Flowertot - that is a gorgeous scan picture

Very beautiful baby. And your little girl is gorgeous - reminds me of my niece who will be 2 in October
Beth - I love those pyjamas

Definitely looks like a bump forming there to me
MSmith - yes I permanently worried about mc, I think it's impossible not to but you just have to take one week at a time and every week the chances reduce. I found paying for an early scan at 7w5d helped as my worst fear was going for dating scan and being told I had a mmc. It's only since I've started feeling baby move all the time (ie since Friday) that I've started to relax more

You will get there honey - though I know just how it drags

All the ms is a great sign though
Samzi - get used to having your trousers unbuttoned

DH moans that I always walk round house half undressed nowadays - bra unfastened, flies unfastened etc etc
Caitlen - tell your DH that I can sympathise with him, drives me up the wall having to get up at 6am every morning over the summer to go to work whilst leaving DH still asleep in bed