Woke up with pains everywhere but nothing like contractions/cramps. More like stabbing. It's in my back my ribs my bottom basically everywhere and it's not nice. also tmi but I think babies head is so low it is making me feel like I need to "go" constantly! So I'm waddling about worried that I either have to use the bathroom or I'm going to be stuck feeling like I need the bathroom lmao. Aaaa!!!
Good luck geralyn =)
OMG I miss all the cute boy outfits!!! When you have boys you think you want to shop on the girly side cos it's "nicer" it's not. It's a tacky pink fest over here lmao. My youngest picked out an outfit for the baby and because he loves peppa pig we ended up with a bright pink tutu bodysuit thing with peppa pig all over it..... yay =/
Boo that's an impressive gain ! =)