Hi, ladies! Loola, I'm sorry to hear about your struggles this month. And no worries about TMI with me, I feel like that's what these boards are for! We share things in hopes that others have had the same experiences and can offer counsel and shed some light on the situation. HopingCarter is right, though, you could be experiencing implantation spotting. If the

does show, maybe next month you could consider not charting and just have fun with it? Especially if it's stressing you both out!
Get this: the cycle before I got pregnant was 39 days, and the one before that was 52. I guess my body was still regulating from coming off birth control. So when my OPK gave me nothing but lows for 20 straight days and then stopped asking for test sticks, I was super bummed and felt that even IT had given up on me. On CD 48, I had my annual exam and of course, they gave me the standard pregnancy test, which was a BFN. On Day 48! I have never wanted AF to show so bad, so we could start trying again. I was just waiting for her to arrive and totally gave up on being pregnant - so much so that I even forgot about testing. On CD 61, I was complaining to my best friend and she said, "well, just take another HPT tomorrow morning and if it's not a BFP and you don't get your period, try again in a week." I felt very deflated because I knew it was going to be another BFN. But guess what? It wasn't!!!
My point in telling you all of that is to say that our bodies do crazy things sometimes, and we can't always predict what the outcome will be. I didn't even think I'd Od because my OPK said I hadn't, but obviously I did. It will happen for you again, but in the meantime, have fun with all the BDing! All the stress and pressure can't be good for either of you. My best friend got pregnant when she and her husband STOPPED trying to plan it and just enjoyed the ride (pun intended

I hope telling you all of that has made you feel a little better about things. Remember, you know you can get pregnant; the only question is when? Try to have faith that things will happen as and when they're supposed to. Easier said than done, I know!
Sending lots of love, hugs and baby dust to you, hun!