Ratbag & MrsHowley
I hope the rest of your preganncies go smoothly
You are both so close in dates
mrshowley How did you find the IVF???? Congrats on the 1swt cycle
Ratbag How lucky that they found that you had the killer cells!!! Congrats on two natural bfps hun
AFM- Had the op in January...
Had a natural 1st cycle...
I done a clomid on the 2nd cycle- thinned my lining...
Then i had a very long cycle...
Then had a natural cycle and went on holiday with oh to the dominican republic and had a natural 32 day cycle I think it was
Then I done an injecatbles cycle (merional)
then a natural cycle... very long again...
Now I am currently on my 2nd injectables cycle in the TWW...
I have one more cycle and then it will be egg sharing, I am thinking of maybe taking a long break before the egg sharing Im not sure how much I can take I am thinking maybe I need a break
Sorry for my boring story I wish I had better news to share with you ladies