Hi Ladies - I apologize in advance if there is already a thread like this out there, I wasnt able to find one. I would love to have all of us with male factor infertility, have a place to go and share our stories and findings. I know that we are a pretty specific group, and if any of you are like me, you have so many questions and too little answers.
I always feel it is best to hear from people that have had the same issues because we can relate. So... If you are ttc and have come across hurdles because of male factor, please join me in telling your story. I want to hear it all. From finding out to how you have dealt and of course all of the success stories! We need eachother in times like these...
My story : Im 25, dh is 31. We had been trying for a year when we found out that he had very low motility. only 8% motile, with 2% progressive. Still waiting on second SA results to see if there has been any improvements. I want to be positive and hope that we will conceive naturally, but will what I have seen with low motility, ICSI might be where we are headed. Only time will tell.
Whats your story??...
I always feel it is best to hear from people that have had the same issues because we can relate. So... If you are ttc and have come across hurdles because of male factor, please join me in telling your story. I want to hear it all. From finding out to how you have dealt and of course all of the success stories! We need eachother in times like these...
My story : Im 25, dh is 31. We had been trying for a year when we found out that he had very low motility. only 8% motile, with 2% progressive. Still waiting on second SA results to see if there has been any improvements. I want to be positive and hope that we will conceive naturally, but will what I have seen with low motility, ICSI might be where we are headed. Only time will tell.
Whats your story??...