Hi girls!!!
Blondie, love the bump, you are definitely showing now! And yes, I am about to embark on a long break, so I am thrilled. My DH is in the business world, so he gets jealous as well!
Flower, great news about the scan, can't wait to see a piccie! You must be so relieved, I am every time I get to see the seahorse. Congrats!
Samzi, 6 weeks is so exciting!! You have a sticky lil' bean in there, hunni!
Beth, good luck with the midwife this afternoon, let us know what she says. And I wanna see your bump pic!!

to anyone I've missed!
So my dad and stepmom are here, and I let them hear seahorse's heartbeat last night, they were totally blown away, it was really sweet!
Have a fab day, ladies!!!