Róise sleeps better in the day than the night too, or so it seems to me! She's been very sicky today so we've had to hold her a lot to stop her throwing up. Karli, can you get baby Gaviscon at the pharmacy or do you need a prescription? Our health visitor told us to get carobel for silent reflux but it's a faff; I don't know why she didn't suggest Gaviscon (I only found out about it later).
Dory, sorry to hear that. I hope you can get to the bottom of the issue. Poor little Georgia.
Pixie, great that little G passed her hearing test
& how lovely of that mum!
Beautiful picture of Rupert, Poppy & Sydney
Hope you get a bed soon Teeny!
Starlight we're planning to start tummy time this weekend too
Rhi, i'm just sorry for you dealing with all that pain
Good news on Arthur's weight gain Boo!
Oh, just to make you all want to kill me - DH got up this morning with Róise about 3 & then stayed up with her as she wouldn't settle (I didn't even hear her after waking him at 3 to get up; I feel a bit bad about that) so I got approaching 8 hours sleep!!