Mum2be, yippee, welcome back I'm so pleased for you, I'm sure everything will be fine with this LO.
Flower, Happy Birthday, hope you've had a wonderful day.
Beth, glad everything went ok at the hospital.
Samzi, Congrats on the 30 weeks.
Caitlen, 3 hours a night sounds good to me, one of my friends was up every 1.5 hours in the early weeks, he's sleeping right through now.
Blondie, Zara is gorgeous.
Tori, we need some more pics of Orry please.

to anyone I've missed. xx
Everythings fine with me and LO, just feeling a little lonely

as DH is in Ireland till Thursday, I was supposed to be going out tonight but I've only just got home from work, traffic on the motorway was hideous so I really can't be arsed. Good news is that LO is moving lots now especially when I'm driving, he/she seems to love Kings of Leon (as do I) as he/she moves about alot when I put their CD on.