
katie why have you not been sleeping?

and actually that does sound like a crazy week...and everything is daunting with a newborn!

so am i correct in assuming tyson's parents love you? are they together?

I'm not sleeping because I'm swinging manic lately. it'll chill out in a while and I'll be able to calm down again.

Tyson's parents like me...or tolerate me. or something. His mom and I hang out and text and stuff. I hope they like me! And yeah, they are together. They're an odd family.... I like them though.
lol ewwwwwwwwwwwwww...though that reminds me of something hubs recently told me, that there is a procedure called tugging or something (maybe it is stretching?) that men do to try and regrow their foreskin. freaky...and why?!

so glad you're getting more time with you little lovely! skin to skin is great!

katie what makes them odd?
I had a friend that was PISSED at his parents for circumcising him and he was doing this stretching thing, apparently some men get mad they were mutilated, and circumcision also reduces pleasure when it comes to sex so im not sure if that had anything to do with it..

Oh yes odd families. spill. i have a strange one too though 0.o

yay for fridays, i.e. yay for other people being around the house to help! though this is my (and katie's?) ladt day with the boyu all to myself all day :/ bittersweetness.

my mom is taken Des overnight saturday...assuming nina doesn't go on the fritz again :( her pneumonia is getting worse. oy.

but we're going to dinner and a movie, then hopefully the lots of sex we missed out on last time, and then going to a festival in the morning. weee!
YAY for lots of sex. Im not going to last until my 6week check up which is actually at 7 weeks.. ><
Thankfully since I cant have my IUD until I get my pap results back for the next pap smear at 8 weeks pp I have condoms -.-

But yeah, I Doubt we'll last until this appointment. We didnt do much my whole pregnancy cuz I didnt want to.. 0.o Im doing a lot better nowwww .. I hate doctor rules.
hellloooo! i have been recruited :haha:

i scrolled down the page and saw the words foreskin and sex....definitely my kind of thread :rofl:

iv never seen a circumcised winky....you just dont get them round here. oh and definitely not heard of fore skin stretching :haha:
Oh Hai! You're the UK person they were talking about :) I'm Ashley but You can call me Ash =) I am from Arizona, which is basically like living in hell (hot enough)
And I gave birth to a mega huge child =) Nice to meet you!

I've seen circ threads and it seems to be very controversial where you come from because it seems to be less common than here. We don't judge either way here, but I find it interesting that it can start SUCH A fight..

We have many many pages of random information that is probably way too private to put out there to each other, but clearly, we have no filter <3 You'll love it here.
hi milf! :wave: thanks for coming! introduce yourself!

quick rundown: i am laura, also known as "lauragiggles" 'round these parts :haha: i'm 25, hubs is 27, first baby is 2 months, he is also known as "Des" or "Giantbaby" (9lbs 2oz at birth), but he's only second in size to Tyler, also known as "Megababy", Ash's youngin'...but i'll let her introduce herself ;)

and i have only seen but one uncut wiener in the flesh. i didn't even seen my own son's before they cut it...well...half cut it. so i guess i've seen one and a half uncut penises (peni?). and for a brief on that story, the doctor didn't cut enough off of Des' penis so he has to get it done again :( i am heated about that...but rather than rage again i will say that...

...the forth of july is coming soon! soooo many fireworks. i live at the end of a court and the families around here spend TONS on fireworks. i mean hundreds. and they shoot them off in the court for everyone's viewing pleasure so we don't have to pay for shit! which is great, since i am morally opposed to them. i kind of feel like it's exploding your money. several dollars for a second of a colorful explosion...not my idea of a fun way of spending my money.

hope i'm not offending any fireworks lovers out there!

so, my Aussie and new UK friends, do you have any holiday(s) that you guys go firework crazy with? also, over there, if holidays are also vacations, do actual holidays have a specified name?
i swear to god, if my uterus decides to bleed again this weekend and ruin my sexy time, i am going to be SO pissed.
^ I'd agree with you on exploding my money, IF Fireworks and even sparklers and snakes hadn't been illegal here all together until last year, Now i gladly buy my sparklers, I buy fountains too but they're uhm banned in city limits.. so I just don't shoot those off out in the open =D

Ah yes. Tyler = Megababy, he's 4 weeks old today =).. I'm 24, my husband is 35 (insert everyones initial shocked face here) ... and we've been together since right after my 20th birthday. =)

We have 2 cats (one is evil.) named Zippy and Missy and a puggle named Acer (who is my life. I love him and Tyler pretty much equally, that sounds bad, but I've had this dog since he was 5lbs and now hes 6 yrs old and hes pretty much another child to me.)

I'm a little eccentric.. but you'll get used to it =)

Let's see.. I think that covers it?

Oh yes, and I prefer to be wined and dined before anyone sticks fingers ANYWHERE near my vag (DAMNIT doctor doom, WHY no wine and dining..?) (I just had to end this personal ad-like, as usual)
i swear to god, if my uterus decides to bleed again this weekend and ruin my sexy time, i am going to be SO pissed.

Im still bleeding from post partumness, but its like, cream colored now.. does that mean it'll be done soon!? I want it to be done.

On the plus side, I have to say, Pads have come a long way since I Was 12...

The overnights feel like the regulars used to, and the regulars.. are like.. .flat... 0.o so insane.
katie what makes them odd?

i'm not sure, exactly.
Ty's mom is hyperexcited most of the time. She's obsessed with her dogs. Sometimes she's very very bitchy but most of the time she's really nice. She doesn't follow a train of thought very well. She doesn't have rules for anyone except her youngest, who is the only one who doesn't actually need any boundries. She's a lot like ty...She's very mood swingy and deceptive, except she has a conscience so attacking people is never really in her agenda. She is awake ALL NIGHT LONG and asleep all day. She has huge grand plans, and then rarely follows through with them. She's doing a lot better now than when I met her though, with responsibility and whatnot. She was overwhelemed and just kept digging. Now she's climbing.
Ty's father is wonderful. He's HILARIOUS. He's massive too, looks like Hagrid. He also has this disease where his spine is regrowing itself on top of his current spine, so he's in a lot of pain.....a lot of the time. He's still very strong and is always willing to help do anything anyone asks. He's the resident baby sitter for all the family's kids because he's amazing with them and he can't work. He's bored and he hates it.

there's......theres a lot. Theyre odd. Good people though.
His mom sounds like my mother 0.o

His dad sounds really sweet :) Im glad that you have them to count on with Patrick :)
im carly im 22, hubs to be (well he will be if he ever gets round to asking pffft) is 26, nearly 27!! we have one son who is 10 months....everyone expected him to be 9lb/10lbs and out came a 6lb baby :rofl: we call him fat man because if he had the choice he would eat none stop. seriously, he launches himself onto our plates at meal times, even though hes just had his!

yes iv seen some circumcision sites get out of hand. tbh i couldnt care less either way....nobody is going to do it to purposely hurt their babies.

i commented on a friends status the other day and she had a go at me. she was saying how disgusting female gential mutilation was and i said well yes it is awful to us, which is why its illegal in this country, but its their culture to do it. the parents do it to be kind to their daughters, because if they didn't they wouldnt find a husband and would be outcasts in their community.

we have the golden jubilee over here so there union flags everywhere and people are having bbqs. we're not doing anything tho, not that patriotic :P
aww Carly, He will ask :)

It took my husband 2 yrs 0.o .. I was at the point where I was going to ask him (uh I actually did but thats another story.. and its not a good one .. but it is funny.)

Men just dont see the point sometimes in marriage, they're like this "We live together right?" "uh yeah" "We pay the bills together: right?" "uhm yeah" "we're exclusively together and not seeing other people, right?" "uh.. yeah..." "So uh, Whats the difference between this and being married?" .... 0.o That's at least how Mitch felt..

You're lucky yours was 6lbs... >< Tyler had to come from the sun roof because of his size :( and I was sad that he couldn't wear newborn clothes. I hear the eating all the food in the house thing is a boy thing, i remember my brothers could live in the fridge.. lmao
hellloooo! i have been recruited :haha:

i scrolled down the page and saw the words foreskin and sex....definitely my kind of thread :rofl:

iv never seen a circumcised winky....you just dont get them round here. oh and definitely not heard of fore skin stretching :haha:

HI! I've seen you in babyclub. I'm kathryn. Katie. OMF's mom.
ok i love the rain but this tornado warning stuff has got to stop :( i'm freaking out; i hate severe weather!

milf you are very accurate in your point! everyone everywhere is living life in a way they think is right, but sadly many don't see that what's right for one person may not be for another.

i love the word "jubilee". i think if i have a daughter i might consider it as a name, even though i already have two others picked out...

how long have you and future hubs been together? it took my hubs about 2.5 years to ask.
aww Carly, He will ask :)

It took my husband 2 yrs 0.o .. I was at the point where I was going to ask him (uh I actually did but thats another story.. and its not a good one .. but it is funny.)

Men just dont see the point sometimes in marriage, they're like this "We live together right?" "uh yeah" "We pay the bills together: right?" "uhm yeah" "we're exclusively together and not seeing other people, right?" "uh.. yeah..." "So uh, Whats the difference between this and being married?" .... 0.o That's at least how Mitch felt..

You're lucky yours was 6lbs... >< Tyler had to come from the sun roof because of his size :( and I was sad that he couldn't wear newborn clothes. I hear the eating all the food in the house thing is a boy thing, i remember my brothers could live in the fridge.. lmao

and enter new side of tyson you guys havent seen....

this is the opposite of how it was with us. he kept bringing up marriage and whatnot, and i said 'how is being married going to be different than it is now, other than its a lot more bullshit when we fight?'
he didnt talk to me for three days. and then a month later he was on one knee with a ring.

i really miss the ring. it was gorgeous and had an opal as the center stone (my favorite, also his birthstone) with diamonds criss-crossing it, then diamonds on the sides. white gold. i loooooved it.
ok i love the rain but this tornado warning stuff has got to stop :( i'm freaking out; i hate severe weather!

milf you are very accurate in your point! everyone everywhere is living life in a way they think is right, but sadly many don't see that what's right for one person may not be for another.

i love the word "jubilee". i think if i have a daughter i might consider it as a name, even though i already have two others picked out...

how long have you and future hubs been together? it took my hubs about 2.5 years to ask.

do not name your daughter 'jubilee' please. unless its her middle name. pleasepleaseplease. its a pretty word but it also rings of fat jokes and grocery store jokes. pleaaaaaassssseeeeee.

what is everyones middle name, btw?

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