Hello My Lovely ladies!!
RaeRae, so glad scan went well. You must feel very reassured, and it sounds like your bubs is very well-endowed!
Blondie, I am definitely starting to see that bump, not long now until you pop, I'm sure!
Flowertot, hope you feel better soon, sweetie!
AnnaMaria, hope you're feeling well.
Jenny, any news from Samzi? Starting to get worried!
Beth, i am sure you'll start feeling flutters soon.
to all I've missed!
I've been searching through Samzi's posts and the last one was 3rd July saying she was signed off work as not very well and she was going to stay with her OH so wouldn't have access for a while - hope she is feeling better though
Mamawannabe - hopefully it won't be long until you are all over here joining us, you are all welcome to come and post here whenever you like![]()
Caitlenc - lucky you seeing seahorse again so soon - I've got another 6 weeks to wait![]()
Just been to my midwife appointment and everything ok - babies was hiding initially (god knows where as there isn't that much space for it to hide in) but we found heartbeat and it was a nice regular 120-130 bpm. It's the first time I've ever known how fast the heartbeat was - do they the slower rate is more likely to be a boy or girl????