Hey chick,
I've had two hysteroscopies, one awake & the other asleep with a laparoscopy.
Don't be scared, although I completely know how you feel as I was a blubbering idiot when they wheeled me into the Operating theatre - I almost didn't turn up! It was being put to sleep that frightened the beJesus out of me too.
Now that I've had the Lap & hysteroscopy, my ONLY regret is that I didn't seek help for my symptoms sooner.
I had most of my endo lasered away (but he said he couldn't get to all of it). I also had a polyp removed from my womb & the dye test on my tubes.
I had one cut in my bellybutton & the other lower down on the left hand side. I have to say, that apart from dizziness after the anasthetic keeping me on the ward for an extra hour, I was perfectly fine by morning & just spooked by my results.
The actual wounds stung a bit & I had shoulder pains for almost 2 weeks after - this is normal and not terrible. They gave me a box of painkillers, but in the end I only took one in total.
I was driving the following evening (I know I shouldn't have, but I was so bored & had to go to the shop!) & back to work the day after. I run my own business, so if there'd been sick pay, I prob would have taken a few more days, but I honestly felt fine & just the wounds were stingy. I had to hold my stitches when laughing or bending down!
I went out & got drunk on the Sat (5 days later) which in hindsight wasn't clever as it resulted in the worst hangover of my life, but then I'd just been told my tubes were screwed, so I wanted to drown them & dance the night away with my friends!
You really will be fine. The only advice for getting ready for it, is not to be googling too much!
Best of luck. xxx