Knocked Up Naughties

Blondie, I can whole heartedly recommend online grocery shopping. Takes all the hassle out of food shopping. The only thing you need to do is put the items away when they come, or ask DH nicely when he gets in. :haha:

Go Harper! An extra hour's kip must feel like heaven Caitlinc.
what a daft day ive had.

im off work on the sick till i go on maternity leave in 4 weeks. I bought a weekly ticket today for no god damn reason as i wont be using it now, unless i go to town just randomly...hmm.

my boss apparantly left me a voicemail on friday but i didnt get it! hence me going into work today, just to be told that i can go on sick and get paid full pay instead of ssp. gah..complete nightmare :hissy: was at work for about 2 hours, did hardly anything except be the sodding printing lady...i must have walked back and forth about 10 times...even just doing that i was getting my ligament pains again :cry: so thats on sick till maternity starts on 18th dec :huh:

must find a hobby me thinks...
Caitlen - glad you've had so sleep.

Blondie - :hugs:

Tori - :hugs:

Samzi - make sure you rest up now.

Beth - you have some very lucky cats getting treats.

i'm still feeling very rough and seem to be getting lots of BH. i've had 2 in the last 5 mins! i'm sure they will calm down though because they usually do.

anyway heres my 32 week bump. Its getting huge now!


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love it :happydance:

its been a while since i posted a pic of my bump in here so here goes!!!
bump at 28+1
sorry your still feeling rough flowertot. im joining you on that one, my headache came back this afternoon after another migrain type eposode, i ve had 2 this evening now. they dont last long but still not nice, im dying to take a load of pain killers, i need bruphen. think i ll def ring the midwife tom. god i hope i dont have to put up with this for the next few weeks, i hate head aches cos i just feel so ill with them.

love the bumps girls.
Morning girls

George is still loving his house so not looking at coming out anytime soon got a MW appointment on thursday where she'll do another sweep and if needed book my induction :cry:

i'm really not looking forward to being inducted tho as I was with DD 14 days late and that was enought to put me off for life ( Don't worry tho girls if you have to have one mine was complicated and involved a man with shovles for hands)

Flowertot get some rest hun huge :hugs: to you x x x

Beth: if you don't speak to the midwife today i'm going to ring her for you!!!

Blondie; I agree internet shopping is the best and it passes the time, I have for the past 3 years done my food/christmas/birthday pressent shopping online as i hate shops

Caitlenc can we see more pictures of seahorse/Harper please x x
Sorry ladies - TMI warning :blush:

I "think" I've just had a bloody show this morning, went to the loo and had a bit of a bowel clearing session and when I went to wipe all there was was clear goo with quite a bit of fresh blood in it. :blush: First thought was that maybe my crohns had something to do with it and it might be blood from my upset stomach but been to loo since and it all seems pretty normal so I think it must have been from the other exit and have been a bloody show. Got backache this morning and had a couple of tightening/period pain type cramps so far but nothing much else - but maybe baby is finally thinking about making a move :happydance:

Sorry TMI over :rofl: :rofl:
Ooh, Blondie, hope this is the start of something!:happydance:

Tori, hope something happens soon!:thumbup:

Flower and Samzi, loving those bumps!

Beth, definitely ring that MW, chick, we're all worried about you!

Okay, girls, here are a few pics of the seahorse!

:hugs: to all my girlies!!
fingers crossed this is the start of something blondie hun.

i rang the midwife this morning only to find mine has gone on annual leave (nice of her to tell me) so i rang the community team who put me through to the hopsital who said to go down.

so went down this morning, bp is low if anything, there are traces of protien and luekocytes in my urine so they have sent it off for testing incase im bruing a urine infection, got put on the monitor for 30 mins and callum was well happy in there, lovely steady hb, at one point he moved and she had to come turn down the sound cos it got really loud.

they said to just see how they go, if they get worse the midwife will refer me back to them but it did sound like they were mini migranes and more annoying rather than a problem. to take regular paracetamol and if i must i can take some codine.

my head is just grumberling this morning, so hopefuly its on its way out and i ll just have to avoid the mars bar crunch i made yest. :cry:

at my mums at the mo but im heading home in a min to join the afternoon nap club.

:hugs: to all.
Hi all,

Flower and Samzi, loving your bump pics, I will put some on soon as I think mine is getting huge already!! :thumbup:

Caitlen, the updates on Harper are gratefully received she is adorable, can't believe she's over 3 weeks old already, time certainly does fly. :hugs:

Topaz, Bless ya, take it easy and take lots of naps as there's nothing worse than having a migraine, and even a little one is not good when your pregnant and feeling crap as it is. :hugs:

Tori and Blondie, still waiting I see, well they say the best things come to those who wait and I'm sure this will be true for you 2. :hugs:

Msmith, great to hear from you, glad everything is still going well with the pregnancy, sounds like there is going to be another Naughties race, but this time between you and Samzi. :hugs:

Freyasmum, How's things with you? When have you got your next scan? :hugs:

:hugs: to anyone I've missed.

Nothing much to report here, got an appointment with my Crohns consultant on Friday but it's really just my 6th monthly check up but at least he might be able to advise me on the best way forward for giving birth. Also a week on Friday is my 20 week scan. :happydance: I can't wait to see my LO again. xx
Still no further development here - just been to Sainsburys and done enough shopping to get through until the weekend :)

Going to visit the twin babies again tomorrow from our NCT group - DH missed out on seeing them last time so hopefully this time he can get to meet them and hopefully another dose of newborn baby will kick my body into action :rofl:

Pipkin - hope the crohns appointment goes ok - I've been pretty lucky really and had no problems whilst pregnant aside from being anaemic again but I can cope with that :)

Beth - hope the migraines improve soon :cuddles:

Caitlen - Harper is sooo gorgeous, I can't believe she is over 3 weeks old now!
Hi Ladies.
How is everyone doing? Everything's fine with me. At least, I think so. I haven't had much in the way of noticeable movement yet, so I still sometimes wonder if there IS a baby in there.
I'm booking my next scan for 10 December. I'll be 21 + 4, I think. Then mw the next day.

Pipkin - I'm sure your bump has got nothing on mine! I swear, my belly is as big now as it was just before Freya was born. It's quite depressing, actually. At this rate I won't be able to move at all in a couple of months. :rofl:

Blondie - sounds like you might finally be seeing some action! Good luck!!

Sorry about the migraines Beth. I hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

Caitlen. OMG. How gorgeous is your Harper!!! I'm so jealous that you already have your lo. It feels like I'll be waiting forever. Thanks for posting more pics.

Tori - sorry your last induction was such a misery. Hopefully it won't have to happen again, but if it does just remember that it's not always like that. Freya was induced too and it really wasn't that bad.
(the induction was fine, it was the labour I didn't enjoy!! :rofl: )

Lovely bump you've got there Samzi! You'll have to start knitting or something in your spare time!

:hugs: to everyone.
Hi Freyasmum, glad things are going ok for you :hugs:

Well I'm still here - though hopefully midwife will give me a sweep this afternoon, having irregular pretty painless contractions at the moment so nothing to write home about yet.
when did you girls start getting BH cos i dont think i ve had any yet.

i ve got the midwife this afternoon, hoping to find out if he has started to engage.
i def think he has moved down and so does my mum. yest at the hospital the midwife had a quick feel to see which way baby was up and she said oh yeah def head down and she had to feel quite away down. so fx.

feeling a lot better today ladies, thanks for the concern and support.

you know its strange between this site and my friends sister i knew 5 people who were all due on 22nd nov, so far there is only Harper here. these babies are too snuggly girls, time to start bouncing up and down.
hope your midwife appointment goes well Beth. i started getting BH at 19 weeks this time and around 30 weeks ish last time. not everybody gets them though so i wouldn't worry.
back from midwife, all ok. he is still measuring small but she said he would keep doing so. he has straightened up abit now and is just sat at the brim, so not engaged as yet but heading in the right direction.

my bp was up today so she said to keep an eye on it with my mums machine and i have to go back next week. urine was ok though. but if it goes above 90i have to contact the hospital. :dohh:

i ve booked in my reflexology session for the 9th dec to start the eviction process, 2 weeks today. :thumbup:
Glad your midwife appointment went ok Beth

Just back from mine and feeling pretty miserable to be honest - I won't get a sweep until I'm 10 days overdue - so next Wed when I have my hospital appointment - after that I would be induced anytime between then and the Saturday night - pretty much resigned myself to having to be induced now :cry:

Apparently baby seemed very chilled out in there today but midwife didn't write in my notes how far engaged I am or what babies heartbeat was so to be honest I'm no wiser now than I was before I went :cry:
I'm still here waiting, MIL and DH took me out yesterday round town and walked me for 5 hours (i felt like the dog honestly :rolf: ) and all it did really was was make me more sleepy today, So i've been to sleep most of this afternoon, and starting to get the urge to clean again.

I know i was worried about MIL staying while George was being born and after but i think with him being late i feel a little bad that he's not here as it works out i will be induced on the same day as she goes home, So have said if she wants to stay another day and such she can if the induction is then anytime after that she would have to wait until she comes for christmas as her other Grandkids are missing her now.

Beth: I'm glad the MW appointment went well hun, can't beleive that your so close to having LO,

Blondie how did yours go hun?

Freyasmum: :rofl: I've promised my MW and my mum i'll try and block out the last one and pretend this is my first ever induction. Your right tho Labour is a bit of a pain tho lol
you watch you ll both end up going into labour at the same time over the next few days.
Glad your midwife appointment went ok Beth

Just back from mine and feeling pretty miserable to be honest - I won't get a sweep until I'm 10 days overdue - so next Wed when I have my hospital appointment - after that I would be induced anytime between then and the Saturday night - pretty much resigned myself to having to be induced now :cry:

Apparently baby seemed very chilled out in there today but midwife didn't write in my notes how far engaged I am or what babies heartbeat was so to be honest I'm no wiser now than I was before I went :cry:

Awww hun i'm sorry, You are showing very good signs tho and i really don't think you'll be induced.

i've lost my mucus plug but not the bloody part also i have no pains at all where as you have hun, BH getting stronger are a really good sign as well

I know how it feels to go over tho as i took the full term with DD and now with this one so understand your feelings on the matter.

Can't beleive your MW did put the measurements on your notes tho as it is one of the things the hospital like to know is how far gone you were on your 40+/41+ MW appointment so they can see progress etc

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