Just thought i'd explain my journey & say hello!

Awwww Loola I just noticed your signature and your new avi, they are GORGEOUS!! That's so awesome!! I have no pets because for so long I was just petrified of every animal because I had this weird phobia of ALL animals on 4 legs and every bug. Now I am dying to own a dog. My hubby wants a Golden Retriever but I want a Chocolate Labrador. I think they are so beautiful and so loyal. I wish I had a horse too but it would help if I knew how to take care of one first lol. And Luisa is not an ugly name!! I like Luisa honestly. No offense to anybody but at least it's not Bertha or Gertrude. I'm sorry but I just don't find those names appealing at all. Luisa is very pretty to me
Sooo last night we :sex: but I'm not feeling good about it. After he released, a little came back out and I was worried enough didn't get in. Good thing we get to go every other day or else I'd be bummed :dohh:

Shara, I am TOTALLY with you on the bugs. <shivers with heebie jeebies> Ew. Just...ew. The worst part is, bugs are attracted to me! If I'm around, no one else has to worry about being bitten by mosquitoes. Beetles seem to seek me out and always fly right towards me. And one time when my husband was working in the yard, a wasp started chasing ME, who was (before it started buzzing around me) reading in a chair all peaceful like, and stung me twice on my back! So I am not a fan of bugs in the least! :hissy:

Dogs are AWESOME! And I don't think you can go wrong with either a lab or a retriever. You are right about them being loyal, and are soooo good with children. I think Louisa says it in her next post, but they will allow children to pull on their ears and tail, hang on to their fur for balance, etc. My nephew did with our aunt & uncle's 2 labs and they were always so good about it!

Shara, you cracked me up with your comments about Bertha and Gertrude! I think even ladies with those names can admit they're unfortunate for this day and time.

Don't be worried about his baby batter coming out after :sex:. I read an article (I think it was on Baby Center) that said the :spermy: are in the very first ejaculate that comes out of him and the rest of it is seminal fluid, etc. So since he is still inside you when the first spurt comes out, those little swimmers already have a head start! I'll have to see if I can find the article and post it for you here. :thumbup:
Thankyou! we've got a chihuahua x bichon frise, he's like a fluffy chihuahua :D my parents have a golden Labrador on the farm, fab guard dog and you're 100% right, so so so loyal! my two year old niece lays all over him and falls asleep on him, he checks every few minutes to see if she's awake but no matter how much he's aching he won't get up until she's moved! they're amazing dogs. I don't think people realise how much work goes into horses lol! I use to have my own pony growing up but she died when I was 17, I got her when I was 2 so that left a pretty big hole in my heart! She was 29 when she died. After she went I decided to not get another completely of my own as Amber and Ellie are family horses so we all chip in for everything and it works so well like that! it takes the weight off everyone's shoulders, I couldn't cope with having another horse that was my sole responsibility. It's not really the cost that's the issue although it's EXPENSIVE, it's mainly the time and work involved, I couldn't do it with our TTC plans so I love sharing the girlies :D

Ah god i've just realised how much I go on, I talk way too much haha :haha:

Ahh well done for the bd'ing! ;) FX this month.. I always get really paranoid that it all fell out but apparently it's just the semen that comes out with the sperm that leaks out! apparently majority of the sperm are long gone before OH even takes it out, the residue has to come out at some point so I wouldn't panic honey :hugs: confidence is key! x x

Louisa, I'm so sorry about your horse that passed away. Animals are just like family and they do leave a hole in your heart, just like you said. I'm sure you still miss her terribly! I didn't realize horses had such a long life expectancy. That's awesome! Although I'm just like Shara in the fact that I wouldn't even begin to know how to take care of one. I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I have never even ridden a horse before. I have always wanted to, but the opportunity has never presented itself. :( I do think they're beautiful animals, though. So strong and majestic.

My husband (Shaun) and I have 2 dogs :dog: :dog:, they're both Jack Russell Terriers (although sometimes we refer to them as Jack Russell "Terrors". :haha: If you know the breed, you understand why!) They are our fur babies/4-legged children. Flash is 14 and Dixie is 11. I might have to change my picture to a picture of them so you can see them. I just love them to pieces and don't know what I will do when they pass. We rescued Flash from an animal shelter 2 years ago; we've had Dixie Dawg since she was 8 weeks old (got her from a breeder).

Louisa, you think you go on ? I'm Chatty Cathy over here! As a matter of fact, I just changed my mood to "chatty"! :haha: It's just that you both are so easy to talk to, I can't help myself! And since we don't get to actually talk, these are our "getting to know you" convos.

Confidence is key! I like that saying, and you're absolutely right!
Awww annnnnnd she's gone again :haha: You're so funny Kim. It's okay to feel loved with people you connect with. That was the intention, it's not weird at all. I just wanted to ask you when you were going to start BDing, (sorry if that's too personal) I just wanted to ask because I told you guys I was doing the SMEP plan, which already recommeded having intercourse every other day, but I was wondering (well actually my hubby was wondering) if we should try twice a day on the days we go at it or would that be too much. The reason I'm asking is because my OB was saying that the sperm has to be "fresh" and not "run-down" per se, they have to have enough motility to go the distance, and survive longer to acheive success. Sooooo, would DTD twice a day on every other day be too often??

Shara, There is no such thing as too personal with me, my dear! Plus, with you and Louisa being my BnB BFFs, I feel we can talk about anything! :D I had planned for Shaun & I to start BDing on CD8 (Friday) and again on CD10 (Sunday) per SMEP, but it just didn't work out for us this weekend. However, I got my first "High" result on my OPK yesterday morning, so I made sure we :sex: last night! I'm not sure how long it'll take for the OPK to register a "Peak" result, because I've never gotten a "High" this early in my cycle. Regardless, I'm pretty excited! So my plan is to continue with SMEP, except using a CD11 start date.

As far as BDing twice a day, I have heard that's not a good idea. It doesn't give his :spermy: enough time to build back up since the last time. And we all want as many of them swimming towards the egg as possible. I'll see if I can find that article, too, and post it here. By the way, if y'all don't know about Baby Center, check it out! So much good info there!

Also, there is a book called "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" that talks in depth about...well, everything there is to know about fertility. Shara, I don't know that you would want it because it goes in depth about how to chart, but you might because the other information discussed is still super helpful in understanding your body and fertility signs, etc. If you have the Kindle app on your phone, you could download the free sample and see what you think! :)
Lol Kim! I like the comment about the bugs!! I feel the same way, like they are always pestering me and nobody else. Me and my hubby (Romeo, yes that's his real name lol) live in an old house, so there's like a bazillion spiders in the walls probably, but they only seem to come out when I'm by myself. And it's not like the small baby one, OH NOOOO, it's the biggest daddy long legs nature created!! I don't care if they are harmless, they look like monsters in my eyes. UUUUUUUUUggggghhhhh!! It's so funny too because I'm always running out of the bathroom or bedroom screaming like we're gettig robbed :gun:, and he just stands there laughing so hard at me, it's crazy...

Luisa, I'm still praying that you have sticky in there! Implantation bleeding hun...That could be what's happening right now. It seems about right on the timing. I'm believing it for you
I don't have the app right now, but I will be downloading that now, thanks Kim! I just checked my CM and it appears a little bit more watery than ususal, but not clear yet still a little pearly looking so I know it's getting close to O time. I'll take a opk when I get home, if I can hold my urine for 4 hours lol! I tried to take one last night but I think I had too much pee on it so it didn't work, but according to my CM check last night, it wasn't as wet so I knew I didn't O yet.

Just to touch on our last Bd session Sunday night. Well, you guys know what happened on Friday (the leakage), Sunday he decided to "stay in" a little longer and he started dozing off :rofl: Then after I had to wake him up, he was like "babe don't get up yet, it might come out again. Hold it in with your hand" haha. I had to laugh when I got in the bathroom. I thought that was so adorable yet funny as hell...

So BDing twice is a day is out then. That's okay, I guess less is more in this case then. Thanks ladies

The witch turned up :cry: i'm strangely relieved so we can try again, I had a real bad feeling about this cycle from the start. I hate to admit this but I have NO idea how the OPK's work, but i'm definitely going to need some for this month as I now have no idea when i'll ovulate, i don't even know how long my cycles are anymore to get a good judgement :shrug: sighhhhh- back to the drawing board! :haha: i guess it means we're all in the same boat for a little longer ;)
Oh god! I remember I mentioned about a really good app I have on my phone a few days back and one of you asked what it was called. I completely forgot to include it in my next comment- sorry about that :haha: it's called Ovia Fertility. You tap in your daily symptoms etc and the type of CM you're experiencing and it tracks everything! it obviously only tracks your fertile days based on your input, but it is a really handy little app. I hope you guys can get it over there :D It tells you how many days until your fertile window, how many days until testing etc etc.

Haha Shara :haha: :haha:
he sounds great, I love his thinking! but don't worry I can easily say that my OH has fallen asleep on top of me after BD'ing before, he hates getting off of me and grabs something whilst still 'in' me to stop it falling out - bless his heart.

Kim that is so sweet about your dogs. I love Jack Russels! they're absolutely full of beans aren't they?! in fact, yesterday me and OH took our little Bailey for a walk and two jack's came running from out of nowhere. He isn't good AT ALL with other dogs, so we have to pick him up or he growls and starts jumping around like an idiot- really shows us up :haha: anyway these two dogs started jumping through the air to try and get to Bails :O and the jump on them is just unreal! I couldn't stop laughing. My aunt use to have one called Mikey, he was attacked to death by a loose Pitbull who managed to get hold of him whilst in their secure garden so I have no clue how that ever happened. I guess they're not safe anywhere but you can't keep your eyes on them 24/7 like you do a child, can you :/ I do love animals, especially horses obviously and dogs. My dad is Turkish so when I go to visit him and his side of the family in Turkey, I see so many stray dogs and if I could afford the vaccinations to get them to the UK then i'd give them all a loving home. The vaccines are so expensive! it breaks my heart every time I go.. and it's even WORSE going to what they call 'the pound' (basically a rescue) I made the mistake last time of going to see them and puppies as young as 8 weeks in there, of a night it's apparently freezing especially during the winter months. I guess atleast they have a place to stay by being there, but they all deserve a lovely warm home don't they :( that's why I love people who rescue like you did one of yours Kim! My little chi x was a rescue. I took him and his brother at 9 weeks who were taken to the centre after being dumped on the road side. Bailey was completely healthy and still is thank god, but his brother Bentley picked up some sort of infection from being exposed to the big wide world without having their shots and we had to have him put to sleep. Only had him for 3 weeks but he was extremely poorly during that time, couldn't put him through any more pain at such a young age bless him :cry: I do miss him.

BOOOOO are you sure??? I know you know your body better than anybody so I need to knock it off, but I was really hopefully for you. Oh well, loads of :dust: to you for this cycle. I guess it is good that we're all at the semi-same stages. Hopefully that means we'll all get a :bfp: at the same time then!!
Oh, Louisa, I'm sorry. I'm glad to hear you're "strangely relieved", though! It's always such a let down when she arrives. But I love that you're keeping a positive attitude and I'm super proud of you for that! It will be hard for you to tell what's going on O-wise, so I understand your frustration with not knowing what to expect now since your cycle has been thrown off. It was probably due to stress, sweetie. I felt the same way about my current cycle: relieved to have started my period so that we could begin trying again. :sex:

My OPK had an instruction booklet, so when you get one, yours should, too. I started out using Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test but switched to Clearblue Fertility Monitor because it seemed more comprehensive (it tests daily and I really like the monitor itself). It starts asking for sticks on CD9 for me and continues a few days past O. Every day gives me a "Low", "High" or "Peak" reading. I get very excited when the reading changes from low to high, and especially from high to peak! I'm got my first high reading yesterday (CD11). The earliest I've ever gotten a high is CD13, and CD 15 before that so maybe my cycles are getting shorter?
Lol Kim! I like the comment about the bugs!! I feel the same way, like they are always pestering me and nobody else. Me and my hubby (Romeo, yes that's his real name lol) live in an old house, so there's like a bazillion spiders in the walls probably, but they only seem to come out when I'm by myself. And it's not like the small baby one, OH NOOOO, it's the biggest daddy long legs nature created!! I don't care if they are harmless, they look like monsters in my eyes. UUUUUUUUUggggghhhhh!! It's so funny too because I'm always running out of the bathroom or bedroom screaming like we're gettig robbed :gun:, and he just stands there laughing so hard at me, it's crazy...

Shara! I totally know what you mean! As a matter of fact, I just went to the bathroom to pee. As I was starting to sit, I saw what appeared to be a medium sized black spider crawling across the floor. I almost jumped out of my skin! It turned out to be a ball of fuzz, but still...I'm right there with you! Louisa probably thinks we're wimps! :haha: Do frogs freak you out, by chance?
OOOOoooh Loola!! I'm so sorry you had to put him to sleep. That's soo sad. I love people who rescue animals too. No matter how much I was scared of dogs, cats, etc. I would never want to hurt them or see them hurting. You guys are amazing.
Shara! I totally know what you mean! As a matter of fact, I just went to the bathroom to pee. As I was starting to sit, I saw what appeared to be a medium sized black spider crawling across the floor. I almost jumped out of my skin! It turned out to be a ball of fuzz, but still...I'm right there with you! Louisa probably thinks we're wimps! :haha: Do frogs freak you out, by chance?

:rofl: OMG YOU SOUND JUST LIKE ME, LAST NIGHT!!! Yea frogs freak me out too!! :nope: I know it's sad but I AM a wimp when it comes to anything that's not human. I am getting pretty warmed up and comfortable around dogs though, so that's why I want one. My friends' dogs are all so loving and energetic, and totally harmless, just like me so I think that would work out for us.
Boo hiss, Louisa! I can't get Ovia Fertility on my phone! :growlmad: It might be available on the Apple or Android platforms, but nooooo. I decided I wanted a Windows phone (not sure if you have them over there?). It was a big mistake because the Windows phones don't have even HALF as many apps as Apple and Android. Luckily, I'm due for an upgrade at the end of December, so I might ask you again, as I'm sure this thread will be waaaaaaaay too long to go back and find it!

Yes, Jack Russells are crazy, that's for sure! Flash was 12 when we adopted him, so he's pretty low key. Believe it or not, he's actually quite the lap dog! He loves to snuggle, whereas Dixie used to practically climb walls! She's starting to show her age, though, and naps a lot more often. We keep them on harness and leash when we walk in the neighborhood and have to watch them constantly in our backyard because she is an escape artist and will dig a hole to get out! I hate to hear that about Mikey, or any dog attack, really. It's so sad! Same with the strays! I have said for many years now that if I ever get rich, I will buy a big farm for rescuing and caring for dogs. I'd probably take other (furry) animals, too. I'm very much an animal lover. Except for snakes and iguanas and things like that. They freak me out like bugs do!
First of all, Shara, I think it is AWESOME that your husband's name is Romeo!!! I love that! Second, I totally laughed about him dozing off and then telling you to hold it in with your hand! So adorable and yet so funny!
Honesty, I don't think you're wimps at all! For as long as I can remember, I've had a terrible fear of spiders or anything that has a few legs and crawls! I've always been scared of them but it was at it's peak last year when I physically fell to the floor and peed myself over a spider that was on our bedroom wall. OH paid £180 and made me get some sort of help, in which I had to visit an expert in a reptile type centre. I pulled up outside and just cried, I couldn't go in! Eventually I made it in after about 45 minutes of attempting it and I was a nervous wreck that he was going to throw a bug on me or lock me in a room with spiders or something like that. All he did was speak to me actually, and made me bring home a 'pet' spider not much bigger than a money spider (I guess you call the tiny ones money spiders there too?!) he wanted me to let it loose in my house and be content with that. Anyway I couldn't even put this container with a spider inside in my car so I left it just outside in a bush and drive off. :haha: worst £180 ever spent because I'm still the same and probably always will be, it's just one of those things but mine really is not than a fear so believe me you're not wimps compared to me, lol!

Yeah we have windows phones here but apple and android are more the leading brands id say! I have an iPhone 5s but due an upgrade in January, the new 6 looks like a brick. I really don't like big phones haha
DTD-Do or Doing the Deed

lol, and he hates his name!! EVERYBODY that he gets introduced to says the exact same thing "Romeo, O, Romeo, where are thou Romeo" and I could see his nose flaring up and he gets red, I'm always embarrassed for him lol...
Sorry I meant- mine is much more than a fear :haha: stupid phone changing what I wanted to say! Damn things

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