Ladies please help!!!!

My dr told me that in 70% of the first trimester losses he sees the women have nothing wrong and go on to have a healthy pregnancy. He said many of them will have 3 or 4 losses and then the next time have a healthy baby. I do hope he is right, but I just expected more testing. Oh well, time will tell what happens.
Hope you get your bfp. Thats an awful lot to go through, your bfp has got to be just around the corner now. :)
My dr told me that in 70% of the first trimester losses he sees the women have nothing wrong and go on to have a healthy pregnancy. He said many of them will have 3 or 4 losses and then the next time have a healthy baby. I do hope he is right, but I just expected more testing. Oh well, time will tell what happens.
Hope you get your bfp. Thats an awful lot to go through, your bfp has got to be just around the corner now. :)

Thank you! I hope that you get a sticky bean soon. It has been a hard road and has really changed me as a person. I am kind of socially awkward now because I dread meeting new people. The first thing they ask when they see I only have one child is do you want more and it such a loaded question. The positive thing is that my relationship with DH is stronger than ever!
People ask me that all the time! Close friends and family I tell the real reason but others k just always say we aren't ready yet or one is enough, etc. it's a hard question to get and I dread it every time
People ask me that all the time! Close friends and family I tell the real reason but others k just always say we aren't ready yet or one is enough, etc. it's a hard question to get and I dread it every time

None of our friends and family know about our last 2 mcs. It was too much for me to take on their sadness too, so we stopped telling them. After my 2nd one my sister was TTC her first and I was scared that I was scaring her and because of me she did not have that blissfully unaware first pregnancy, I felt awful. If by some miracle we are pregnant and it sticks we already said we are not telling ANYONE til after we find out the gender so half way through. All our family lives on the east coast so it wont be hard to do that.

It is really hard when my child asks me why they don't have a brother or sister...breaks my heart. Not sure what we will do if I have another mc but we are trying to stay positive.

What tests have you done so far?
i've had progesterone, by sheer luck i had my appt. on 7dpo, thyroid and vitamin levels. i insisted on these tests a few times before he would order them. and he said he will do a hysteroscopy if it would make me feel better to check for uterine scarring or polyps. (i may have had uterine scarring due to retained placenta from my son's delivery)
i just went last wed so am still waiting on the blood test results. i'm guessing everything was normal since i didn't get a call. in the past, i have always gotten a call within 48 hours if the tests were abnormal.
i've had progesterone, by sheer luck i had my appt. on 7dpo, thyroid and vitamin levels. i insisted on these tests a few times before he would order them. and he said he will do a hysteroscopy if it would make me feel better to check for uterine scarring or polyps. (i may have had uterine scarring due to retained placenta from my son's delivery)
i just went last wed so am still waiting on the blood test results. i'm guessing everything was normal since i didn't get a call. in the past, i have always gotten a call within 48 hours if the tests were abnormal.

Well, I hope you have a wonderful mother's day tomorrow!
ugh!!! some people in my family just do not understand how hard it is to ttc. my husbands grandmother informed me today that i was glowing.....and then asked if i was pregnant. wow. what a mothers day present.....i know it was innocent. it just about made me cry though.
Aw. Sorry you had a bad day. Ttc is an emotional roller coaster. Others that haven't been here just don't understand and I'm sure she didn't mean to hurt your feelings
i dont think she meant to either. i have been taking prenatals and she saw the bottle and assumed i was pregnant.
After having all those lines on the 9 tests, my hopes of actually conceiving are making me nuts. i mean i was totally convinced. but hey getting a line on a hpt doesnt make you pregnant. its the pregnancy that causes the line on the hpt that makes you pregnant.
I got my 7dpo progesterone level back. It's 9.7 dr isn't ginna prescribe be anything for it. He says it's normal I guess. Everything I'm reading about it says a good level is above 10, above 12 is best. Pretty upset right now. Was hoping to be prescribed some progesterone for a level under 10
more evidence that doctors dont give a flip anymore. ugh!!! we all take time to research ttc and then when something is wrong, they would rather let nature run its course than step in and fix it. i am so sorry this is going on.
I know that my results are close to 10, but they are not 10! Shouldn't that at least warrant another progesterone test next cycle? I feel like I'm just waiting now to lose another one before I can get some help
i would think it would definitely warrant another test next month. Half the frustration i feel is because i cant get the drs to do anything. I really hope it comes back up on its own for you.
Well, you are not alone! Let's hope out bodies magically do what they are supposed to do. :) AF has arrived in full force today. Oh what a day filled with good news, lol!
This may seem like a silly question, but if your insurance won't pay for anything, why do you need a referral to an RE? I have seen 3 RE's so far and with each one just called to make an appointment.

Also, you might want to look into antibiotic treatment. That's what we are going through right now. After 9 years of infertility treatment, not one doctor had brought this up. I started reasearching online after my new RE mentioned it, and was absolutely shocked. It turns out that bacteria (most of them can't be found by testing) is the cause of around 40% of secondary infertility. This is our first month trying after the antiobiotics and for the first time in a long time....i have hope!

Good luck ladies!

Well i didnt even think about that!! (wow how nuts am i?). lol. also i see in your signature that you had a failed adoption. we went through that in february. i still have a pink nursery. i just cant bring myself to take it all down. my sister (16) hid her pregnancy til 34 weeks (pretty unbelievable but i worked on an ambulance for years and never saw anyone conceal it that well.) Needless to say, after buying everything, taking her to her ultrasounds/dr appts, being by her side during labor, and staying with the baby and her at the hospital, we were heartbroken. I have a 6 year old little girl who had a hard time dealing with it. and yeah it irritated the heck out of me that she got pregnant and isnt even out of high school. im almost 30. what the hay? not fair.
This may seem like a silly question, but if your insurance won't pay for anything, why do you need a referral to an RE? I have seen 3 RE's so far and with each one just called to make an appointment.

Also, you might want to look into antibiotic treatment. That's what we are going through right now. After 9 years of infertility treatment, not one doctor had brought this up. I started reasearching online after my new RE mentioned it, and was absolutely shocked. It turns out that bacteria (most of them can't be found by testing) is the cause of around 40% of secondary infertility. This is our first month trying after the antiobiotics and for the first time in a long time....i have hope!

Good luck ladies!


i looked online and the closest RE is about an hours drive away. i'm not ready to do that yet. the expense will be much higher. the bacterial info is interesting. shouldn't be an issue in my case cause i had to rounds of antibiotics for bacterial infection last may.
I got my 7dpo progesterone level back. It's 9.7 dr isn't ginna prescribe be anything for it. He says it's normal I guess. Everything I'm reading about it says a good level is above 10, above 12 is best. Pretty upset right now. Was hoping to be prescribed some progesterone for a level under 10

I'm really sorry to hear that the doctor won't do anything. I mean there is no harm in giving progesterone so I am not sure what the big deal is. My levels are normal and my RE still put me on it. I would seriously call him back and tell him your very valid concerns. Also, is there a nurse in the office that you have a good relationship with? Sometimes they can talk to the doctor for you if they know your history.
This may seem like a silly question, but if your insurance won't pay for anything, why do you need a referral to an RE? I have seen 3 RE's so far and with each one just called to make an appointment.

Also, you might want to look into antibiotic treatment. That's what we are going through right now. After 9 years of infertility treatment, not one doctor had brought this up. I started reasearching online after my new RE mentioned it, and was absolutely shocked. It turns out that bacteria (most of them can't be found by testing) is the cause of around 40% of secondary infertility. This is our first month trying after the antiobiotics and for the first time in a long time....i have hope!

Good luck ladies!


i looked online and the closest RE is about an hours drive away. i'm not ready to do that yet. the expense will be much higher. the bacterial info is interesting. shouldn't be an issue in my case cause i had to rounds of antibiotics for bacterial infection last may.

I felt the same way about going to see an RE at first. I made an appointment one year and cancelled it. Now I am kicking myself that I did not go earlier. My RE is only about 15 miles away but it takes me usually 45 minutes to get there, but it is worth it cause they take me seriously. Also, I was thinking is there anyway to get progesterone w/o a prescription? Like do you need a prescription for the cream?

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