Knocked Up Naughties

Thank you everyone. He's so cute it's unreal.

Happy 1 month birthday to little Harper!!

I'm so excited to see all the new naughty babies. It all seems to have gone so fast!!!
It's so exciting that we have so many more babies coming up! beth and Flower, yours will be here before we know it, with MsSmith soon to follow. We definitely needs to start a naughty babies thread so we can moan about our lack of sleep!:thumbup:

Well, my little butterbean is 1 month old today, I can't believe it! She is filling out quite a bit, and starting to smile, which is so adorable! We have a doctors appointment tomorrow morning, I can't wait to see how much weight she's gained in the past 2 weeks! She was 7 lbs 12 oz 2 weeks ago...I think she may have hit 9 lbs, but she's definitely well over 8 lbs by now.:happydance:

Samzi, hope you're feeling better, I'm lucky I never had BH!:hugs:
gosh im dying to see pics, where are they girls, i know tori is home, not sure on blondie.
Hi Ladies

Sorry for the delay in updates - I got home this afternoon and having a nice nap, shower and settling Zara I can finally update you all - god it all happened so fast I think I'm still in shock :rofl:

Well had been getting minor twinges on and off on Sunday but nothing too bad so decided to have a bath at 4pm ish to see if it eased off the backache.
Got out of bath about 5ish and noticed a lot of mucas so went downstairs and Alex was on phone to his mum so I wandered into kitchen and suddenly realised that contractions were starting - well by time Alex hung up on his mum 15 minutes later I was in agony so I told him to start timing and find the tens machine - hmmm contractions were coming every 2 minutes and lasting over a minute - went to loo and loads of bloody mucus came out so we rang hospital and were told to go straight in. Had about 4 contractions in the 5 minute drive to hospital and really thought we were going to have baby in the car :wacko: - anyway we made it in and were examined and told 6cm and asked if I wanted pethadine or epidural - I said now have gas and air give me 15 minutes and I'll see how I do - anyway about 10 minutes later I said I needed to push, was checked and was fully dilated and told sorry no pain relief - I cried :rofl:

Anyway about half an hour later waters went and were thick with merc so consultant said they were going to use ventouse and get baby out now or we were going to theatre - so after about 2.5 hours at hospital Zara was born by ventouse and had to have an episiotomy but aside from that it was gas, air and tens all the way - needless to say I was in total shock as labour lasted a total of 4 hours from start to finish :rofl: Oh and she weighed in at 7lb4oz

Feeling ok now home, a bit sore down below surprisingly but Zara is adorable, taking well to breast feeding and an absolute joy to be around :)


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she is gorgeous hun, cant believe it all happened so fast. bet your glad you bought that tens now.
i bought mine today, do you think it was any help?
I can't wait for the pic either :thumbup:

Guess what, I'm 20 weeks today :happydance: and last night and today I felt my LO move, it feels so strange and lovely and it only seems to happen when I'm sitting or lying down and relaxed, everyone say's it feels like fluttering but to be honest this feels more like a slight suction on the right hand side of my belly, I'm presuming it's the baby moving anyway, what do you think?

it most likely is pip. mine felt like i was flicked rather than butterflies.
congrats on the 20 weeks, halfway there :happydance:
oh dear, i ve just been sat on the floor playing with the puppies and when i ve got up you should see the indent in my leg where my shoe has dug in.
didnt realise my legs were that swollen
wow Blondie what a story, congratulations again x

Zara is beautiful and a excellent weight considering you had such a cute tiny bump!
Evening ladies,

As requested (and a lot of head scratching as to how to do it) here is some pictures of my perfect little boy,
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He is feeding well, he will feed for 2 hours straight and then have 4 hours off which is good at the moment as he gets lots of sleep and i can rest a little, My stiches are really hurting now and because he has been a little lazy today with his feed my boobs are full so have had to do my first ever expess and here it is :happydance:

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I know it sounds silly but i was a little upset that i had to put it down the sink such a waste

Well Oz wants a feed again now so i think i will catch up with what has been happening with you ladies in the last few days and then tomorrow give an update, having a naughty baby thread is a great idea and can't wait to for all our LO's to be in one place at last.

p.s think you may need to click on the icons for pics (i'm crap at this pc stuff)
I just stood on the scales - :rofl: 9 stone, ie half a stone less than before I got pregnant so looks like I need to put some weight on :rofl: whoops!
Congratulations Blondie she's gorgeous!!!!!

Tori I can't see the pics!!!
think you need to start on the mince pies early blondie.

im at midwife again today, lets hope the bp is still behaving.

oh and 37 weeks today, full term :happydance::happydance:
Tori and Blondie, zara and orry are both just gorgeous!!! How are you girls feeling?

Pip, congrats on 20 weeks, you are definitely feeling the baby, I never felt flutters, more like little popping sensations.

Beth, congrats on being full term, remember Harper came at 37 weeks on the dot, so anytime now!!:happydance:

Well, bringing Harps to the doctor today, can't wait to see what she weighs!!

Blondie, I can't believe you weigh less than you did before getting pregnant, and only 3 days after giving birth!!:dohh:

:hugs: to you all!!!
back from the midwife and all is ok. bp is behaving its self. she said he was well down and fixed and 2/5th palpable. :happydance::happydance:
which i think means he is 3/5th engaged.

back again next week to monitor bp.
Blondie and Tori, your babies are so lovely, I'm so pleased they have both arrived safely and without too many problems, sounds like the labour for you both was very quick which is great, enjoy your babies ladies, lovin the photo's, keep them coming. xx

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