Knocked Up Naughties

i think im driving myself potty girls only 6 days to go till my private scan on friday evening , i keep worrying so much that something is gonna be wrong please tell me i aint insane lol im so tired and bbs hurt but no morning sickness as of yet i think im slightly paranoid , i got my letters through i have my first midwife appointment on the 3rd aug and my first nhs scan on the 20th aug which i think is ages away im slowly driving myself mad xxx
i think im driving myself potty girls only 6 days to go till my private scan on friday evening , i keep worrying so much that something is gonna be wrong please tell me i aint insane lol im so tired and bbs hurt but no morning sickness as of yet i think im slightly paranoid , i got my letters through i have my first midwife appointment on the 3rd aug and my first nhs scan on the 20th aug which i think is ages away im slowly driving myself mad xxx

you sound just like everybody else hun! its completly normal to worry. i thought first tri would drag because of all the worrying but its flown for me. i hope it does for you too :hugs:
Hi girls!:hugs: Thanks for all the lovely comments about the Seahorse's piccie. We are proud parents and show it off every chance we get!

Flowertot, your scan pic is fabulous!:happydance:

Blondie, your little peanut has a gorgeous profile as well! I am actually convinced it's a boy, and have been since I got pregnant. We'll see if that Mother's intuition is right!! BTW, can your DH feel the baby kicking yet? Chris is desperate to feel it, poor lamb, and he can't yet.:cry:
caitlin, blondie and tori, congrats on 21 weeks.

flowertot welcome to second tri

jenny, welcome to the world of paronoid mummy! we all went through the same, i paid for 2 private scans because of my paranoia, i didnt have any symptoms except tiredness weeks 5-9 and slightly sore boobs. no sickness at all.

Well i went to my friends wedding yest and it was lovely, was naughty and had a small glass of champaigne for the toast, and told her my news i wanted to do it face to face and she lives away.
so came home and put it on facebook, so its officially out in the open now.
all my close friends and family knew any way of course but now all the people i went to school with will know and my ex.

i have to also say i know why they say dont wear under wire bras, i needs a strapless or clear strap bra for my dress and had a nightmare getting one because i was working all week so i could have the weekend off for the wedding ended up getting one at last, not quite the right size and under wired.

god i was uncomfortable all day with it, ended up taking it off in the car on the way home much to my friends and her husbands amusement.
Wow - I can't believe we are at 21 weeks already :happydance:

Caitlen - DH can't feel baby yet, well he probably could if he had the patience to actually sit with his hand feeling for it long enough but he has the attention span of a gnat :rofl: I've been feeling baby moving now for over 4 weeks so surely he should be able to feel it now....

Beth - did you find that just the one glass of champagne went straight to your head? I had a glass at a friends wedding recently and my head was spinning :rofl: - definitely going to be a cheap date once baby is here :rofl:

Well I've decided that I just can't cope with all the cleaning in my house so I'm going to employ a cleaner and I've just told DH that :) He was like - but we always do cleaning together - errmmm no he hasn't done anything for months so I've given up on getting assistance and decided that I will pay someone to come in for 3 hours a week and do it for me before I get any more knackered. I did it all in 4 hours today and I'm so so tired now.
Hi everyone.

I'm a bit worried. I keep getting these little shooting pains down there. Its on the left side, it starts in the place where my old c section scar starts. I don't know if there's any link?

Also I'm worried that I'm feeling the baby a bit too low. He seems to be kicking me right in the bits. The other day he was kicking me up the top of my belly and you could see my belly move but now he seems to have gone a lot lower and further inside. I'm really worried because 2 people have said I look smaller and I'm scared something is going wrong!

What do you think?
he has probably just turned around rae rae but if your really worried, give your midwife a ring.

blondie, i was a light weight with alcohol anyway, only had a small glass but could def feel it.
He's bloody moved up now and the pains have stopped. Honest to god I'm a mess. He's kicking me right in the bellybutton now. And when I say pains they're more like little twinges so I'm probably just being a wuss.

The thing with phoning anyone is they'll ask
Are you bleeding - No
Is the pain severe and/or constant - No
Do you feel well otherwise - Yes
Are you getting plenty of movement - Yes

Then they'll put me on mute and talk about how neurotic I am then tell me its probably the baby lying on a nerve which I think it probably is anyway but I'm just a wreck.

Urgh. Being pregnant is hard.
glad he has shifted back hun.

i have nt felt little one move yet but i get the pains that you mentioned all the time.
hey girls not long now nearly 4 days till scan day :D:D:D yay im excited and nervous :D OH has been great letting me sleep in the bed myself cause ive been restless :) but i have started getting waves of nausea not too bad though how is everyone doing are you all keeping well Raerae glad the lil one has moved hun dont worry they usually sit on nerves i used to get shooting pains up my backside sorry tmi when i was pregnant with him but all was good :) well i contacted the stop smoking line im getting help with quitting smoking maybe that may put the end of my crazy dreams ive been having have you girls had any crazy dreams ? xxx
Hiya Girlies!:hugs:

Blondie, good for you for hiring a cleaner, ours comes every two weeks and is a Godsend!

RaeRae, glad baby shifted back up and that the pains have stopped. I'm sure it was just hitting a nerve. I get almost all of my kicks very low, and have been getting those twinges occasionally since week 12!:dohh:

Jenny, so excited for your scan!:happydance: i get very vivid dreams since becoming pregnant, and normally I can't remember my dreams, so it's pretty weird!

Hubby and i went to see "My Sister's Keeper" at the cinema tonight, and I cried like a baby. Damn hormones!:rofl:

Also, we found a gold colored paint for the bottom part of the nursery, under the wallpaper border I bought. Can't wait to clear the furniture out of there and start setting up the room for the baby!:happydance:

:hug:to all my girlies!
Raerae - glad baby has shifted back up again, I get days when it almost feels like baby is going to drop out as it feels really heavy and low then it will suddenly do a huge somersault and the feeling has gone again. My kicks are all still pretty low down though at the moment - nothing near the belly button yet.

Caitlen - I just can't do films at the moment - I would cry at anything, I'm particularly good at crying because of burnt toast at the moment :rofl:

Got my 21 week midwife appointment on wednesday so will get to hear babies heartbeat again :) - though nowadays that doesn't seem as reassuring as I can feel it kicking the hell out of my uterus everyday :rofl:
Thanks everyone.

Urgh. Had a bad night last night. I've been so so good lately. Really happy and not worrying about everything but yesterday I had a relapse.

I was getting those little twinges on and off from late afternoon til about 10. When I said to my Mum about it she was like 'Well I had them with you but it was when you were coming' so I started panicking that I was going into labour or something. It didn't help matters that 2 people over the weekend said my bump looked smaller. To be fair this wouldn't be a bad thing coz I'm pretty huge but it's really not what you need to hear when you're pregnant and worrying.

I went to bed last night and I was talking to OH about it and he sort of sighed and told me not to worry so much. This didn't go down well. I started crying my eyes out. I explained to him that this is exactly what pisses me off. Whenever I try and talk about anything like worries and stuff people just make me out to be an idiot so I stop talking about it then it all builds up in my head and gets a million times worse. That's what happened when I used to have depression and even though I'm trying to talk about things like I was told to do it always seems to be dismissed and it's frustrating to be made to feel like an idiot all the time.

Sorry for the rant.

The baby is having a scan on his heart tomorrow as a precaution because Zoe was born with 2 holes in her heart. I'm not worried about that because Zoe's healed by themselves and there were no signs of any holes at the 20 weeks scan. I'm just glad I get to see him again.
I know I'm not knocked up yet, but I'm butting in here anyway!!
Ladies - your scan pics are all SO beautiful! I just love them. Glad to see you're all doing so well. :hugs:

Raerae - God, it's so normal to worry about every twinge! I think it can be hard for the men to understand - they don't shoulder the responsibility of carrying the baby like we do. Do you have a good midwife? Mine was great when I had Freya. I saw her regularly, and was able to call her with every worry... All of which she would seem to take seriously, while calmly reassuring me that all was well.
I'm quite sure everything is fine with you and your baby, but you need to have someone who will listen and not belittle your feelings.
Keep ranting away here. You know we will listen without judging and offer support - even if it is 'virtual'. :hugs:
Yay that you get to see him again though!

Back off to TTC for me... :)
Thank you so much x

I wouldn't have a clue who to call to be honest. Because I'm diabetic I'm under consultant led care. I saw a midwife once when I was about 7 weeks pregnant and I haven't seen one since. It's all very clinical and all related to the diabetes. The only time the pregnancy gets mentioned is when I'm having a scan or something.

I've got clinic tomorrow so I'll see if I can speak to someone there. I know I'm seeing the obstetrician tomorrow so hopefully she'll be able to help.
It's been so busy with home and the kids. At one moment there's sun, the next rain. So every minute possible I try to go to garden and work there.
That means I have to dump Internet. That's sad, but I think when autumn comes and I have different kind of berries in my refrigerator, that'll be worth it.
Morning Ladies :)

RaeRae - hope your scan goes ok today :hugs: - sure everything will be fine and you will enjoy seeing your little boy again :happydance:

Baby is going crazy this morning - it hasn't stopped doing backflips in there :rofl: - makes me laugh as it feels so funny :) Still looking very bumpless so will take my weekly non-bump photo this evening so you can all try and spot the baby :rofl:

It will be nice to go to my next midwife appointment tomorrow - it seems to have flown by since the last one (5 weeks ago). Time really is starting to speed along now :eek:
Blondie I bet you're absolutely huge by the end and we'll all laugh!!!!

Well I had the scan this morning. It was really really good. I had to have the scan up on the ward coz they'd already done too many or some crap down in U/S so the Obstetrician did it. He said that because he doesn't do scans all the time he wants me to have another one next week in the U/S department so I get to see bubs again!!!! As far as he can see there are no holes in the heart and everything looked great so I'm really really chuffed. I have also been left with absolutely no doubt that it's a boy. Saw all his bits!!! The Doctor was quite impressed LMAO!! SO now I'm looking forward to next week!

I asked about the pains and he said that I'll get all sorts of little pains and niggles at this stage of pregnancy with all the growth and movement so not to worry. Yay!
Glad your little boy is looking ok RaeRae :)

OK so here we have this weeks lack of bump - though it's definitely starting to go, can't be much longer before the abs give way to the baby :rofl:


and from the front
it cant be long now blondie.

rae rae so glad all is looking great with :baby: and you get to see him again next week, bliss.

i ve nothing to report, my bump seems to have deflated this week, no movements as yet but lots of twinges still.
cant wait til my midwife appointment next week hopefully i ll get to listen in to the heartbeat.

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