
But otherwise? I'm honestly feeling quite back to normal, or close to it. Which is pretty cool one week post major surgery! I'm down to just taking Alieve for pain control, off all the narcotics and stuff... so all in all doing really well. I'm down to my pre-pregnancy weight already (although, to be fair, I only gained 14 lbs) and can fit in some of my normal clothes again. (Minus anything tight over the boobs... I'm apparently a 38G now. That's just a stupid breast size.)

like a g6, baby....

I'm glad you're feeling good! Are you able to rest much?
How big is your scar?
is the empty a good or bad feeling?
(sorry for the questions...you can tell me its none of my business lol)

Also, do narcs make you sick or mean? Narcs make me violent and then as soon as they wear off, I get instant withdrawl symptoms, like that an addict would. it's terrible. *shudder*
But otherwise? I'm honestly feeling quite back to normal, or close to it. Which is pretty cool one week post major surgery! I'm down to just taking Alieve for pain control, off all the narcotics and stuff... so all in all doing really well. I'm down to my pre-pregnancy weight already (although, to be fair, I only gained 14 lbs) and can fit in some of my normal clothes again. (Minus anything tight over the boobs... I'm apparently a 38G now. That's just a stupid breast size.)

like a g6, baby....

I'm glad you're feeling good! Are you able to rest much?
How big is your scar?
is the empty a good or bad feeling?
(sorry for the questions...you can tell me its none of my business lol)

Also, do narcs make you sick or mean? Narcs make me violent and then as soon as they wear off, I get instant withdrawl symptoms, like that an addict would. it's terrible. *shudder*
I'm able to rest fairly well, because I have the world's best husband. Seriously, thank God for him! I think I've changed a total of 3 diapers since she was born. ;)
The scar is pretty big. It's almost from hip to hip. Sexy, huh? At least they didn't have to do the vertical cut OUTSIDE too. That would have sucked. Do you know they actually pop your uterus OUT of your stomach to do the c-sec? Like, they remove your uterus from your body. Or at least that's what they said they did to me. Which is really quite creepy when you think about it. I mean, put that thing back where it came from, or so help me... ;)

The empty is just... a feeling. But I'm going to be honest. I am SO GRATEFUL to not be pregnant anymore. I can walk without my hips threatening to fall off. I don't pee every 25 seconds anymore. I can breathe fully. And yes, while a baby is waking me up every 2-3 hours, the sleep that I get in those 2-3 hours? GOLDEN. I'm not being woken up by kicking, stabbing pains, or nearly wetting myself. So yeah, not missing pregnancy at all. :)

And as for narcotics? They make me psychotic. I'm bipolar, and they have to watch me REALLY closely with narcotics. I had to double my Haldol dose in the hospital. That's why I've swapped to Aleive as quickly as I could... (even though they hate giving Aleive when you're on blood thinners.) But I don't want to spend the first few weeks of my baby's life in the looney bin. (I've been psych hospitalized 9 times. It blows.)
Aww, I'm glad he's helpful. How is your son with the new addition?
I've actually seen a couple shows with c-sections. I was always really kind of upset that they take it OUT! I always figured there was, you know, mesentary (sp?) holding it all in. Then again, i'm amazed that all our organs can squish up wherever during pregnancy, but thats for the same reason...I always thought we had tissue making sure our livers are where their supposed to be, along with our intestines, blahblahblah.
I'm glad you're enjoying not being pregnant =D...Are you planning on her being your last or are you planning another?
For your Hal, are you on shots or oral? Also, are you on high postpartum depression watch, or will the Hal take care of that? do you take maois with it? (sorry! my goal in life is to be a psych nurse, so i'm obsessed with psych and with nursing, plus i've been on so many maois, even though they're not the same, blahblahblah. Basically, i'm curious and nosey.)

How is your little girl doing? Other than eating a lot? =)
ashiozz--what do you do for a living that is so stressful?

I'm a customer service rep, but I work for an insurance appraisal network, and I deal with uppidy insurance adjusters all day long. They are the most stressed out people I have met in my life. One actually emailed me 3 times within a ten minute span yesterday starting at 6:30AM and I don't get in until 7 -- Her middle email said "Still waiting.." But she wouldnt call in to get someone to help her? I documented the file with her emails and then called the appraiser for a status, shes so batshit insane she decided to call and complain stating I stated she "emailed me feverishly" ... uhm no? The note says you emailed me three times within ten mins and posted the emails you sent, TO DOCUMENT, nothing like "this bitch blew up my emails" .. that's the type of people I deal with daily through both phone and email.

She went onto say she can never get anything done by us, I will tell you that I had that file open for a total of 3 days, industry standards suggest turn around time should be 4 days or under, she got that, so IDK what her issue was.

Don't you just freaking love people? *fume*

Yeah, Im considering quitting, I am afraid to put in my 2 weeks notice though because they never let anyone work their last two weeks, so I'll probably wait until 2 weeks from now to put it in =/.. I'd like to find a job I can do from home after baby is here or maybe just work part time somewhere less stressful..
Do you live anywhere near Flagstaff? If so, I could totally hook you up.
Nah, I live down in Phoenix, the valley, we get no snow here :(

I would totally move to flag but my husband is against it and he's mommy's boy.
Nah, I live down in Phoenix, the valley, we get no snow here :(

I would totally move to flag but my husband is against it and he's mommy's boy.

Damn. I have people and places and things in Quartzsite (mining gold and playing rummy. duh) and Flagstaff (tourism. duh lol) but know nothing of Phoenix =/
Phoenix is lame.. I think I'll probably find some sort of remote customer service job or something. I have a room I can turn into an office (its a workout / guest bedroom right now) ... but what I am currently doing no longer makes me happy. It is unfortunate because I'm very good at my job - but it has become very stressful. It's a small company and we've had some lay offs, and theyve threatened to with-hold money from employees due to delays in files if the ins co comes back for rental reimbursement and it's deemed that certain employees "caused" the delays.. it's just getting rather ridiculous.. and it isn't where I want to be.

I know nothing of WY either except that if you know any decent auto appraisers, we could totally use em ;) lmao
Aww, I'm glad he's helpful. How is your son with the new addition?
I've actually seen a couple shows with c-sections. I was always really kind of upset that they take it OUT! I always figured there was, you know, mesentary (sp?) holding it all in. Then again, i'm amazed that all our organs can squish up wherever during pregnancy, but thats for the same reason...I always thought we had tissue making sure our livers are where their supposed to be, along with our intestines, blahblahblah.
I'm glad you're enjoying not being pregnant =D...Are you planning on her being your last or are you planning another?
For your Hal, are you on shots or oral? Also, are you on high postpartum depression watch, or will the Hal take care of that? do you take maois with it? (sorry! my goal in life is to be a psych nurse, so i'm obsessed with psych and with nursing, plus i've been on so many maois, even though they're not the same, blahblahblah. Basically, i'm curious and nosey.)
Oral Haldol and Lamictal. They may up my Lamictal to avoid
PPD. Never been on MAOIs because all actual ADs make me manic in hours to days. Depression this pregnancy was pretty new to me. Normally its mania that's really hard to control.

ETA: Not sure on having more. I was high risk BEFORE the vertical incision on my uterus. Now I'd be high risk AND have to deliver premature via csec if we have more. That might be too much risk for us...

How is your little girl doing? Other than eating a lot? =)
She's also sleeping and pooping a lot. LOL!! Had a jaundice check today. She's
regained nearly all of her birth weight, which is apparently unusual this early for BF babies. Her doctor congratulated and told me what a good job I'm doing.
Phoenix is lame.. I think I'll probably find some sort of remote customer service job or something. I have a room I can turn into an office (its a workout / guest bedroom right now) ... but what I am currently doing no longer makes me happy. It is unfortunate because I'm very good at my job - but it has become very stressful. It's a small company and we've had some lay offs, and theyve threatened to with-hold money from employees due to delays in files if the ins co comes back for rental reimbursement and it's deemed that certain employees "caused" the delays.. it's just getting rather ridiculous.. and it isn't where I want to be.

I know nothing of WY either except that if you know any decent auto appraisers, we could totally use em ;) lmao

cattle, too ;)
about 2 months into pregnancy, i got a job offer with full lpn training, housing, and the cost of the move. in alaska. and i had to turn it down =( so if you want a change of scene and to see white all day instead of brown and red, get into healthcare and go to alaska! lol

i heart arizona, by the way.
I know enough to know that parts of it are colder than crap in October, lol, I drove through Sheridan twice, once in October.:haha:

Also been to Phoenix, funny as that is, my Mom actually lives in Mesa.

Sorry to crash the thread, the title was cute and then I read a few posts, you guys are entertaining, I love it!
menelly--i have heard that when you have an epi or surgery the swelling sticks around a bit longer due to being pumped full of fluids. It'll go down eventually! Hang in there and enjoy slippers in the meantime :)

ashiozz--i TOTALLY understand. i'm in the workers comp field but we are 3rd party so we don't have adjusters here, but work under them. thank god i don't work directly with them--the most I do is pass phone calls (i'm back up for reception) but i do get to deal with all the lovely doctors offices where we schedule patients. We do almost exclusively IME scheduling, some liability. EVERYONE is full of rage it seems! the worst is talking to patients though...OMG...and they love to get you on the phone and emphasize how much pain they're in. The best was last week when we had a patient call and fake a cough and say how he couldn't make it to his IME because he is very sick blah blah blah...some are legit hurt, but many, like this guy, just looooove to cheat the system!

OMG ARIZONA!!! I have always said that it's my favorite place to visit but I would hate to live there. one of my best girls and a few of my other friends lived in phoenix; my brother lived in flagstaff and went to NAU. I love it there...so sad to read the disdain in your text lol


Vaurissa welcome to the madness! Who originally posted on this thread? We might have to changed the title to "bitches don't give a shit" :thumbup: at least, in my head that's what i'm changing it to.

p.s. i am getting so fed up with people asking me where the baby is. IN MY FUCKING UTERUS, DUMBASS. not to go on a pregnancy rant but i'm going to anyway. i hate that since everyone found out, and especially since i've been massively showing, this pregnancy is my new identity. I am not laura anymore. i am the pregnant one and all others shall know me and address me only as such. it's no longer "how was your weekend?", it's "how's baby? why hasn't he come yet? oh you're still here? is he cozy in there? is he going to be a stubborn baby?"

btw last night i had a dream that such a test existed, much like a pregnancy test, that you peed on and if two lines came up it meant you were going into labor within the next 2 days. mine was TOTALLY positive. too bad it means crap.

p.s. sex didn't work.

How is your little girl doing? Other than eating a lot? =)
She's also sleeping and pooping a lot. LOL!! Had a jaundice check today. She's
regained nearly all of her birth weight, which is apparently unusual this early for BF babies. Her doctor congratulated and told me what a good job I'm doing.

Oh heck yes =)
I know enough to know that parts of it are colder than crap in October, lol, I drove through Sheridan twice, once in October.:haha:

Also been to Phoenix, funny as that is, my Mom actually lives in Mesa.

Sorry to crash the thread, the title was cute and then I read a few posts, you guys are entertaining, I love it!

NOOOOO Next time you drive through wyoming, you really need to drive through somewhere else. Sheridan is basically hell. We have pretty mountains and tress and crap in other places....drive through those.

(its cold everywhere in wyoming, all year long, btw. all...year...long. Except for those two weeks we call "summer" where its 120* and we all stay home.)

Thread crash all you want =) More people=more discussion =)

Vaurissa welcome to the madness! Who originally posted on this thread? We might have to changed the title to "bitches don't give a shit" :thumbup: at least, in my head that's what i'm changing it to.

p.s. i am getting so fed up with people asking me where the baby is. IN MY FUCKING UTERUS, DUMBASS. not to go on a pregnancy rant but i'm going to anyway. i hate that since everyone found out, and especially since i've been massively showing, this pregnancy is my new identity. I am not laura anymore. i am the pregnant one and all others shall know me and address me only as such. it's no longer "how was your weekend?", it's "how's baby? why hasn't he come yet? oh you're still here? is he cozy in there? is he going to be a stubborn baby?"


IN MY FUCKING UTERUS, DUMBASS <---:haha:lmao!!!!!!!!!:happydance:
I love starting the day off well =)
Thats kind of how parenthood is, though, isn't it? You aren't you anymore, youre "that child's mom". I yelled at a friend once and said "You know, I DO have more to talk about than being freaking pregnant! I'm still a real person!" and so she waited patiently...and i have nothing to talk about other than being pregnant. =/
...wait, your name is Laura? IDENTITY REVEALED! Hi Laura. I'm Katie. Duh.

And no, I didn't watch it yet =( I fell asleep on the couch during "Frozen Planet" then went to bed. But I actually am intending on watching after my dr appt, which is in two hours!
Unless they say "Oh, having a baby today!"

which they wont, cuz they're bitches.

Speaking of bitches, BITCHES DONT CARE, YO. Represent. :gun: (that was the most gangter little round guy I could find)
btw last night i had a dream that such a test existed, much like a pregnancy test, that you peed on and if two lines came up it meant you were going into labor within the next 2 days. mine was TOTALLY positive. too bad it means crap.

p.s. sex didn't work.

It really could mean that you're going to go into labor in the next two days! lol. For about a month, I had dreams about peeing on sticks, until one day, my mom looked at me and said "are you pregnant?"...I was all, psssh, no, who me, i'm 19 years old and unhealthy and infertile blahblahblabh. Turns out none of those were true. I had the sniffles, if that counts, and I was 19, but only for a minute after that.
Called her that night and said "so you know how I said I wasn't possibly pregnant...?"

So, my long, drawn out story means you ARE going into labor. YOU MUST. *sends vibes across computerland*

Ps. WOOOOOOOOO someone got laid!!!!!!

...I mean, congratulations on your intimate and private moment. totally not living vicariously through you, even though I've never met you.

Vaurissa welcome to the madness! Who originally posted on this thread? We might have to changed the title to "bitches don't give a shit" at least, in my head that's what i'm changing it to.
Thank you and I love it!!

p.s. i am getting so fed up with people asking me where the baby is. IN MY FUCKING UTERUS, DUMBASS.

That is sooo my next response to any fool who asks that!!

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