Just thought i'd explain my journey & say hello!

Also, Loola, don't forget that women have the best chance of conceiving when they are in their 20s! So you definitely have that working for you. I agree with HopingCarter - you CAN get pregnant, so you don't have to worry about that, either. Try not to focus on what has happened in the past and have fun with it! I know that's easier said than done, but that's what I try to do myself. I hope you're having a better day today, sweetie.
Ah :hugs: thanks ladies. I think I just needed a bit of a lift yesterday, can always turn to b&b for it! the thing is, it was a couple of years ago, so i think i'm over the emotional side of it, not that i'll ever forget my angel :cry: but it's what its left me with, that still hurts! Dreaded AF was due today, still nothing.. I took a test this morning, and again this afternoon. Nothing! Lucky I ordered a batch of 30!!!
You're not out Loola until the :witch: shows!! FX you get your bfp with at least one of them haha
I'm not really big on the temping fluffet, for two reasons; 1. I'm not sure when or how to do it, 2. After seeing how hysterical some women get with these charts, I know I'll go insane if things don't line up the way I think they should lol...I was planning to try charting my temps but I decided not to at this point. Now the opks was definitely in the plan. We are going with the SMEP (sperm meets egg plan), which my OB recommeded to do as well, which recommends using the opks and it seems simple enough, not too worrisome. I'm just trying not to make conceiving so "technical" and "mechanical". I know it's hard for some women to get pregnant so they have to do what they think is best for them, and I'm not knocking them or judging them at all because it's been proven to work. I just want my faith in the hands of the one above. He blessed me with the opportunity to get pregnant once without having to go those routes, so I'm gonna believe him to do again, just with more sex involved lol, that can't hurt right??
I see you got the signature! I love yours too!! That background looks so enticing compared to the awful weather we're having right now

HopingCarter, I completely understand, especially if it would drive you crazy. As a matter of fact, I did not temp or chart the first cycle after my D&C because I just didn't care anymore. However, I started charting and temping again on CD5 the cycle after that because I couldn't stand not being able to look back and see what was going on with my body. But again, I totally understand where you're coming from because I'm OCD and hate when my temps are crazy because I don't do online charting and therefore have no one to ask for interpretation. It can be very frustrating, but also addicting. So definitely keep doing what's right for you. Stress free is best! Silly question, but does SMEP mean exactly what it sounds like? Basically, just let the sperm meet the egg? I told DH I don't want baby making to become a chore, and he agreed (obviously). So we still have fun with sex and act like we're not even doing it for a baby. That certainly makes the act enjoyable and not stressful. I'm of the mindset that it will happen when it's supposed to, according to God's plan, so I agree with you about leaving it up to Him.

I did figure out the signature, thanks!!! I just clicked on yours and followed the directions on the site. :happydance: Now I'm the real deal!
LMAO^^ you are the real deal haha!! That's so funny

And I don't want anyone who does temp and chart to be offended either because that's certainly not my intention. There are times I thought that if I checked this or checked that or charted this then I'll still be pregnant or would've gotten pregnant before, but I've just decided to believe nothing works without God and if he wants it to happen, with or without charting and temping, it will happen. That's pretty much it lol. I am however so excited to actually start trying again!! Friday will be my CD8 and it's been a while so I'm pretty sure we're both geared up and ready for this every other day action :haha:. I'm just going to get 10 hpts and 10 opks and see what happens. Last pregnancy when I found out I was pregnant, I peed on damn near every test I could buy, so I have to limit myself. And Yes!! SMEP is just that, making sure we get at least one :spermy: to meet the egg. If you haven't seen this site, it really helps
I peed on FOUR hpts the morning I found out!!! I didn't believe the 1st one...or the 2nd one...or the 3rd one... By the time the 4th one confirmed my BFP, I started believing it. :happydance: I took several more tests in the week that followed just to make sure it was still true!

SMEP sounds great! I think I might try to incorporate it, too. Plus I'm sure the hubs won't mind all that extra loving! :blush:
Fluffet I did the same 2 years ago, I refused to believe it because it was so unexpected, so I bought 3 packs of 2 digital tests until it drummed itself into my head, and now it's the complete opposite. I'm actually urging it to happen this time haha :) Today is cd28, 5pm... Still no AF. Although I went to the loo earlier and (sorry tmi!) there was a light brown tinge to my CM so i'm guessing it's on it's way, although nothing since then and that was about 1 this afternoon. My body is REALLY confused right now :haha: I have no cramps or anything like I usually do, not too sure what's going on. I didn't feel great about our attempts this cycle though, we had some problems around my fertile period, OH couldn't seem to 'get there' and it began to stress us out and become an impossible chore. I even went to bed crying the nights it didn't work, so i'd rather AF just came if it's going to do so, atleast then we can look to the next month which I hope will be better than the last :} how are you girls?
Loola, I'm so sorry you couldn't get it on like you planned too, but that is the hard part about this process. You have to keep it spicy in the bedroom b/c with the method I'm trying for this cycle we have to BD every other night, starting tomorrow until about a week and a half, so it requires lots of action and lots of FRESH :spermy: I don't know if you could get creative with it or try something that gets him in the "mood beyond moods", that's what I've been looking up lately. Just thinking of ways of how we are going to keep it from being a chore, although it doesn't take much for him, I guess I just know how to turn him on in various ways :smug:

BUT YOU ARE STILL NOT OUT LADY lol..That could be implantation bleeding b/c that does happen in about 1/3 of women who conceive, so I'm sending lots of :dust: your way and hope that :witch: stays away
That's the thing though, we've NEVER had those problems! we sat and talked about it because we needed to get to the bottom of it somehow and he admitted he felt under pressure to get me pregnant so he was stressing himself out over it so much that it just wasn't happening :( he was working 12 hours too, so it was virtually impossible to keep him awake/turned on. This month will be a lot different i'm hoping, although if AF does turn up within the next few hours/couple days, then my cycles aren't the 28 days that i've always thought they were. Maybe we did it the complete wrong time during September's cycle but we shall see what happens.. will keep you all posted. Have fun this next week and a half hopingcarter! haha good luck <3 :flow:
Hi, ladies! Loola, I'm sorry to hear about your struggles this month. And no worries about TMI with me, I feel like that's what these boards are for! We share things in hopes that others have had the same experiences and can offer counsel and shed some light on the situation. HopingCarter is right, though, you could be experiencing implantation spotting. If the :witch: does show, maybe next month you could consider not charting and just have fun with it? Especially if it's stressing you both out! :nope:

Get this: the cycle before I got pregnant was 39 days, and the one before that was 52. I guess my body was still regulating from coming off birth control. So when my OPK gave me nothing but lows for 20 straight days and then stopped asking for test sticks, I was super bummed and felt that even IT had given up on me. On CD 48, I had my annual exam and of course, they gave me the standard pregnancy test, which was a BFN. On Day 48! I have never wanted AF to show so bad, so we could start trying again. I was just waiting for her to arrive and totally gave up on being pregnant - so much so that I even forgot about testing. On CD 61, I was complaining to my best friend and she said, "well, just take another HPT tomorrow morning and if it's not a BFP and you don't get your period, try again in a week." I felt very deflated because I knew it was going to be another BFN. But guess what? It wasn't!!!

My point in telling you all of that is to say that our bodies do crazy things sometimes, and we can't always predict what the outcome will be. I didn't even think I'd Od because my OPK said I hadn't, but obviously I did. It will happen for you again, but in the meantime, have fun with all the BDing! All the stress and pressure can't be good for either of you. My best friend got pregnant when she and her husband STOPPED trying to plan it and just enjoyed the ride (pun intended :haha:).

I hope telling you all of that has made you feel a little better about things. Remember, you know you can get pregnant; the only question is when? Try to have faith that things will happen as and when they're supposed to. Easier said than done, I know!

Sending lots of love, hugs and baby dust to you, hun! :hugs:

BTW, I know this is going to sound super nerdy, but I feel like you two are my BnB BFFs. Is that weird?
Yeah i guess so Fluff :) i'm sure you girls can completely feel where i'm coming from though, i am so impatient right now and just trying to do everything I possibly can. I never physically write anything down or work anything out but i've got an app on my phone that tracks my cycle and tells me my most fertile days so I have just gone by that but this month i'm just going to aim for every other day and see what happens. You're so right, it really does cause stress trying to do it 'too carefully' so to speak! All of our times will come, I wonder who will be first, boys/girls?! It's so exciting we can never lose touch!!! haha,

and AWW that is so sweet <3 i'm the same! If i have updates I come straight to this thread :flow:
Awww fluffet and loola :friends: You ladies are my BnB BFFs haha....It's so nice coming on here being able to "talk" to other women that have went through what I've went through and then some. Just the positive enegy and being able to release is why I come to this forum. You ladies have been so awesome. Sometimes I wish that we could all go for coffee (if you drink it) or something, because I have NO BODY to do that with right now, and it would be nice having someone to just hang out with who can relate to you, ya know? I hope I don't sound like a creeper lmao....Thanks so much for the support

And fluffet, if that sounds nerdy then we ARE definitely BnB BFFs because I was thinking the same lol
That is definitely the only downfall to BnB! that we're too damn far to meet. Atleast you two are in the same country hey ;) haha!!
I'm so confused today my loves :(
Today is CD30! Still no AF, just very light brown tinged CM that is still refusing to turn to red! I've always had 28 day cycles so i don't know what's going on, it's going to mess up my fertile window for next month now as I have no idea WHEN it will be! don't know whether to base it on 28 days or 30(+) .. I have been using cheap internet tests that claim to be 10Mlu, so refused to believe it when I kept getting BFN's and blamed it on the fact they're cheap so I went and bought a box of 2 Clearblue's today and it is still saying not pregnant :cry: damn body!
Wow I was sure it should've come up w/ a result by now! How many dpo are you right now?
Wow I was sure it should've come up w/ a result by now! How many dpo are you right now?

15 dpo! :growlmad: I really just wish AF would hurry up which it clearly is going to turn up at some point if i'm still getting BFN's, I just want to be able to try again but I need AF to turn up first- the only time I actually want to see her! :wacko:
Loola, what's your app called? I'm just wondering if we have it over here. Sounds cool! Are you out now, did AF show up? I saw your signature thing that says you're CD2? You "sound" like you're feeling a bit better by the tone of your last reply...I hope that's the case! :)

HopingCarter, I absolutely agree! With everything you said, really. I would love to go for drinks, except mine would be hot chocolate. DH doesn't understand how I don't like coffee, and always tries to get me to drink it, but I just don't care for it. Also, it WOULD be nice to have someone to hang out with in person who is going through the same situation. My BFF lives in another city, so I don't get to see her very often. She already has a DS (almost 6 years old) and DD (4 years old), and she's never miscarried, so try as she might, she can't possibly understand my situation. AND she got pregnant 7 months after they started trying AND had a perfect pregnancy. The nerve of some people, huh? :wacko: So no, you do NOT sound like a creeper to me. You both sound like very nice ladies who would make excellent friends outside of the forum! I appreciate the support from both of you, as well! :friends:

And I agree with Loola about this thread. It's kinda like our own personal retreat! I always come back here every morning to see if either of you have posted. <3 We can use it for our updates to each other. Not that others can't join the thread, but...you know what I mean, right?
Wow, I'm behind here! I started my previous post earlier this morning and kept getting pulled away to do other work-related stuff. Sorry, my dears! Let me get caught up to speed...
That is definitely the only downfall to BnB! that we're too damn far to meet. Atleast you two are in the same country hey ;) haha!!
I'm so confused today my loves :(
Today is CD30! Still no AF, just very light brown tinged CM that is still refusing to turn to red! I've always had 28 day cycles so i don't know what's going on, it's going to mess up my fertile window for next month now as I have no idea WHEN it will be! don't know whether to base it on 28 days or 30(+) .. I have been using cheap internet tests that claim to be 10Mlu, so refused to believe it when I kept getting BFN's and blamed it on the fact they're cheap so I went and bought a box of 2 Clearblue's today and it is still saying not pregnant :cry: damn body!

Oh, how frustrating, Loola! :growlmad: Maybe it's because you're stressed? Wait, I might be confused...I think Os can be delayed because of stress, but I'm not sure if AF can be delayed because of it. You are definitely going through something strange, especially since your cycles are usually 28 days! I hope AF shows soon, or better yet, you get a BFP!!! Hang in there, my dear!
It's only since the end of my period last month that we decided to TTC, so before then I use to never really track but cycles, just use to wait for AF to show up and it use to be like clock work so i'm guessing it was 28 days, the few times I did write it down it always was anyway! I'm HOPING that I o'd late in september and I did actually conceive and this is just spotting because there was one perfect spot of mid brown when i got home from being out all day, and then i'm hoping it's too early for a BFP? maybe my mind is working overtime but I guess it could possibly be true if my cycles are now longer than 28 days each cycle :)

When are you due to test fluff? I know hopingcarter is coming up to her 8 days of bd'ing so that's probably why she isn't replying right now ;) haha!! <3

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