Hi ladies
Gosh you ladies have been busy:

it's another Blue

get ready for the target practice peeing

. Only kidding it is good that we had one of each tho.
Beth: Hun don't worry about going to the Hospital hun that is what they are they're for and you know in your heart it better to be safe than sorry chick. i want to see pic's of you in this dress missus
Mum2b: How did the doctors go hun? and we'll be here till the the final birth moment for you hun!
Caitlenc: 3 hours sounds fab chick, thats one of the down sides to breast feeding you can't get into a routine (well i can't as he is always a hungry monkey) can we have more pics hun of seahorse.
Blondie: hows the night times for you hun?
Samzi: the stairs was the worst for me and in the end if it didn't have moving stairs or lifts i wasn't going up there

It does all go away honest as soon as LO arrives (not long now)
To all you lovely ladies
Well Orry is doing fab, He now can sit with Daddy for half an hour before noticing he hasn't got any milky boobies and then hits the roof, and we've managed to get him to sit in his chair for a good while before demanding someone pick him up. (something i have demanded as if it was up to DH he would have him sitting on his knee all the time. . . . oh the joys of a doting father lol)
I've decided that i need to go and see the breast feeding support worker as i really do love breast feeding little one and i don't want to give it up. But over the last week it has become hard as he will settle 8-10pm then 10-12pm(1am) will feed then he will settle for an hour and then is feeding again from apx 1-2am till 5 or 6 and it's getting me down a little (only during the night tho as from 6 till 9.30 he'll sleep again so i catch up then) i knew it was never goign to be easy but never through he would be on me for 2 -3 hours for each feed.
Well as requested here is some more pictures for you guys, I update facebook alot so if your on FB add me as your friend and you'll seem them as well i'm under victoria cottier (i think there is only one of me)
The little girls are my DD (the one with blond hair) and my Neice i don't think you could find a more perfect pair to love him more bless
well i'm off now to catch up on some much needed sleep.
x x x