

there was a tornado picture featured on the news right where i work! it was taken from the parking lot of a shopping center literally half a mile down my from job. which, by the way, i live about 5 miles from :( that was earlier today though, but there are, like, a million severe storms around here right now, along with a giant terrible band of severe thunderstorms making it's way over in a couple hours. the t.v. is on and keeps doing that severe weather alert thing which i HATE because the stupid sound that comes on first raises my anxiety levels :(
nope lol; i think the tornado threat is over for now...but we may have bad wind and hail later.

I wish I was in Ohio right now :(
ok. i'm not truly bitching 'cause i don't *really* care...but i'm slightly annoyed that hubs decided to invite friends over (two so far, only one of which i knew about coming) and one came while i was heating up dinner...then he just went into the basement (yeah, ok, it's a fucking man cave. it became a man cave when i was about 8 months pregnant and no longer felt like using stairs). so i was left eating dinner alone, one-handed. it would have been nice to have him there to hold Des so i could eat dinner and chill a second.

nope. not today.

actually the only interaction he's had with Des today was kissing him when he got home from work :( and that's shaping up to be the only interaction he has today because Des already wants to sleep for the night so we'll be going to bed probably in an hour or so...
yay! is she in labor?

You would hope so lol

you never know! those cervixes (cervi?) can be wonky!
i like using the work wonky!
is your uterus similar to mine? like, heart-shaped? i didn't really clarify that earlier.

Nope, mine seems regular boring ol' round shaped. If it didn't interfere with your IUD plans, I'd be ultra excited that you have an awesome uterus.
I do, however, have a kinked cervix. FTW.
how do i politely tell hubs to clean some fucking bottles and that i'm sick of doing it? nicely?
holy balls you ladies need to slow down!! I can't keep up! Mostly cuz I go see Lizzie every three hours, and then I pump, then I take an hour to do stuff around the camper, then back to Lizzie....and Now I get to do skin to skin with her so that's another hour at the hospital....so yeah, not much time for me to get on here! But I'm loving skin to skin, and she loves it too!!! Gonna sacrifice my time today to let my hubby do it tonight :D

and I need to get my eyeballs adjusted cuz I totally thought your post said Des was stretching his foreskin....don't ask me why.....stupid eyeballs....and brain for that matter!!

Hello lovely. Just ask for a summary from one of us when you pop on. I'm sure we can keep you up to date!
Yay for skin to skin!! I'm super glad she's going so well. Did they ever figure out why you went into premature labour/had PPROM?

katie why have you not been sleeping?

and actually that does sound like a crazy week...and everything is daunting with a newborn!

so am i correct in assuming tyson's parents love you? are they together?

I'm not sleeping because I'm swinging manic lately. it'll chill out in a while and I'll be able to calm down again.

Tyson's parents like me...or tolerate me. or something. His mom and I hang out and text and stuff. I hope they like me! And yeah, they are together. They're an odd family.... I like them though.

You, missy, need some mood stabilisers if you can't sleep. Have you spoken to someone? I say this in a friendly medico like way and not like a "fucking bitch you be crazy hoe-bag" sorta way :flower: (just to top it off lol)

hellloooo! i have been recruited :haha:

i scrolled down the page and saw the words foreskin and sex....definitely my kind of thread :rofl:

iv never seen a circumcised winky....you just dont get them round here. oh and definitely not heard of fore skin stretching :haha:


I'm Emerald - everyone seems to have a nickname in here (e.g. Lauragiggles and Lia) so I tend to be referred to as Em because it's a billion times quicker to type. 24 and hubs is 27; we've been together for 9 years this month. 19 and a half weeks preggo with my first after being told I can't have kids (we obviously had super-sex). She's a girl and she has super long legs which love to attack my insides, even though I have an anterior placenta. I'm a senior medical student and the resident Dr. Oz hater. Live in Australia.

hi milf! :wave: thanks for coming! introduce yourself!

quick rundown: i am laura, also known as "lauragiggles" 'round these parts :haha: i'm 25, hubs is 27, first baby is 2 months, he is also known as "Des" or "Giantbaby" (9lbs 2oz at birth), but he's only second in size to Tyler, also known as "Megababy", Ash's youngin'...but i'll let her introduce herself ;)

and i have only seen but one uncut wiener in the flesh. i didn't even seen my own son's before they cut it...well...half cut it. so i guess i've seen one and a half uncut penises (peni?). and for a brief on that story, the doctor didn't cut enough off of Des' penis so he has to get it done again :( i am heated about that...but rather than rage again i will say that...

...the forth of july is coming soon! soooo many fireworks. i live at the end of a court and the families around here spend TONS on fireworks. i mean hundreds. and they shoot them off in the court for everyone's viewing pleasure so we don't have to pay for shit! which is great, since i am morally opposed to them. i kind of feel like it's exploding your money. several dollars for a second of a colorful explosion...not my idea of a fun way of spending my money.

hope i'm not offending any fireworks lovers out there!

so, my Aussie and new UK friends, do you have any holiday(s) that you guys go firework crazy with? also, over there, if holidays are also vacations, do actual holidays have a specified name?

I. HATE. FIREWORKS. I stand there bitching about them while watching them. I just watch millions of government dollars go up in smoke, polluting the environment, scaring babies and dogs around the area and wasting money which could be spent on the fucking health sector or something just as important. Grrrrrr.
We aren't allowed to have personal fireworks. Our events where the government spends our tax dollars include New Years and Riverfire (it's a Brisbane celebration). While I still drag myself along to watch for Colin's sake I do tend to stand there grumbling.

aww Carly, He will ask :)

It took my husband 2 yrs 0.o .. I was at the point where I was going to ask him (uh I actually did but thats another story.. and its not a good one .. but it is funny.)

Men just dont see the point sometimes in marriage, they're like this "We live together right?" "uh yeah" "We pay the bills together: right?" "uhm yeah" "we're exclusively together and not seeing other people, right?" "uh.. yeah..." "So uh, Whats the difference between this and being married?" .... 0.o That's at least how Mitch felt..

You're lucky yours was 6lbs... >< Tyler had to come from the sun roof because of his size :( and I was sad that he couldn't wear newborn clothes. I hear the eating all the food in the house thing is a boy thing, i remember my brothers could live in the fridge.. lmao

I was engaged at 17 after pretty much nagging poor Colin for a ring lol. We'd been together 1 and a half years, I figured that was long enough haha. However we still lived apart and did so for another year and a bit. Weren't married until 21, 2 months after my 21st and 2 weeks after I graduated from my first degree.

ok i love the rain but this tornado warning stuff has got to stop :( i'm freaking out; i hate severe weather!

milf you are very accurate in your point! everyone everywhere is living life in a way they think is right, but sadly many don't see that what's right for one person may not be for another.

i love the word "jubilee". i think if i have a daughter i might consider it as a name, even though i already have two others picked out...

how long have you and future hubs been together? it took my hubs about 2.5 years to ask.

do not name your daughter 'jubilee' please. unless its her middle name. pleasepleaseplease. its a pretty word but it also rings of fat jokes and grocery store jokes. pleaaaaaassssseeeeee.

what is everyones middle name, btw?

*Ahem* Aree. Emerald Aree. No idea where it comes from and no idea what it means but it has a nice ring to it in my opinion.

Yeh, Katie, I'm with you. Sorry Laura, I love you to bits and usually never mock people's name choices (ESPECIALLY when they're pregnant and have picked the name) but Jubilee? It's kinda stripper-like... I love you. Don't hate me.

right! i forgot to say about fireworks, only ground ones (fountains and such) are legal here. but people drive out of state to either pennsylvania or north carolina to giant firework warehouses and go ape shit with their money.

p.s. have you ever picked up the wrong end of a recently burned sparkler? they smart (lol)!

p.p.s. i am just now discovering that almost every episode of roseanne features a very uncomfortable and often serious subject.

LOL Roseanne... it's one of our tacky afternoon TV shows. Yeh, they combine a comedy with serious and controversial topics like lesbianism and teen pregnancy. I prefer shows where you don't have to think - like Neighbours (an Aussie soap, Carly will know what I'm talking about)

My #1 fav show is Scrubs. It's so damn real

What's everyone's fav show?

there was a tornado picture featured on the news right where i work! it was taken from the parking lot of a shopping center literally half a mile down my from job. which, by the way, i live about 5 miles from :( that was earlier today though, but there are, like, a million severe storms around here right now, along with a giant terrible band of severe thunderstorms making it's way over in a couple hours. the t.v. is on and keeps doing that severe weather alert thing which i HATE because the stupid sound that comes on first raises my anxiety levels :(

Don't die. I love you. And your ultra-cute son.

kinked?! how so? is it, like, S shaped?

More like kinked penis shaped. Like straight, and then at the end just bends to one side.
Perfectly normal and fantastic because all short cervi (?) are straight and therefore if I have a kind, I have no issues.

how do i politely tell hubs to clean some fucking bottles and that i'm sick of doing it? nicely?

I'm thinking
"Clean some fucking bottles because I'm sick of doing it"
"Hon, do you mind cleaning some bottles while I continue to manage everything else like changing Des and doing washing?"
"Can you do those bottles?" *points*
"Oi, shithead, I'm sick of doing everything. The least you could do is those bottles, it's not that hard"

Nice enough?
-gives new meaning to "heart shaped box". gigady.
-Laura, just say it as is. Or take em's advice. I lean more towards em's.
-Em, I like swinging most of the time. And yeah, i've been in counseling and to a couple doctors when the swing crashes. I'm not manic depressive, i just have manic states (that i'm able to control. my rationality decreases a lot but when I think "you know, that building would look GREAT on fire" i also think "yeah, but my ass doesn't look great in jail scrubs.") and depressive states.
how do i politely tell hubs to clean some fucking bottles and that i'm sick of doing it? nicely?

"can you please clean some bottles for your son, because I've done a lot lately."

...=) Make sure to add flowerman.. at the end..
I like your rationality as to why not to go to jail "I don't look good in the outfit" ;) Awesome.

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