Tori, sounds like your in labour to me, good luck with everything, hopefully it won't be too long now.
Blondie, sounds like you could be in labour too, my god the race is definately on between you too. good luck.
Mum2be, great to hear from you, we've all missed you loads, glad your cycle seems to be getting back to normal already, hopefully it won't take long for you to be pregnant again, it didn't take long for me after my mc.
Flower, Hope you get some sleep tonight, must be awful not being able to sleep.
Caitlen, Have a lovely anniversary.
Topaz, hope the heartburn goes away soon for you.

to everyone else.
Well I went for my hospital appointment today (with Russell as he wanted to hear what my consultant said about the labour) only to be told that it was cancelled and I should've got a letter to tell me that!!! I was really angry and felt myself welling up which is very unlike me as I'm usually very laid back, this pregnancy lark is turning me into a loon

, anyway they've changed my appointment now and it's not till 18th December. Not a happy bunny, it's a good job my Crohns isn't playing up as this is the 2nd appointment they've changed. URRGGHHH.
Other than that I'm fine by the way.