in my life right now lol. Hospital this afternoon but not till 4 - it'll be my first outing with both kids. Eek!
Rhi, have a homebirth! You sound like a perfect candidate.
The only problem with a homebirth is the keeping the house clean and tidy. I have a bit of OCD about it normally and now it's in overdrive.
I do so much cleaning and tidying invade it's the day. I could be going like this for another 3 weeks! Lol xx
Rhi that's awful. Parking at my hospital is terrible too but you can get to the maternity bit to drop off a labouring woman & then go & park! Will they give you an induction if you want it?
I did wonder if Starlight has had her baby and is in hospital but unable to get Internet access for some reason (dead phone, poor signal etc etc). I hope that's all it is anyway.