Knocked Up Naughties

Hope you ve had a nice birthday flower.

i ve got the midwife tom then im having a relexology session which will be a nice foot massage is nothing else, but fingers crossed it kick starts contractions
god, i get so out of breath lately after doing hardly anything
Samzi, it's all the extra weight of the baby pressing on your lungs! I think it's nature's way of preparing us for how much LO takes out of us when she gets here!:haha:

Pipkin, glad you're feeling baby move more, it is such a reassuring feeling! Harper loved certain music when I drove as well!

Blondie, Zara is just beautiful! I'm glad the infacol is helping...I've been giving Harper some gripe water, which seems to be helping her gas. She definitely doesn't have colic, but trapped wind seems to be making her uncomfortable, poor thing.:nope:

Tori, how is little Orry?

Beth, I'm glad everything was okay at the mw, I have a feeling Callum will be joining us any day now!:happydance:

Flower, I hope you had a fab birthday hun!:hugs:

Mum2be, we will still be here for you throughout your pregnancy, don't worry!!

Well, not much new here...took Harper to the grocery store yesterday for the first time, she did great, no fussing, slept almost the whole time. She is still waking every 3 hours at night, which is okay. I am getting better and better at functioning on no sleep!

:hugs: to all my girlies!
well, seen the midwife today and she wants me to go back to the antenatal unit again tom as bp is still up and there was a trace of protien in my urine and i ve still been having headaches and the migrain type visions.

just had my reflexology session which was very relaxing so will see if we have any luck.
i want to get some pineapple now!!
Thanks Caitlenc,
Good luck tomorrow Beth :hugs:

AFM: digi = pregnant 1-2 weeks so just need it to stick a bit longer now, I'm going to GP tomorrow morning and am hoping they will do a HCG blood level to put my mind at rest about my numbers for the time being
yay mum2be. hope you get the blood test just for some reassurance for you.
im sure this one is to keep though hun.
Wow you lot! There's no way I'm going to remember to comment on everything that's been going on!!

Blondie - Zara is just gorgeous!! Thanks for posting more pics.
Beth - Sounds like you are so ready. Hope everything goes OK tomorrow.
Pipkin - The movements are great, aren't they? I'm starting to feel them more now too, although still quite faintly - I have an anterior placenta again.
Caitlen - 3 hours sounds pretty good, at least she's being consistent. :)
Mum2Be - :dance: :dance: :dance:

Drat. That's about all I've got. Hi and :hugs: to everyone. Sorry for missing people.

And me? Well I had my scan this morning and got the biggest shock of my life - it's a BOY!!! I was so sure it was another girl, I thought I'd heard her wrong!! So pleased though. :smug:
All was good too. She pretty easily got all the pics she needed, and said everything looked good. Baby was squirming around in there... such fun. I'm disappointed there are no more scheduled scans.
:wohoo: for one of each, I really must catch up on ur journal's,
Good luck today Beth :hugs:

welcome to team blue.
so glad all was ok.

dont think they were that impressed to see me back in the antenatal assessment unit again. i think they think im making it up cos my bp is fine there. im gonna put these visual disturbances down to migrains i think.they did some bloods anyway just to rule out any pre eclampsia.

well the reflexology didnt do anything :cry:

im going out for a christmas meal tonight with my friends and im wearing my red dress again tonight, so with it being christmas tonight i ll go for looking like a cranberry instead of a tomato. will try and get some pics.
Hi ladies

Gosh you ladies have been busy:

Freyasmum: :happydance: it's another Blue :baby: get ready for the target practice peeing :rofl:. Only kidding it is good that we had one of each tho.

Beth: Hun don't worry about going to the Hospital hun that is what they are they're for and you know in your heart it better to be safe than sorry chick. i want to see pic's of you in this dress missus

Mum2b: How did the doctors go hun? and we'll be here till the the final birth moment for you hun!

Caitlenc: 3 hours sounds fab chick, thats one of the down sides to breast feeding you can't get into a routine (well i can't as he is always a hungry monkey) can we have more pics hun of seahorse.

Blondie: hows the night times for you hun?

Samzi: the stairs was the worst for me and in the end if it didn't have moving stairs or lifts i wasn't going up there :rofl: It does all go away honest as soon as LO arrives (not long now)

To all you lovely ladies :hugs:

Well Orry is doing fab, He now can sit with Daddy for half an hour before noticing he hasn't got any milky boobies and then hits the roof, and we've managed to get him to sit in his chair for a good while before demanding someone pick him up. (something i have demanded as if it was up to DH he would have him sitting on his knee all the time. . . . oh the joys of a doting father lol)

I've decided that i need to go and see the breast feeding support worker as i really do love breast feeding little one and i don't want to give it up. But over the last week it has become hard as he will settle 8-10pm then 10-12pm(1am) will feed then he will settle for an hour and then is feeding again from apx 1-2am till 5 or 6 and it's getting me down a little (only during the night tho as from 6 till 9.30 he'll sleep again so i catch up then) i knew it was never goign to be easy but never through he would be on me for 2 -3 hours for each feed.

Well as requested here is some more pictures for you guys, I update facebook alot so if your on FB add me as your friend and you'll seem them as well i'm under victoria cottier (i think there is only one of me)






The little girls are my DD (the one with blond hair) and my Neice i don't think you could find a more perfect pair to love him more bless

well i'm off now to catch up on some much needed sleep.

x x x
hey ladies, i ve just had a fun night out at my christmas meal with my friends. im stuffed silly. i decieded i was going to be naughty and treat myself to a very weak spriter with the meal. (the only bit of alcohol ive had throughout the whole pregnancy)

well sods law i only go and get pulled over by the police on the way home. typical eh,,, any way it was just a routine stop (prob cos i was drivinbg so slow cos i was lost driving down winding country lanes with no street lights and they had seen me pull out the pub)
the copper took one look at me and said oh a christmas baby eh and sent me packing... he was rather good looking actually.

i have to admit the first thing i thought when the blue lights came on was 'oh bugger i look like crap on my new licence' it had only arrived that morning and i look rubbish as the pic was taken the other week when i had a puffy face.
Tori - Orry looks so cute and dd is adorable too!

Beth - glad you had a nice time at your meal out. with regard to getting pulled over by the police, thats probably what i would be most worried about too :rofl: the one and one time i got pulled over by the police a couple of years ago i had an open bottle of wine on my passanger seat. didn't look very good but my mum had given it to me because she didn't like it, i hadn't actually had any. wow 38 weeks now, soooo exciting!

nursery is nearly done. all painted and carpet going down tomorrow. the only problem is that i've bought a light shade, bedding, nappy stacker etc in the same range and i went to get the curtains to match and toysRus only do them in one size and they are 50cms too short!! i've decided to buy them anyway and i'm going to buy some material to add on to the bottom and hopefully they will look ok.

also for some reason i decided to try on a pair of the knickers i bought to put in my hospital bag and they are way too small. looks like my backside has grown a lot more than i thought :rofl: good job i checked. will have to got and get some bigger ones and hope that i shrink back into the other ones at a later date.

hope you are all well. just over 2 weeks until christmas :happydance:
Thanks Tori :hugs: hope the feeding gets easier

Drs was good the look of :shock: on her face was a picture when I told her, She has come to the conclusion that it took so long due to really not being well over the spring and that I still wasn't well enough when I did fall so y body struggled and that is why I mc, and that I'm in a much better place now... which does make sense, still makes me feel a bit crap, but it does seem to be a sensible reason at least...

Got myself on the MW list to phone. My usual mw was away, so her stand-in phoned me back later on that mornign after reading my notes (I think otherwise she would have left it a week) to get me in and make sure I had the numbers for EPU and general reassurance. She was lovely, and I wish it had been her when I initially had concerns instead of some dragon :hissy:
So am booked in at 8 weeks for booking and GP is hoping that we can get me a scan through for about 11, but have alreaady decided that if it is later than 12+3 am going to pester the department for a cancellation slot :haha:
Otherwise, have got cold with sore throat and ears :hissy: I don't think paracetamol is going to give me much relief today :(
Hi girls!! Glad everyone is ok.

I took Jac for his firs jabs yesterday. It was so heartbreaking!!!!! My baby boy getting all jabbed!!
awe poor baby, but at least he wont get sick now. bet you were more stressed than him.
No Beth, I think it was cos it was my 1st, but I think it will be around 9 weeks that I go into melt down anyway, as a scan at 8 weeks wouldn't have shown anything last time, maybe if it had been an early mc, but guess we shall see what the mw says, she may be able to pull a few strings, but I really don't want to lose the 12 week one...
you could always treat yourself to one at the leeds screening centre, they are only £70 and you get much better pics. well worth it if it puts your mind at rest. i had one done at 8 weeks after my bf had a mmc.
I was thinking about it, and if I start stressing I probably will, I just think that to have one at 8 weeks and then be in the same position at 9 weeks could get a bit silly, so will just take it week by week I think... it is all I can do really, I know that I'm due on the 19th Aug by LMP, and that I get to 12 weeks the first week of February, but atm the 7th of January (8 weeks MW appt) is as far as I can think ahead

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