Just a fun thread... Tell us about the day you found out you were having more than 1!

HI all, I am new to this forum.

I went for an emergency scan at 5 weeks and 5 days pregnant as I was having terrible back pain and my doctor thought it might be an ectopic.
I remember being so nervous and holding my Dh's hand so tight thinking 'oh god please just be in the right spot!' she put the probe in and immediately said "yep, there is a baby developing in the uterus" I sighed with relief and so did my DH. But seconds later she added "...oh and theres another one". She said t so casually! like it was no big thing!
I looked at DH before giving a reaction and he sqeazed my hand so tight and had a tear running down his face with the biggest smile i have ever seen! I just kept staring at the screen and felt like the luckiest woman on earth! One of the happiest days of my life!

It was a complete shock to us. We fell pregnant the first month trying, have no history of twins (they are fraternal) and I was only 23 at the time. We just got lucky I guess! I developed severe hyperemesis and was hospitalised for the majority of my pregnancy.

Our DCDA boys were born at 36+6 (emergency cesarean due to pre-eclampsia)

Joshua weighing 6lb 4oz. and Callum weighing 5lb 11oz.
They are no 10 months old and omg so worth the agony of a multiple pregnancy lol
We had IVF and had 2 embryos put back as it was our last chance to get a sibling for josh, even though the clinic warned us against it as they were excellent 5 dy embryos with a 50% chance of multiples. ( this was also a completely natural frozen cycle)
Instead of testing at day 14 I got impatient just like on all the other cycles and tested at day 7!!!! Expecting a negative as it was so early and the test said 3-4 weeks pregnant!!!!! I knew then both had taken but mu husband told me not to be stupid!!
So at our 7 week scan we were told it was twins and we both just looked at each other and laughed!! And that was on my 38th birthday the best present I could ever have wished for.
Wow Jogami, going from not even thinking about pregnancy to twins! lol

Was your IVF friend pregnant too?

Sadly not Arj :cry:

She put 6 embies back (it was her 4th failed IVF), and she got an extremely faint on the hpt so went for bloods and her levels were 26. Doctor told her she was pregnant but not to get too excited her levels were extremely low. We prayed they'd double and double and rise, next time they were 35 and doctor sounded worried, 3rd test they went down to 15 and she miscarried shortly after.

Imagine how bad I felt that I didn't even really try and here I was preggers and she put 6 back and none of them made it :( She even got excited saying what if all 6 took how would she cope etc and she was doing alot of research on multiples.

It's always awkward in a situation like that because I'm sure she thought hers would be the + and mine the -. I'm still here for her anyway I can be because I know the emotional rollercoaster that goes with ttc.

She has recently said she wants me to surrogate for her and if we'd seriously consider it, if she still has not gotten pregnant in 2 years time.

Ohhh Poor thing. That must have been so hard for her. Wow 6 embies and nothing. Hope she gets her baby, and you would be awesome to surrogate for her, I would do that for close friends too.

My SIL had done fertility treatment (clomid and IUI) when I fell pregnant naturally on my 1st cycle (as usual) and the day I found out it was twins my SIL had some bad news and she was so happy for me on the phone but told me she cried afterward, not at my news but out of frustration and anger toward her own body that wouldnt get pregnant. Thankfully last week her 1st IVF attempt worked and she is 5 weeks pregnant :)
I had a mc immediately before getting pregnant with the twins and I was pretty messed up over it and told everyone that we would be having two next to make up for the one we lost. I convinced myself that I was pregnant with two babies and had dreams and earlier symptoms and had that feeling but put it all down to the loss I had and me being slightly crazy :p

The drive to the scan was like a dream, I was so nervous and I was just hoping and parying I wasn't going to miiscarry again and that we had a healthy baby on the screen.
I was 6.5 weeks so didn't expect to see much but was hoping for a heartbeat at least.
Before we got there we talked about names and OH kept picking dreadful ones and wanted to know the sex later on too, but I wanted to keep it yellow so we agreed that if there were two babies we would name one each and that if there were two babies we would find out the sex's at the 20 week scan......

As soon as the lady put the scan on the screen I saw two sacs with a blob in each and I gasped and said "OMG IS THAT?!........" and the lady replied "two? I think so hang on we will check again soon" and she quickly flicked it away and checked everything else before the babies!! Longest wait of my life but the whole time I was laughing and crying and couldn't stay still.

OH was just in the background going "yuuuus!! I'm awesome, I got two babies at once! yeeeeaaaah! I get to name one!!"

Finally she went back to measure the babies and showed us both heartbeats then I told her to check for triplets cos of a dream I had, which she did and there was only two babies.

As soon as we got back to the car we phoned the grandparents of the babies and I told my best friend who couldn't believe it cos she thought I had gone mad in the head with all the previous twin talk.
Then we got home and posted the scan photo on facebook! Everyone was like OMG!! It was great, I will never forget that day :D
Yes. My husband was fed up with me. I even skipped the month before i got pg and my doctor was ticked i did that....he said it would mess up my cycles. I showed him! Lol. I was so frustrated month after month. I was very ready to give up. They never checked me and i didnt use opks but after using the clomid for four months i could tell i was ovulating around day 18. I told my dh it was our only shot to try around that cd. We did 3 mornings in a row and i forced myself to fall asleep after every time with my hips up on a pillow. Thats the only thing i did different that month. I swear it was the morning sex that did it...sperm count is higher ;) i wish u so much luck because i know first hand how hard it can be.

Thankyou so much. I will take the advice on board! 1. pelvis up 2. morning fun lol. It is comforting to hear other woman say it wasn't always rosy with your hubby through the longing. Makes you feel human :) Were you scared of going to the 6x cycle mark on clomid and having to take a break? They say any more and its likely for the drug to start thinning the lining. :s I'm on cycle #5, lets hope i dont need that break!
Not only that it causes cysts too. I got one anyways. No pain. It went away after first tri. I didnt even know i had i til they told me. I was extremely nervous knowing i only had the one more shot. I prayed every night it worked.
Yes. My husband was fed up with me. I even skipped the month before i got pg and my doctor was ticked i did that....he said it would mess up my cycles. I showed him! Lol. I was so frustrated month after month. I was very ready to give up. They never checked me and i didnt use opks but after using the clomid for four months i could tell i was ovulating around day 18. I told my dh it was our only shot to try around that cd. We did 3 mornings in a row and i forced myself to fall asleep after every time with my hips up on a pillow. Thats the only thing i did different that month. I swear it was the morning sex that did it...sperm count is higher ;) i wish u so much luck because i know first hand how hard it can be.

Thankyou so much. I will take the advice on board! 1. pelvis up 2. morning fun lol. It is comforting to hear other woman say it wasn't always rosy with your hubby through the longing. Makes you feel human :) Were you scared of going to the 6x cycle mark on clomid and having to take a break? They say any more and its likely for the drug to start thinning the lining. :s I'm on cycle #5, lets hope i dont need that break!

Ours were night time sex I think. :) I did put my hips up...just as I had done every other month we didn't get pregnant at all, though. Who knows.
Love the thread!!!

Feb 11/12 my hubby and I woke up and decided to make some love, well right after I went to the washroom and noticed faint blood stains in the toilet. This being my first pregnancy and at that time I was 6wand6d preggo i paniced and insisted that my hubby take me to the hospital to make sure everything was ok.

Well first they did blood work, then took my urine.. after waiting and waiting and trust me in Toronto, Canada, the wait can be anywhere from 2hrs to 6hrs to see a doctor in the emerg- i said to my hubby can you imagine if there are two in there... reason for saying that was because I had such a strong feeling that there was more then one in there.. anyways the dr finally sends me in for an ultrasound and while the tech is looking at the screen I say to him "are there two in there" he looks at me in shock and says
"YES, how did you know?" I was soooo THRILLED and SHOCKED, even though I had wanted it and had a feeling, I still was in shock that 1) my feeling was correct and 2) WOW I am really pregnant with twins. My hubby was just in complete and utter shock yet overjoyed.

Anyways in the end, both babies were just fine, the slight spotting was normal according to the Dr, especially after intercourse.. so thats it, thats my story!!!
I knew twins were a chance since I took clomid. We TTC for over 15 months and were in the unexplained infertility category. My 1st IUI was unmedicated since I was scared of what clomid would do. That IUI failed. We tried 1 more cycle naturally, and when that failed we decided it was time to try clomid. I had an IUI on April 1st and got a BFP on April 13th. I had my HCG levels measured at 14 and 16 dpo and while they were shooting up, a nurse said she didn't suspect twins based on my levels. So I kind of put it out of my mind. I was under the care of a RE so I had an early scan at 7 weeks 2 days. The night before the scan, all my symptoms went away, so I was going in expecting bad news. As my husband and I were waiting in the room for the doc, I jokingly said....Oh yeah, remember scenario #3??? Twins??? The doc did the scan and found the 1st heart beat right away. I asked, that's all that's in there right??? He said, hold on, let's look around....And there is was!! A 2nd heartbeat!! I started laughing and crying and freaking out all at the same time! My husband was squeezing my hand and shaking! We are so happy and excited now after the initial overwhelming feeling went away!
I found out at our 12 week scan. I has no idea, hadn't had any morning sickness, just very tired and eating all the time. My mum had, had a dream about 18 months before of me having twins but I thought nothing off it.

The sonographer before she started the scan asked if their were twins in the family, we replied no, she started the scan and said can you see what I see?? Looked and could see two little blobs, and said two? She replied yes your having twins. It was a good job I was lying down at the time. My DH couldn't stop smiling, I was slightly terrified but happy everything was ok. I then blamed by mum!!! xx
I was 8 weeks. I had previously had a scan at 6 weeks as I had a missed miscarriage in December 2007 so it was a reassurance scan. At my 6 week scan I had gone into the room with FOB and my sister, the sonographer started scanning me and she found a little baby with a beating heart, she said all looked ok and that I was 6 weeks exactly, she looked around a bit more and found a dark shadow, she said this looked very much like a failed pregnancy because the sac was only measuring 5 weeks or so. We thought nothing of it and they booked us in for a scan in two weeks.

Now comes to the scan at 8 weeks and we see the midwife first who asked us if we had thought much about the possibility of twins to which I replied I hadn't because I wasn't that lucky. I had FOB (we were together at the time) and my mum (who lost twin boys at 22 weeks back in the 70's) I had the same sonographer as I did at 6 weeks so she already knew my history. She said she was just checking baby's heartbeat and then turned the screen for us to see this little beating bean on the screen, FOB, my mum and I were so happy, then she moved the monitor and said 'and there is baby number 2' I just burst out laughing, FOB was laughing and mum was laughing and crying. It was such a special moment and I am so so thankful that my mum was there with us. Was such an amazing day and I can remember it like it was yesterday :) :) :) still makes me grin ear to ear.
The sonographer said I deserved a free scan pic and it was the cutest thing I had ever seen.
Wow Jogami, going from not even thinking about pregnancy to twins! lol

Was your IVF friend pregnant too?

Sadly not Arj :cry:

She put 6 embies back (it was her 4th failed IVF), and she got an extremely faint on the hpt so went for bloods and her levels were 26. Doctor told her she was pregnant but not to get too excited her levels were extremely low. We prayed they'd double and double and rise, next time they were 35 and doctor sounded worried, 3rd test they went down to 15 and she miscarried shortly after.

Imagine how bad I felt that I didn't even really try and here I was preggers and she put 6 back and none of them made it :( She even got excited saying what if all 6 took how would she cope etc and she was doing alot of research on multiples.

It's always awkward in a situation like that because I'm sure she thought hers would be the + and mine the -. I'm still here for her anyway I can be because I know the emotional rollercoaster that goes with ttc.

She has recently said she wants me to surrogate for her and if we'd seriously consider it, if she still has not gotten pregnant in 2 years time.

Ohhh Poor thing. That must have been so hard for her. Wow 6 embies and nothing. Hope she gets her baby, and you would be awesome to surrogate for her, I would do that for close friends too.

My SIL had done fertility treatment (clomid and IUI) when I fell pregnant naturally on my 1st cycle (as usual) and the day I found out it was twins my SIL had some bad news and she was so happy for me on the phone but told me she cried afterward, not at my news but out of frustration and anger toward her own body that wouldnt get pregnant. Thankfully last week her 1st IVF attempt worked and she is 5 weeks pregnant :)

I know right I thought for sure at least one would take! The FS even told he doesn't usually put so many back but advised it because of her "track" record! Funny enough she is stunning, very young-looking and good body etc, you wouldn't imagine she'd struggle so much. They actually have a daughter from their first IVF ever 4 years ago, but since then they have had numerous without success. I told her I'd surrogate for her no problem. Hubby told it's my body and if I want to he'll support me 100%. I just wanted to be done having my kids before carrying for someone else. I was worried I carry for another couple and then struggle to or can't have my own after. Luckily the Big Man Upstairs was watching out for me and blessed me with 2 now so DH are done after this! He only wanted 2, I wanted 3 and I got my wish so I'm more than happy after this.

I'm so pleased for your SIL :happydance: it's always wonderful when a happy ending comes out of assisted conception. Struggling for a baby is so heartbreaking!
I had my scan yesterday and found out it was twins :) Its wasnt really unexpected because this is an IVF pregnancy and i had two embryos put back.

We knew that this pregnancy was probably going to be our only one so having twins feels like we have won the lottery :cloud9: xxxx
Do you want to know about the first time, or the second time?

I've kind of blocked out the second time... actually.... ;)
Do you want to know about the first time, or the second time?

I've kind of blocked out the second time... actually.... ;)

Twins twice?! Wow!! Both stories would be fun to read. But I would really love to hear about the 2nd time you found out it was twins!
Congrats Lisa!! Are yours fraternal or identical and when are you due, I'll add you to our (now quite extensive) list!

Tell us about both Auntcarrie!! :D
MY twinnies are fraternal hun coz we had 2 eggs put back :) xxx
Oo which Thread has the list ive been added to? xxx
MY twinnies are fraternal hun coz we had 2 eggs put back :) xxx

Duuuh I'm an idiot! :dohh:

The list is called "when are you due and what are you having" in the multiples section.
What is your 40 week due date? I'll add you to it

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