Just finished Provera, waiting for AF so I can start my first round of Clomid

7 more birth control pills then I am in the game! I had some breakthrough spotting for a couple days, it really was just a little spotting but then I had a fear that I wasn't going to have anything left for my withdrawal bleed and wasn't going to be able to take my Clomid! I talked myself down and read that breakthrough spotting is normal when first starting BCP.

I have my first acupuncture session about the time I am starting Clomid...I hope it gives me a little "boost".

Wifeybby- glad you aren't having side effects, I hope it continues to go well for you! Are you doing your own trigger or having a nurse do it?

Roosav- hope your headache goes away! I'm not doing a trigger shot either and am only being monitored with a blood draw. I really hope I don't have to go that route as my insurance does not pay for fertility treatment.
2ducks, I had some break through spotting also when starting bcp! I think it'snormal! :)

My ovaries are pretty tender!!! Took my third pill today, two more to go :)
Do any of you ladies know what cycle day to start opk? I'm using clear blue and on the box it says day 5 but I've read online that clomid can cause a false positive it used to soon. Any thoughts?


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It is 2am where I am and I can NOT sleep, so I figured I should start Bumping!

Roosav-I think you can start using OPKs the day after Clomid, it just needs a chance to clear from your system. I am using internet cheapies and confirming with CBD, although many women with PCOS turn OPKs positive and it doesn't actually indicate ovulation so I don't have my hopes up.

I am starting to get a little nervous. I had four days of breakthrough spotting (wed-Saturday), it really was just spotting. Yesterday I started to feel like I was going to start my period. I had a heavy, ache pressure in my lower abdomen and pelvic floor. Low and behold I started to have a light flow for the evening. This concerns me because if it keeps up I am worried I am not going to have any "stuff" left for my actual withdrawal bleed and then I won't be able to start my Clomid. I mean, there is only so much uterine lining to be shed and I have NEVER had heavy bleeds. I am calling my OBGYN this morning when the office opens and see if she thinks I should stop the pill and let my cycle start.
:rofl: @ Finding Nemo Clomid Meme!! :haha:

Roosav, I read that after Clomid you'll ovulate in a week or two - so you could probably start OPKS soon after your done, but my RE said to expect O around CD 12-15; I guess which is why they're going to start monitoring me come CD12.

2Ducks, the nurse at the RE's office will admin the shot. I'm a nurse myself but I don't try to let the nurses at dr's offices know that lol I don't want to make them nervous or think I'm judgy. And I love being taken care of. I'll feel better having her do it. It was expensive though, $92 for the injection and $6 shipping. This thing better work - lol! let me know what your doc says about the spotting! Hope all is well :)

Excited to see how this turns out for all of us. Hope we see BFPs!!
I read my clear blue insert this morning and it says that clomid does not affect the results :-) my doctor also said the same thing, he said that clomid should make it very accurate for day 14! Hopefully!! I am so excited to finally ovulate after so long!!! I am off all next week so perfect timing really.I am also starting a new job on April 4th so that will keep be distracting during the two week wait! Praying for bfp for all of us ladies!! :happydance:

2ducks, I am sorry hear you're having some issues. Hopefully your doctor is a help! I really hope that you get to start your clomid this cycle!

Ps, I am really enjoying having you ladies to chat with! :hugs:
Ugh...I spoke with my OBGYN office yesterday about my breakthrough bleeding. The doc thinks the bleeding is abnormal, not a "true period" and wants me to wait on Clomid for another cycle and do one more month of BCP. I was feeling really angry and devastated yesterday. I am not happy with this plan at all....

After thinking about it for the night I don't want to do another month of BCP. I would rather wait however many days I need to and do a progesterone withdrawal because it is quicker and I won't have as many hormones in my body. I am going to call my OBGYNs office again today and ask about that. I also want to know if Clomid really needs to be off the table this cycle, I have 3 more days of BC pills left. I would rather finish the pills and see if I have a stronger bleed, basically just see what happens. What do you ladies think?

Expect to ovulate 5-9 days after your last Clomid pill. Let's hope the lowest dose works for all of us!
Boo for that news, 2. That's crappy. I would say finish this pack, see what the withdraw bleed is like -- and then like you said, give it time and use Provera if you need to then do the Clomid. I'd much rather do Provera than BCP. Tell them clearly that you want to make the best decision, for your body and situation - not just to rush it along. I understand you want to start now, but also do what's best. Nothing would be more frustrating than to do the Clomid against doctors orders and it not work properly. That all just really sucks and I'm sorry to hear that. I hope they're open to working with you and aren't just like, flat. Hang in there, and I'm always here if you need to vent! I'm a nurse too so I can throw that two cents in lol

I took my last Clomid tab on 03/20, and am going in CD12 to trigger shot O for 03/25 - 03/27. I read you can O anywhere from 12-48 hours after trigger shot, most commonly 36 hours. So we will be on it for BD this weekend.

Really hoping this works for us all. Everything that we've gone through to get to this point, it's time we catch a break. FX so tight for us all.

How are you, Roosav?
2ducks, I am so sorry to hear that! I know it's hard to want to start clomid asap but maybe this month may not be the right timing.. Over the past year I have never believed more that everything happens for a reason at the right time. Stay strong!:hugs: also, a friend of a friend has pcos without period for a year and her doctor prescribed her a medication that is used for to treat diabetes. (She got pregnant after her first round of these pills) I cannot remember the name because it's a weird name. Maybe try to google? That could be a new topic to discuss with your doctor. I hope you get to start your clomid soon!

My last clomid pill was yesterday, I was supposed to start opk this morning but had used the bathroom before I remembered!!! So annoyed with myself. So I will test tonight and again in the morning. I had some slight cramping in my left ovary this morning and then in both sides a little later. Tried to search to see if this was normal and found that it could be my ovaries are starting to be stimulated. I dont want to miss my LH surge so I have to start testing tonight! Wifeybby, have you had any pre ovulation symptoms? Also, how are you feeling wifeybby?

Sending positive thoughts to both of you!
CD10 here! I feel "something" more towards the evening time with my ovaries. Not sure how to describe it, just like I can feel where they are - like something is happening but nothing tingling, twinging or pain. Just like, hey! here we are! lol I've been having some vivid and strange dreams, but in a way they are stress relieving. Told myself I wasn't going to do OPKs this round, to let RE handle everything - and its hard! Almost caved and opened the box this morning, but the last thing I want to do is mess with my head more, you know?

Can't wait for my appointment Friday! I'm really really hoping my follies are big enough to trigger. DH is off Friday as well so he'll be coming with me. So excited! Please let this go well. :)

Fighting off any negativity and keeping things positive - its the best thing I can do for myself at this point lol.

So you're CD 8, right, roosav?

Hope you're doing okay 2, I know its extremely frustrating but I hope you get a good plan in order. What did they say about giving it time and doing Provera instead of BCP?
Roosav, start getting it on EOD!

Wifey- let's hope you have good follicles on Friday!!!!

Well, I continue to be unhappy with my situation. I called my doc yesterday morning and spoke with a nurse. I wanted some clarification on why Clomid was out for this cycle, if there were any dangers of taking it this cycle and asked if we could wait a few days and see how things progress once I take my last BC pill before calling it off this cycle. I also said I was not comfortable doing another month of BCP because it is bad for my headaches and I would prefer to do a progesterone challenge. The nurse said she would talk to a doc and get back to me. Well...I did not hear back yesterday. Today at noon I called and left a message with the receptionist who said she would give it to the nurse I spoke with and still no one called me back. To me this says I am not important to that practice and they don't care about my concerns. They are a really busy office with like 10 doctors but I still think someone should have got back to me to let me know that they got backed up or something.

I ended up making a meet and greet with a new OBGYN at a smaller practice. He came recommended by a friend. I'm not going to ditch my current doc yet but I am going to talk to this guy and see what he thinks about my situation and see if he has any different ideas on how to treat my situation.
A good doctor really makes such a difference!! I hope that you're current doctor sees that you need more compassion and care or this new doctor can give you more insight on to what your next step will be! :) My doctor has been amazing so far and I feel like he is a blessing and it was meant to be that I found him at this point in our journey.

2ducks, i am still pretty new at the ttc terms so I'm not sure what EOD means lol
It means "every other day"!

If my doc does not give me the green light for Clomid this cycle then here is my game plan: I am definitely not going to take BCP, my gut is telling me this is not a good idea. I am having a solid withdrawal bleed right now. I have two fertility massages and Japanese acupuncture session scheduled in the next 2 weeks. I am just going to start temping again and using OPKs and see if I can ovulate naturally this cycle. I've made a lot of dietary and supplement changes that may help me ovulate naturally with the help of fertility massage and acupuncture. I have a consult with a new doc scheduled in two weeks so I can get his opinion as well as see what he thinks. If my doc gives me the green light for clomid then I will certainly take it but also keep my consult apt with this new doc.

I was really really hoping I could be Clomid buddies with you!
Best wishes, 2! We'd love to be Clomid buddies too :) Its hard waiting to get the OK to move forward. It sucks and I'm sorry to hear that's how they want to handle it. I really think if your bleed is suffice today they could do some baseline scans/testing and see if you can do the clomid or not. Why just say no without looking at anything? It sounds like they're not thinking much and going by some quick rules. I hope your new doc is a new light for you and gets it. My RE is very, umm, blunt I guess the word is. Gives instruction and not much detail, not much compassion. But he's exactly what I need. He's fast paced, gives you a plan and gets it all moving. Wish you could see my doc, he is so smart. I'm in OH though, so that's a bit out of the question lol ;)

Roosav, have you started OPKs yet? Still feel a lot going on with your ovaries?

AFM, still hanging onto hope that these follies are a good size and ready to go. I was reading about "Testing out the Trigger Shot" re: hpt's to watch hCG go down then hopefully come back or remain the whole time and get darker again. Also saw a youtube video where this girl was able to trigger at CD10, so it makes me feel better about going in CD12. As well as my Ovarian Assessment Report scoring "excellent" and "above average" I'm incredibly hopeful. But I know it means I'll be heartbroken and devastated if I get BFN. So I'm totally a mix of emotions, but I'm trying my very best to remain positive and think the best thoughts!
Hi ladies....I'm definitely new to this. TTC #2 but this thru IUI. Same sex relationship so we're using a donor. I'll be starting clomid 50mg in April once AF starts along with progesterone and a trigger shot. Any and all advice please or just someone to talk to thru this whole process

😍Baby Dust To All 😍
Welcome realfemme30! :) wishing you luck in your journey! I love having these ladies to chat with it makes my situation seem so much easier some days. Every day is a battle some better than others but i try to take one day at a time :)

Wifeybby, I'm feeling really good. I feel a heaviness in my ovaries so I'm thinking ovulation will occur over the weekend! I started opk this morning and it was negative but hoping for a positive over the weekend! Even just being able to ovulate will make me feel so much better and more positive. I can't remember the last time I actually ovulated. It will be nice to even have a chance to try and conceive. I'm trying to stay positive but not get my hopes up. Which is very hard lol I want this so bad! Good luck at your appointment tomorrow :) can't wait for your updates.

2ducks, hoping for some great news for you. Would love for you to get to start your clomid. Fingers crossed :)

Positive vibes! :hugs:
Definitely not starting Clomid this cycle. I am having a solid withdrawal bleed from the BCP so the plan is to wait it out and see if I ovulate on my own and have a period on my own. If not then I will do the progesterone withdrawal and clomid. I have a consult scheduled with another provider in a week and a half to get a second opinion.
Good morning and thanks rosav!!!! It really is nice because it gets so hard at times emotionally and physically.

2ducks, I may or may not have PCOS. I will find out when I do my blood work. My progesterone level was also high. So I have to wait til day 3 to do my blood work and u/s. Praying that you ovulate
Good morning and thanks rosav!!!! It really is nice because it gets so hard at times emotionally and physically.

2ducks, I may or may not have PCOS. I will find out when I do my blood work. My progesterone level was also high. So I have to wait til day 3 to do my blood work and u/s. Praying that you ovulate

PCOS symptoms definitely fit my situation, my blood work did come back normal but I have a lack of periods/ovulation and signs of high testosterone (mustache, acne, hair loss). I do think I have PCOS but I would like a second opinion and see what this other doc will do differently with me. Good luck with your IUI, are you using fresh sperm or frozen ? I read that frozen sperm make it a little more tricky to conceive, is this true?
Good morning and thanks rosav!!!! It really is nice because it gets so hard at times emotionally and physically.

2ducks, I may or may not have PCOS. I will find out when I do my blood work. My progesterone level was also high. So I have to wait til day 3 to do my blood work and u/s. Praying that you ovulate

PCOS symptoms definitely fit my situation, my blood work did come back normal but I have a lack of periods/ovulation and signs of high testosterone (mustache, acne, hair loss). I do think I have PCOS but I would like a second opinion and see what this other doc will do differently with me. Good luck with your IUI, are you using fresh sperm or frozen ? I read that frozen sperm make it a little more tricky to conceive, is this true?

I'm not going thru any of that. I think my RE is worried because my progesterone level was high so I'll be doing blood work and an u/s on cd 3 and 12. Then a trigger shot and hopefully myou IUI two days later. And if I'm not mistaken it'll be frozen sperm (not sure) but I know they wash it and only use what's needed. And from the sounds of it......we're in the same boat lol. I think you should get a second opinion as far as the PCOS. My RE said something about CAH since my levels were high but I'm not claiming anything. When is AF due?
2ducks, I hope you ovulate on your own this month!! That would be awesome. I am taking opk every day now since Thursday and still nothing :( it's so discouraging because I just felt like I would ovulate on day 14.. Maybe it will just be a little bit later. I just want to see a positive test so bad. It sucks cause it stresses me out more I just want my body to cooperate and ovulate for once. Hoping for a late cycle positive opk. :)

Wifeybby, haven't heard from you since your test? How did it go? Hoping it all went excellent for you!

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