just starting to worry!


mummy of 2 ttc 3rd x
Oct 12, 2010
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i have 2 beautiful children..
but my partner is such a fantastic daddy id love another with him (our 2nd)

we been trying 6 months after our daughter was born (we got pregnant with her our 1st time together so was a shock) but after she was born we decided we'd love another close together so we have 3 growing up together!... no idea why 3 i think its because its maximum children we can have and he can keep his pride and joy (car lol)

we was naive after getting pregnant so quickly we got together when my son was few weeks old.. so i was very fertile i guess i was on the pill but hadnt completed a month so apparently dont work ???:wacko:

anyway here we are after 36 months of trying!!
we only been doctors once that was at 25th month mark and basically laughed at me not literally but felt like a fool..

she said not her words but basic cut down:
i have 2 healthy children
'perfect family situation'
luckier than most
just try and see what happens....

this as made me not want to go back as i feel selfish for even wanting another and telling someone i'd love another..

but after not getting even a bfp not even a evap after 3 years im starting panick somethings wrong.. idealy id like concieve naturally as going doctors again make me upset but its not happening :cry:
id go see another gp, i got the brush off for years but when i moved area my new gp was fantastic and wrote a referal straight away im now waiting to start ivf in a few weeks we are paying privately for this but had all tests through nhs,
its not at all wrong for you to want another child dont let anyone make you think that way, also if you have any underlying problems you need to know,
best of luck and dont take no for an answer x
:hugs: I know how you feel. I got pregnant first time trying with my son and daughter but with number 3....not happening :shrug:
It's really hard to talk to people about it because most peoples attitude is "you have two beautiful children be happy with what you have". I'm sure like me you are so grateful and know how lucky you are but still your heart longs for one more. It is not you being selfish it's just you being a women who knows the joy it is to be a mum :hugs: I really hope it happens for you soon. I would definately go back to your GP and be quite assertive and say you want some tests done. You have been trying for long enough to justify asking for that! If your GP doesn't help can you see somebody else? There might be a simple reason why it is not happening for you and you can get it sorted and get your :baby: before you know it! Fingers crossed you get your :bfp: soon x x x
I'm in a similar boat. My hubby and I have two beautiful children and although I feel extemely blessed I can't shake the feeling that I want a third. I went to two doctors before finding one that understood how I felt and believe it or not he's a man. haha. The first ob was a women and I thought she would understand, but all she could tell me was that I had two healthy children and to count my blessings that itll happen when it happens. Gosh it's been 18 months now and still no luck. I'm really hoping we can all have a successful month and thank you for your post it helps to know you are not alone. :) Good luck this month and happy holiday's.
Thankyou girls...
nice find people that understand :) ..

:dust: to you both x
Hi Gemma,
It is good to know you're not alone :hugs: My signature below kinda says it all.
I went to my GP after 18 months of TTC #3 and got referred to the hospital without any probs - GP did make a point of saying that there was only so much that could be done on NHS as we already have 2 children though. Over the last 3 years I've had a blood test to check FSH levels (in case of early menopause), several 21 day progesterone tests (to confirm ovulation), Hubby has had 3 tests to check his swimmers, I've had a HSG (dye test to check if tubes open), external/internal ultrasound to check ovaries and most recently had a laparoscopy (an op where they use camera to check around inside for things like endometriosis) and they also did another dye test at the same time as 1st one didn't work properly! Frustratingly (but obviously good news) all tests have come back normal and only diagnosis we have is "unexplained secondary infertility"!
Hospital have let us try clomid (even though I ovulate normally) to see if perhaps it would give hubby's swimmers more target practice, but no luck having done 5 rounds. I have another months supply left, but wanted a break from clomid for a while as my mood swings weren't nice! Hospital say IUI would be next step, costing about £600 a go, although success rates aren't great. However, as we've had children together successfully before, odds are more favourable (but still not great). They say IVF would bring better odds, but as I'm sure you are aware IVF is very expensive.
Our dilemma is that we cannot justify spending that much money when it would be better spent on the children we already have! The last few years have been tough emotionally, failing month after month and feeling our life is in limbo and there is little sympathy or understanding from others, as like you say, you seem selfish to want another when you already have 2 healthy, fabulous kids. But we REALLY want another child and feel like there is someone still missing from our family :cry: The thought of giving up is almost as bad as not being able to have another baby.

You should push to be referred & have all the tests you can get. It could be as simple as you're not ovulating and just need a little push with clomid? But if you don't test you'll always be wondering.
:dust: Baby dust to you in the meantime, and don't give up as I've seen so many ladies on here get their BFP's after years of trying xxx
nothings happened for me so far how are you ladies doing :)
I have my cervical screening 28th so will talk to nurse then x

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