Kid of school=STRESS!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2008
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I'm very close to screaming!!

My near 5 year old is so high maintenance!! She need attention 24/7 for like EVERYTHING she does. From eating her tea to going the toilet. She will do thing like a funny dance, we will all laugh then she will do it about 20 more times and we have to watch every movement she makes and if we don't we have to watch all over again. She says the same thing over and over and over again until I have to near tell her off for it. She will say look at this mummy and something she has made and I will say oh that's beautiful well done your such a clever girl then she will say again look mummy I made this I will repeat what ive already said and she will then be sticking it into my face so I literally can't look at anything else and then I end up telling her of for it!

I know she's doing it for attention because of her little sister but she get LOADS of attention! Probably more than my other 2 kids put together!

I'm already looking forward to her going back to school and I was really looking forward to her breaking up!

Please someone tell me other 5 year old are like this??? My eldest never was but she was an only child until she was 10 so maybe that's why???

I'm so bloody stressed out I've just come to hide in my bedroom after telling her of!!!
It's not just yours. Although my son is four.

If my son repeats himself. I tell him not to repeat himself and if he does I put him in time out for four minutes.

If he goes on this binge of asking questions. I will tell him one more question - make it a good one. Then if he asks I tell him I won't answer anymore questions and warn him time out is coming. If he keeps going time out for 4 minutes.

I used to get EXTREMELY upset. It gets to be too much when he's in my face and won't stop talking. I used to yell but it didn't work.

DS sees a team about his sensory issues and I asked the Therapist how I am supposed to handle it.

She says he knows the rules. He knows he's pushing my buttons. He knows exactly what he's doing. I have to remove the control from him.

So we started this time out stuff and it's working really well. We started about a month ago and he knows he'll end up in time out.

Violence is an automatic time out. Other stuff one warning and other stuff up to 3 warnings 3 warnings even about different things equals a time out.

Your DD would get a 5 minute time out.

This will be difficult for her if she's seeking attention. Oh if she gets out of time out or talks time out starts over. Put her in a boring spot - my son sits in the hallway.

When she is being good you need to spend positive time with her. Special one on one Mommy time with her. Your older child being an only probably didn't feel desperate to be the only child in your eyes because she was. You may also have to put aside 10 minutes or so everyday to just talk to her or more likely let her talk to you. She probably really needs that attention and doesn't know how to ask for it.

I have cut out about 80% of the screaming. I am a lot LESS stressed. DS is more calm.
Thank you soooo much mrs rabbit!!

I think that sounds like a great idea. Like you say she really knows when she's pushing my buttons and will do it more because even if it's negative attention it's attention all the same isn't it.

Last night my youngest went to bed early so I let her stay up a bit later and we curled up on the couch watching tele and eating chocolates. We had a little cuddle and talked about Christmas and it was lovely.

Just me and her have been to church today and then to post some cards to neighbours and she was really good and we had a lovely time so I think it is the attention thing. I really need to start making some more one on one time with her but I think all the build up to Christmas has got me so stressed out and I took it out on her :cry:

My mum keeps saying she feels sorry for her because she's the Middle child so I do t want her growing up with middle child syndrome!!!

Thanks :hugs:
Typo I meant I am a lot less stressed.

I have to remember DS has emotions he doesn't understand and he doesn't know how to voice his needs. I need to help talk things out and give him the words to express himself the way he needs to. Sometimes being Momma I forget - worrying about getting DH out the door on top, making the grocery budget last the whole month etc etc etc I have to stop and remember my first job is raising people.

You can turn things around! You can do it! Once your daughter gets the new rules it will click.
The face thing made me giggle but my ds1 does this since having ds2! But his speciality is 'mummy mummy mummy' constantly, tries to talk over me or pull on me.
He has special mummy time for just us and that seems to help and he gets excited. He's also learning to play with Tristan which makes his brother a bit more fun instead of just annoying!
When he starts attention craving I tell him to wait however long until I finished and normally say set up some toys for us to play, if he carries on he gets a warning and then a timeout if he still didn't stop.

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