Just finished Provera, waiting for AF so I can start my first round of Clomid

Hi roosav, thanks for thinking of me! Didn't mean to be rude and leave you hanging. But my RE found one small follie on my right ovary, said it wasn't large enough to trigger yet. So I'm going back Monday morning to see if it grew. Hoping and praying so hard that it does. I've just been really upset and disappointed, felt like I should've responded better to treatment based on all my test results and everything I've done to get here. Really thought I would've had more than one follicle too. I cried a lot on Friday about it but upon more research I've read cd12 is unlikely to be mature enough to trigger. It happens, but it's not the expectation. They want it at 18mm and the norm for cd12 is 8-12mm; also that follicle size typically is 1-2 mm per day. I've read most trigger cd15, which is what I'll be come Monday. Continuing with BD every other day and just waiting for my next appointment. Cd13 today and negative opks. Say a prayer for me!

I hope you ov a few mature ones and get that BFP! I haven't given up yet. I know exactly how you feel about the stress of it. As hard as it is to not stress over we both know it doesn't help.

I promise to keep you posted on Monday, good or bad. Hang in there and keep in touch! <3
Good morning and thanks rosav!!!! It really is nice because it gets so hard at times emotionally and physically.

2ducks, I may or may not have PCOS. I will find out when I do my blood work. My progesterone level was also high. So I have to wait til day 3 to do my blood work and u/s. Praying that you ovulate

PCOS symptoms definitely fit my situation, my blood work did come back normal but I have a lack of periods/ovulation and signs of high testosterone (mustache, acne, hair loss). I do think I have PCOS but I would like a second opinion and see what this other doc will do differently with me. Good luck with your IUI, are you using fresh sperm or frozen ? I read that frozen sperm make it a little more tricky to conceive, is this true?

I'm not going thru any of that. I think my RE is worried because my progesterone level was high so I'll be doing blood work and an u/s on cd 3 and 12. Then a trigger shot and hopefully myou IUI two days later. And if I'm not mistaken it'll be frozen sperm (not sure) but I know they wash it and only use what's needed. And from the sounds of it......we're in the same boat lol. I think you should get a second opinion as far as the PCOS. My RE said something about CAH since my levels were high but I'm not claiming anything. When is AF due?

I'm actually finishing my withdrawal bleed from the birth control right now probably will be done today or tomorrow. For some reason I started to bleed the last five days of my birth control pack, and it has been going on the past two days as well. I am hoping I ovulate on my own since I had a really strong withdrawal bleed. I am taking inositol which can help women with PCOS ovulate. I started temping again and I ordered a brand new bunch of cheapie OPKs!
Wifey- Fingers crossed that the follicle ends up maturingXXXXX!!!!
2ducks oh ok well I hope everything works out. Keep me posted as I will as well.

wifeybby no worries and no stressing. We're praying for you
Thank you so much everyone, it means the world to me. <3 <3
Thinking about you and saying a pray for your appointment on Monday! :hugs: I had a really hard night last weekend I just broke down and I wasn't sure if I could keep on trying. I felt like ttc was taking over my life and my happiness at that moment I didn't even want to continue trying. But after talking to dh he made me realize that this is our first month trying clomid so I need to try and stay positive. But after almost two years of trying it is really hard and I just want nothing else than for this to work. :( praying for a positive opk in the next few days! I mean maybe it will just be later for me because my cycles are usually so irregular. Who knows! Trying to stay positive. I'm starting to believe that the stress of trying to conceive has had a huge factor on not being able to conceive. It's all I think about all day long and I know stress is not good on my body and it can throw my cycles out of whack. It's so hard not to stress :(


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Thank you Roosav! I really needed to hear that. I feel the same way about obsessing over TTC. I just want this so badly I can't imagine going on without it. It's awful.

Today RE said he saw follicles on both ovaries, yet still too small to trigger. He said they're about 10mm, and they need to be 18-20 to trigger. I was so disappointed, but somewhat mentally prepared to hear that after Friday. He said he wanted to increase my Clomid dosage - which I thought meant go through another AF/cycle, but he wants me to start it today to continue with the follies I have. He said the uterine lining looks great so no need to waste time. I feel like I've been given a second chance this cycle, and I'm hoping its my way to my BFP. I feel good about it, since I hadn't felt too much going on with the Clomid I thought increasing the dosage was inevitable. I just wasn't expecting it this cycle! So, I filled my script and started it today. :) Hoping my next ultrasound on the 6th reveals follies ready to go! :)

Where are you at in your cycle? Any signs of O happening yet? + OPKs? Hope all is well, can't wait to hear from you!
Wifeybby, that's good news!! I am so happy you don't have to wait until next cycle. Hoping for good news on your next ultra sound :)

Still no sign of ovulation for me.. I actually feel like I'm going to start my period.. It's horrible. I thought for sure ov was coming because I had twinging cramps, tender boobs, emotional. But no positive test so far :( I'm hoping maybe this week I will finally see that freakin little smiley face show up on the stick lol the cramps seem to be gone today which is odd because I didn't get a positive test last week so there's no way I could have missed it. I just wish it was right on, today is cycle day 14.. UGH! I read that some woman don't ov until up to 9 days after their last pill which is Thursday for me. So maybe there is still hope. I am off this week because I am starting a new job in a week. So I kept myself busy today with starting my spring cleaning but still at the end of the day all I can think about is wanting this to work. I never used to be so hard on myself until we started ttc. maybe there's an ovulation dance I can do tonight? Lol
Thank you Roosav, me too! :winkwink:

The empty circle result is never fun. I was using those digis for a couple days over the weekend (realizing now how stupid that was!) and nothing. There is absolutely still hope for you! CD14 I think is still early for us Clomid ladies. While it's ideal, I don't think its as common as we think. I'm exactly the same way as you said, never too hard on myself until we started TTC. I guess knowing that *I'm* the problem in the situation makes it easy to beat ourselves up mentally. It's not fair, we didn't choose to have ovulatory problems - but somehow we feel like it's just our fault and "I'm a failure" and all that. But its not true! I'm also off this week as I work in the schools and its spring break :) Too much time on my hands to think of TTC, even though it's a busy week with family and spring cleaning. It's just always in the back of my head.

O Dance your heart out, girl! Anythings gotta help! Lol! :) I would say just keep testing OPKs twice a day (even though it sucks if they're stark white) but you def don't want to miss it when it comes! And if by chance you don't get a positive, at least you can confirm it a bit better with your doctor - otherwise he wouldn't know if you knew if you O'd or not! Besides bloodwork and all, I mean. I so hope you see a positive OPK and catch the egg!! I'll be thinking of you! <3 :hugs:
Thank you girl! Still no positive tests. Ugh! I am so frustrated and SO emotional. I could cry on the drop of a pin. I still am having cramps in my left side so I'm hoping that's a sign it's coming.

How is everyone doing? :)
roosav- stay strong hun there's still time. At this point we're all emotional and hopiNguyen for the best for you. Hopefully that is a good sign......FX for you. I'm still waiting on AF. Hopefully it'll be here by next Friday. Good Luck
Thanks realfemme30! :) will this be your first time on clomid?
I think it sounds like a good sign, roosav :) please don't worry, I for one don't really trust OPKs so well. I think they work, but they're so iffy all the time. I would just BD as much as possible and keep trying the OPKs. I read Clomid is 80% effective at getting women to ov, I'm sure you're in that mass percentile. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and hoping all turns out to be a BFP! You said you're getting CD21 bloods done to check for O, right?

2ducks, hows it going? I heard Ionsitol works wonders for PCOS. I think I'm allergic to Vitex, always ended up throwing it up.. If this cycle doesn't work I might take a break from my RE and do take some inositol myself and see what happens. I wanted to try it before but got on a plan with my RE and opted for that. Hope it gives you a nice, mature O and you don't have to go through all this clomid crap. That would be awesome.

You're so sweet, realfemme! :) I hope your AF starts right on time and you can keep moving forward <3
roosav- yes it will be and I'll also be take prometrium and doing a trigger shot.

Wifeybby- Thank you and I'm praying that it does as well. I'm a nervous wreck lol
Since I am not taking Clomid my acupuncturist gave a Chinese herb blend to take for 6 days to help promote ovulation. I am super excited and am hoping that my "Chinese clomid" does something for me!
Hey girls!

How is everyone?! This thread has been silent - hope no news is good news :)

I go in for my first follicle scan Wednesday after increasing the clomid dosage. I really hope I responded well this time. Gut feeling says I didn't, but my head stays hopeful.
wifetbby-Dnt give up hope honey. Hang in there. I'm still waiting on AF
Try not to give up hope! You still have a chance <3

I still haven't gotten a positive ovulation test :cry: I don't understand I had o cramps all last week and especially one day they were really strong so it felt like I was ovulating that day. Maybe I missed it. I googled and it says that some women have too short of an lh surge to detect. But i also checked with my doc and he said it is possible I didn't o on this dose of clomid. So I really don't know what to think. :( I am having cramps now like period and sore boobs. Feeling really irritable. Feeling like I'm going to start. But I must have ovulated if I start my period. ugh! I'm so sad. :(
Thank you, Roo! Sorry to hear about the neg OPKs. I hate those things.. I'm pretty sick of seeing negatives on them myself. I splurged on CB Digis and I have 2 left - the whole pack has been completely negative. So annoying.

AF and BFP symptoms are usually so alike - I hope its not AF for you. And if it is, at least she's coming on time, right? Nothing worse than a BFN and no AF. Hopefully maybe you just need to increase the dosage and you'll be responsive to it. Based on your O symptoms though its hard to think you didn't. You very well could have had a short surge! Doesn't sound farfetched to me. Keep your head up, and remember you're not out until the witch shows!

AFM; Praying for good news tomorrow here. It really can't come fast enough! Not optimistic, but I'm ready to just have an answer and be done with it. If Clomid doesn't work we may be done with TTC :cry: for a while... I can't afford to go with injections or IVF. I'll see if my doctor will try Femara if tomorrow is a no go. But who knows what he'll say. Hoping I just have one freaking little follie ready to go. Its killing me!
Thank you wifeybby! I think I am giving up the opks for a while. Just going to wait and see if af shows up in a week or so. Hoping this leads to a bfp! But I'm not getting my hopes up.

I hope that everything works for you! We also are going to take a break from ttc if clomid doesn't work. Hoping with all my might that it does. :) best of luck! :hugs:

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