Evening ladies; I can't beleive how fast this time is going now and ou ladies are getting so close to the big day ( i know it may not feel it to some but it is honestly)
Beth hun: it's time for plan eviction at last

, RLT, clary sage, Birthing ball, should be part of your plan hun, keep me updated tho if anything happens.
Blondie: you lucky thing losing weight after birth is not part of any of the books i read and i'm a prime example of what does happen (that will be another stone i have to lose

Caitlenc: I can't beleive your seahorse is a month old istill think you me and blondie are in the same time line with giving birth but your 3+ weeks ahea dof us lol, with regards to sleep, at the moment Orry is up all night and sleeps all day so its lots of

and lack of

but i'm loving every min of it (ask me this question this time next month and it may be a little diffrent lol
Samzi, I didn't do my bag until 36 weeks (i think Caitlenc had a little to do with this as i can remember reading she hadn't done one so think this was the kick up the bum for me and Blondie)
Flowertot: i will say one thing that you will relate to and that is he has peed on me 4 times so far and once nearly in the mouth (gross i know lol) he's a treasure tho it's the whole which end to you clean first when changing a nappy, He has new bits (eg a tail and bits hehehehe).
Msmith: i can understand your frustation on people commenting on size as up to giving birth everyone was saying how big i was and i should watch the weight, until he was born @ 9lb and the amount of water after and before the birth was bucket loads and had all the MW wondering where it was comeing from. Take no notice of them hun
To all naughty ladies
Well Oz is still a joy to be around even tho i am getting very little sleep, he has taken really well to breast feeding and sleeping during the day (we've just got to get him use to sleeping at night and we'll be on our way to a gold medal)
Me and DH took him on his first trip to the park today as i can't stand being in the house all the time it took a while to get around as i have heavy stiching and my legs are still a bit wobbly and achy from giving birth, So it was like taking a 10mile walk with lots of stops and a few tears of pain.
I can't beleive he's here at last but at the same time it feels as though he's been here years 9if that makes any sense)
Well i'm ow off now for another 2 hour feed (my poor boobies) hope all is well with you guys
Me and Oz