So.... A little about me... I am 31... I have 26 day cycles.... I spot during ovulation and get positive opks... So I am pretty sure I am ovulating! I sometimes spot before af also! Ugh! My boobs get super sore the day after o up until af! So I think progesterone is ok... Insurance doesn't cover fertility testing.... But my regular paps come back perfect!
I have 3 kids already... First 2 I think I got pregnant just by being looked at! 3rd took about 4 months... And on #4 we have been trying for 3 long and trying years! So, I think it's time to join this forum!
This month I am doing a fertility detox, taking COq10, omega 3, and a daily vitamin! Oh also going to try temping this cycle! Here's to hoping this cycle works out!
What are some of you trying? Does anyone have similar cycles?! Can anyone tell me what is wrong with me!!?? Hahahaha jk jk jk
Thanks ladies!
I have 3 kids already... First 2 I think I got pregnant just by being looked at! 3rd took about 4 months... And on #4 we have been trying for 3 long and trying years! So, I think it's time to join this forum!
This month I am doing a fertility detox, taking COq10, omega 3, and a daily vitamin! Oh also going to try temping this cycle! Here's to hoping this cycle works out!
What are some of you trying? Does anyone have similar cycles?! Can anyone tell me what is wrong with me!!?? Hahahaha jk jk jk
Thanks ladies!