Just looking for someone who has had a breast biopsy

I've had a lumpectomy, about 2 and a half years ago now. Had it under general anaesthetic, didn't like the sound of the way they do it under local. My tumour was about an inch in diameter and my scar is maybe three inches although barely visible now :)
my mum had a lumpectomy, i can speak with her if you have any specific questions...?
She was 48/49 i think when she had hers done.
I have to get a biopsy or lumpectomy...which I think I am going for a lumpectomy. I have a hard-mass tumour that they wanted to biopsy and I had a panic attack and left, but in a way I am glad I did, because I have questions etc...before I get it done. Just looking for experiences that people can share with me, as I feel pretty alone. Was supposed to see my GP today about the u/s results (which I know the results pretty much anyways as the radiologist came in to talk with me right during the u/s) but my GP is sick today, so my long-awaited, highly anticipated appointment is delayed further until next Tuesday...which I cried about...because I have so many concerns and unanswered questions etc.
My lump was a fibrosdenoma which is a benign tumour, they are characterised by their smooth feel under the skin and the way they are slightly mobile under the skin. Mine all honestly feel like someone has stuck a marble in my boob without telling me. I was terrified at first, I was 19 and found it before my final A level exam (somehow passed, no idea how) so I can imagine what is going through your mind.

The operation itself was easy, day case stuff. I was out for about an hour, spent a couple of hours on recovery and once I had properly woken up and eaten they let me go. I had some mild pain for about a week and couldn't wear a bra for two weeks, after that I had to wear wire free for about six weeks as mine was literally under my breast where the wire goes. It was internal disolvable stitches and glue to keep it shut, I was offered some diclofenac but didn't need it, ibruprofen was fine. They sent the lump to pathology and sent me a letter a few days later saying everything was fine, like we suspected from the ultrasound.

Feel free to ask me about any of it, I'm a regular at the breast unit now, I have three they like to keep an eye on :)
Thank you so much for sharing that. I want exactly what happened to you! LOL. I have been googling, and I really hope mine is a fibradenoma (sp?) as it is benign. I have two cysts, nearby. I want those drained. The only thing about the research that I have done on fibrodenoma's is that they are typically found in younger women, under the age of 30. I am 37, so this worries me that it is not, but I suppose no matter what, it is worrisome. I hate that I have to wait even longer now to get answers to my questions. Feels like my world has sort of stopped. So you were put completely out for your lumpectomy? That is what I want.
My mum had a lumpectomy, she did have the needle biopsy on her lump and it turned out to be nasty the fastest growing cancer you can get, (not sure on the gradings, i think grade 4) but fortunately for her they caught it relatively early and it hadn't spread. She was in for 3/4nights, she was put under a General anaesthetic they removed the lump and some of the lymph nodes surrounding, just to be safe. She had a drain in for her stay in hospital and she produced quite a lot of gunk and stuff hence why she was in for so long.

She did then undergo pretty strong chemotherapy and radiotherapy but has now been clear since 2009, although she still has meds to take for another couple of years.

I would suggest that you have the needle biopsy done first so they know what it is, unless there will be a pathologist in the theatre at the time of the lumpectomy to assess what the lump is, otherwise you may have to return for further surgery, thats if they have to wait for the results to come back to them (what i am having to do on a different tumour - if you happened to read the thyroid cancer thread).

Try not to worry about what it could be, i know how hard that is but everything at this stage is purely speculation, if its this then it could mean this, and this could mean this....the list is endless and if you are anything like me you get worked up into thinking the worst of the worst.

Definitely educate yourself on the possibilities but just so you can ask the right questions.

Sorry for rambling so much, but i think you need to find out whether a pathologist will be in theatre at the time of surgery so that really can be your decider on which route to take......


Sorry I spelt it wrong, silly iPad tried to correct me. Fibroadenoma is the right spelling of mine. I was under general anaesthetic yes, they can remove small lumps through a similar process to a biopsy but I didn't want that, too squeamish lol. Although you are on the older end of fibroadenoma, I was told I was younger than most the patients my consultant sees, so anything is possible :) I would agree that the biopsy is a good idea if they are uncertain of the type of tumour, just so they can deal with everything at once. I hope they get in touch soon, the waiting is horrible x
My mum had a lumpectomy, she did have the needle biopsy on her lump and it turned out to be nasty the fastest growing cancer you can get, (not sure on the gradings, i think grade 4) but fortunately for her they caught it relatively early and it hadn't spread. She was in for 3/4nights, she was put under a General anaesthetic they removed the lump and some of the lymph nodes surrounding, just to be safe. She had a drain in for her stay in hospital and she produced quite a lot of gunk and stuff hence why she was in for so long.

She did then undergo pretty strong chemotherapy and radiotherapy but has now been clear since 2009, although she still has meds to take for another couple of years.

I would suggest that you have the needle biopsy done first so they know what it is, unless there will be a pathologist in the theatre at the time of the lumpectomy to assess what the lump is, otherwise you may have to return for further surgery, thats if they have to wait for the results to come back to them (what i am having to do on a different tumour - if you happened to read the thyroid cancer thread).

Try not to worry about what it could be, i know how hard that is but everything at this stage is purely speculation, if its this then it could mean this, and this could mean this....the list is endless and if you are anything like me you get worked up into thinking the worst of the worst.

Definitely educate yourself on the possibilities but just so you can ask the right questions.

Sorry for rambling so much, but i think you need to find out whether a pathologist will be in theatre at the time of surgery so that really can be your decider on which route to take......



I will ask about the pathologist...I have no idea!
Any news yet? Hope you are okay, if you want to talk feel free to pm me x
I went to my doctor yesterday. He was shocked with that the results...I think that he thought what I thought, which was they would find nothing, or a cyst...not something suspicious. He was going to phone me, he said, but saw that I was coming in. He was a little confused why I got an u/s as he requested a mammo...so he is going to phone radiology to complain, and also to complain about them wanting to do a biopsy. My doctor and I had gone over a plan before I went for testing...it was supposed to be mammo first, if they see something, u/s second, and then if needed, a surgeon and a biopsy. The hospital changed all that. But, the thing that has stumped us all...is radiology is recommened a mammo...which is what my doctor asked for in the first place and they changed. So we are going to do a mammo of both boobs, and I get my hysterectomy August 1st (which is a seperate health issue but that is fairly urgent). He is going to work around that surgery as I need it and then AFTER the mammo of both boobs, if required, I will see a surgeon of OUR choice who will either do a lumpectomy or biopsy...not the radiologist. He said waiting a couple months to do all this to work around my surgery will not make a difference to my life IF it is cancer...so that is why we are proceeding with the other surgery.
Wow, can't believe they messed that up! I can understand getting the hysterectomy out the way first, I had my wisdom teeth out a few months before my lumpectomy as they were causing lots of problems that needed fixing before having that surgery. I hope everything goes well with the surgery, will keep an eye out for updates :)
Thanks!!! I will update when I hear. Hope the mammo goes OK. I have never had one before. What is it like??? I am breastfeeding, so I am worried that my milk will squeeze out when they push the plates down. LOL
I've not had a mammo as I am only a 32A, I don't have enough boob to fit in the machine lol!
I am not very big either...don't know my size...depends if it is full of milk or not, but I just googled it, and it looks like I should feed her as close to the appointment as possible.
So, hospital phoned today to book a mammo, u/s and surgical biopsy. They wanted August 2nd, but I get my hysterectomy August 1st...so, they are going to do it at then end of August. I also asked for my surgical biopsy to be a couple days later as I need to discuss with him. Feels like I am going to have a panic attack talking about all this.
Oh gosh I'm sorry, I know how scary it all is. They can give you sedatives during the biopsy to make it a little easier for you, definitely discuss it first. I think for now you are best off focusing o your hysterectomy and getting better from that
Oh gosh I'm sorry, I know how scary it all is. They can give you sedatives during the biopsy to make it a little easier for you, definitely discuss it first. I think for now you are best off focusing o your hysterectomy and getting better from that

Yes...def going to need sedating...but, I think if I am sedating...I can do it. It really freaks me out because I am breastfeeding, so I think I am going to wean her.
You could always express before and talk to them about suitable sedation for breast feeding, there must be something out there. It's definitely one to ask about, you shouldn't have to wean LO earlier than you want just for a biopsy, seems a bit silly to me. Yes maybe for a lumpectomy, but not a biopsy

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