Late af, negative hpt. Help!


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2015
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Hello, I am in need of some advice. I am not currently ttc but we also aren't really preventing it either. We just had a baby girl 7 months ago but I am not using any bc and only sometimes use protection.
Well, my last af was 5/5 and lasted 4 days. Since I gave birth, my periods have been very regular, only been one day off last month. Well, last Thursday on the 1st I went to the bathroom and when I wiped there was brown cm. Just that once though. All that day and since then I've had some sharper pains in my left side, kind of like when I got pregnant with DD. But I just shrugged it off until my fiancé told me I had been acting the same as when I was pregnant and if made me think. Well the 6th came and no af so I took at hpt and it was negative. Now, it's the 11th and still nothing and my cervix is high and firm. It's kind of open though(I only checked because of all that's going on) so I'm not sure what it's supposed to feel like these days but usually before af shows up, it goes soft and low. I don't really have any symptoms other than going to the bathroom more often but my body has always had a small bladder and I've been getting lots of cm, creamy white and kinds stretchy and yellowish cm. Not like infection but just lightly colored and it's like jelly sometimes. So, I'm on cd 37 and too scared to test again because I don't want to be disappointed even though I'm not trying. Anyone been pregnant but still have a bfn? I know this is a ttc board but I know some of you ladies have already had children so that's why I'm asking here
Yes some have and have had to have a quantitative blood test to get a definitive answer instead of a urine test. Your cervix may feel a little more open than it used to due to the fact you have given birth, it isn't unusual.
Lots of things can play a part in your period being late or being missed, so I would visit my GP I think
That's what I think I am going to do, I'm calling my OB tomorrow first thing. I'm going to take a hpt tomorrow morning before just to be sure. Either way, I'll be calling him :P
hey i`m new here , but i feel wanna share my story i did read hundreds of articles forums, where some women gets hpt N and also blood test negative
my name is carmen and currently 29, i turn 30 in 2 months
i have a stable relashionship for over 6 years , i had just him during all relashionship, 4 years ago acciddently we got pregnant , bad time ever!!! i got fired from work 1 week earlier before he s company failled on market , so was shut down…. how i found out??? i was bloated and his aunt said ” are you pregnant? hell no i said i had period , and i even tested myself 2 weeks ago , she turns head on me again , well take another one to be sure” ok i said i will , will be nagative anyway , in that few days i was spotting very little and sneezing , thought is a cold ,thats all . so i pee in a glass , put inside a cheap stick , and voilla popped 2 darkkkkkkk lines , i started to cryyyyyyyy i was happy and upset!!!!in same time , she asked me how i feel what future to offer him , no job etc ” so i went to gyn , he palpated me and he said well looks like u over 1 month and half, i told him why????? i had period!!!! impossible , that big bby is? he said yes ” well short story i did abortion , dont judge me , i came from a poor family and city , got fired i was scared , didnt want to have a baby that hates me because hes not happy like other kids , because thats how i felt when i was young, bullied at school , beated , etc etc….. i cried every single day , even went to church to talk to priest and make him understand i regret this , and hope my bby is an angel up there , he did forgived me and told me to be carefull in life”
so here we are present for this 4 yrs we had sex daily weekly more or less and my period was regulated more or so but he never cum in me , always pulling out , and on december 2016 he said babe i`m ready to be a father i know u wish aswell , let`s try!!! even 4 yrs ago doctor said i might not get pregnant ever ??? wtf!!!!
so from december till february regulate cycle in same fucking day!!!! 03.12.2016/03.01.2017/03.02.2017 than boom march late 7 days 10.03.2017 i said well february was damn short so yea is normal , even in march felt really ill like never felt before!! bad crap , huge flow blackish blood was horribleeee , weird so last few days max 5 days i have cycle , never spotting before cycly , just cramping a day or 2 before PMS to start.
ok so on 07.04.2017 i go to a gyn and ask her to see maybe i`m pregnant?? because i thought period will arrive on 03.04.2017 she said nope nothing lady , all good , i told about late period heavy flow, she said” well u had a menstrual abortion” what??? or “hormonal issues” i did also bloood test in same date 07.04.2017 and came negative in few days…… next day after i started spotting!!!08.04.2017 till 13.04.2017 here red spot! i freaked out coz was so damn bright!!! i took also hpt was N….on14.04.207 PMS heavy flow pain arghhhhh after 2 heavy days the next 2 more days spotting brown on 18.04.2017 period finally ends was already white!!! so i had a looong period!!!!10 fucking days, never had like this in 6 years! since i`m with him.after period ended i tested again , HPT N…. on 20.21.22 we had sex again and he ejaculated every single day inside on 24.04.2017 i wipped after pee , and dang light pink i was like hmmmmi ovulated??? i dont remember if we did had sex on 28/28.04.2017 but we sure did had sex on 01.05.2017 on 02.05.2017 he left to france to dentist there , free charge for all , so i was happy for him… but i got home myself alone with my dog… so on 05.05.2017 i started to spot again!!!! more pinkish gelatinos? was not smelling at all , and very small like a little circle , i had to use pads on underwear , i also had sharp pain usually when i was walking the dog and also felt into my left side , with leg , i was hmmm sceptic.. again spotting , but wasnt brown like period is about to come ,so on 06.05.2017 i went to dosome tested to see what is happenening with me another blood test again N…. and some anemie? no hiv no other bullshit good glicemy , colesterol just the PH or pee they marked as too high 6.5… i went home still spotting a day on a drop , next day nothing at all!!!!! on 09.05.2017 i go gyn to tell her about this pink spotting he took a sample of secretion for lab .on 11.05.2017 i woke up dizzy , went bathroom , i got even dizzier , my legs just got shaking i hold myself on washing machine and boom i vome!!! i did seat on toilet and guess what heavy PMS again but not so heavy like always , lasted 1 day and half and 2 more days light brown spotting… on 11.05.2017 beside dizzy wome pms , also had headache plus fevre!! i was burning the hell out my skin, i had a wet towel during night on my forehead because couldnt resist anymore, during day ii felt so lifeless , i even lost few secs my breath , lucky my dog was pulling my arm not to asleep… i was scared , and i survived !! the next day after i was feeling lot better! no cramps at all just bleeding… i was still testing HPT N.. crazyyy I am no ??? so on 23.05.2017 i wipped and again bit pink hmmmm i was asking myself why had no clue, was just in that day that`s all on 24.052017 i go gyn again she said sample is like having gardenella , a bacteria so i said ok……but why …. well hygiene is poor? oh but i dont do nasty stuff , she asked me if i use internal tampons, and i do use them on my 3rd 4th and 5th day of PMS all time for years!!!! he said maybe u need do the Pap-nicolau , i freaked out when i heard , because knew this thing u do for cancer or anything bad like this , so we did took anaother sample and came negative i have no cancer , cervix damage etc , no cyst nothing , just a septat uteras /2 cavites one big /one small.and she said lets run more testes for another bacterias….could be possible have a bacteria that causes u this long period with spotting and heavy flow.i asked her maybe im pregnant , and based on her calculation i would have ovulated on 15.16 /04.2017whatever…. when period wasnt ended *but my app on phone said clear that i have 30 cycle days i introduced all PMS dates along , and i knew i ovulated on 19.04.2017 and i had sex on 20/21/22.04.2017 ….* so well the new test says i have a bacteria called “ureaplasma urealyticum”08.06.2017 is the day they took sample why i went again to gyn ??? because i have no more spotting and my period supposed to come on 05.06.2017???? since last month spotted on 05.05.2017 , weird no? in all this weeks i only took every day ” acid folic” my best friend and mother told me will help me get pregnant and stay strong. so i finished them all yestarday! no spotting pink brown nothing!!!
when i sneeze a little white discarges wets my panties , i felt / feel pregnant my app says 5 weeks and 2 days , because in 6 days late PMS!!!! so the bacteria stopped my cycle? when i did the intravaginal ecography was nothing in there , i wass maybe 3 weeks ? thats why?now gyn is convinced im not prego / but i had so many symptoms , bloated/ buuurps/ cramps /headaches/ cold tummy and breast , i feel sensitive with boobs they so heavy so soft big , and today for 1st time ever i noticed how painfull my nipples are , ouch!!!!! really and my legs are so sensitive i walk so slow , and feel lke i did run few miles , even shaked my legs few times , i dont do much effort , low back pains, strange pimples forehead nose and boobs! but why since no period and i never had on period pimples/ strange smell hate a certain polen from a tree , makes me throw up but im not/ i did gain bit tummy feels big and im a skinny ” bitch ” ahaahah my clothes pants dont fit me anymore , i have not thyroid, or else to influence this , i feel i get big and bigger streching me insideeee i pee every single hour!!!i dont like hot showers anymore! i went into market and saw a tiny bag of peanuts with caramell , i was omg!!!!! delicioussss , i eat healthy yougurt, salade, nothing heavy to get fat because of that! so questions/ conclusion: this bacteria make me fell / have ” fake pregnancy symptom” ? why PMS is late 6 days? why still negative HPT and blood test? could history repeat and have to wait untill i hit ” imaginary 6 weeks” to get positive like 4 years ago?i did read so many things that some women simply get negative blood test and hpt untill 10 weeks!!! wow , so i guess need to wait another week to see if i start to spotting or PMS come….. my bf is doing his testes aswell in france , if he will gets negative result why i got positive? i did read many pregnant women at 5 -6 weekds earlier or later they found out they have this bacteria , is a bacteria that is produced by fetus? or against him ? my nose is dry stuffed but why i sneeze from time to time but im not having a cold….is like a stranger is in my body :))) i know i must go gyn again after i get my bf results! but if next week still no period and hes negative shall i go to a 2nd gyn that wants to to transvaginal , maybe i`m pregnant!!!! any hopes??? we want a baby!!!!!! and we frustated by this so called bacteria “ureaplasma” could treatment affect fetus , of bacteria affect him ? why my gyn refuses to believe im pregnant since im 6 days late??? plsss help me , the white discarge doesnt smells , and i spot white just from time to time , feel like i have a fat pussy , getting tighter down there :(………. i heard this bacteria cause infertility, hope wont be my case!!!!!looong story of my life , will GOD allow me get over this and enjoy a baby or every 2-3 weeks treatment medicins… blahhh hate pills”i feel so tiredddd sleepy , i need to wait sooo long , i have like 1.53 cm height and over 45 kgs and 2 uteras lol and my blood type matters ? it could be im not compatible with a baby? hope this wont be a problem in having a baby!i just need know if women been thru this like me , hope to be pregnant and get rid off this bacteria asap!!!! wish me luck , just wanted share my story and maybe someone tells me “yes u might be pregnant”or ” yes you are pregnant” spent lot money on running testes and hpts , seems like i still have to spend few ahahah , wish me luck i will update soon as i find out more
:baby:hey i`m new here , but i feel wanna share my story i did read hundreds of articles forums, where some women gets hpt N and also blood test negative
my name is carmen and currently 29, i turn 30 in 2 months
i have a stable relashionship for over 6 years , i had just him during all relashionship, 4 years ago acciddently we got pregnant , bad time ever!!! i got fired from work 1 week earlier before he s company failled on market , so was shut down…. how i found out??? i was bloated and his aunt said ” are you pregnant? hell no i said i had period , and i even tested myself 2 weeks ago , she turns head on me again , well take another one to be sure” ok i said i will , will be nagative anyway , in that few days i was spotting very little and sneezing , thought is a cold ,thats all . so i pee in a glass , put inside a cheap stick , and voilla popped 2 darkkkkkkk lines , i started to cryyyyyyyy i was happy and upset!!!!in same time , she asked me how i feel what future to offer him , no job etc ” so i went to gyn , he palpated me and he said well looks like u over 1 month and half, i told him why????? i had period!!!! impossible , that big bby is? he said yes ” well short story i did abortion , dont judge me , i came from a poor family and city , got fired i was scared , didnt want to have a baby that hates me because hes not happy like other kids , because thats how i felt when i was young, bullied at school , beated , etc etc….. i cried every single day , even went to church to talk to priest and make him understand i regret this , and hope my bby is an angel up there , he did forgived me and told me to be carefull in life”
so here we are present for this 4 yrs we had sex daily weekly more or less and my period was regulated more or so but he never cum in me , always pulling out , and on december 2016 he said babe i`m ready to be a father i know u wish aswell , let`s try!!! even 4 yrs ago doctor said i might not get pregnant ever ??? wtf!!!!
so from december till february regulate cycle in same fucking day!!!! 03.12.2016/03.01.2017/03.02.2017 than boom march late 7 days 10.03.2017 i said well february was damn short so yea is normal , even in march felt really ill like never felt before!! bad crap , huge flow blackish blood was horribleeee , weird so last few days max 5 days i have cycle , never spotting before cycly , just cramping a day or 2 before PMS to start.
ok so on 07.04.2017 i go to a gyn and ask her to see maybe i`m pregnant?? because i thought period will arrive on 03.04.2017 she said nope nothing lady , all good , i told about late period heavy flow, she said” well u had a menstrual abortion” what??? or “hormonal issues” i did also bloood test in same date 07.04.2017 and came negative in few days…… next day after i started spotting!!!08.04.2017 till 13.04.2017 here red spot! i freaked out coz was so damn bright!!! i took also hpt was N….on14.04.207 PMS heavy flow pain arghhhhh after 2 heavy days the next 2 more days spotting brown on 18.04.2017 period finally ends was already white!!! so i had a looong period!!!!10 fucking days, never had like this in 6 years! since i`m with him.after period ended i tested again , HPT N…. on 20.21.22 we had sex again and he ejaculated every single day inside on 24.04.2017 i wipped after pee , and dang light pink i was like hmmmmi ovulated??? i dont remember if we did had sex on 28/28.04.2017 but we sure did had sex on 01.05.2017 on 02.05.2017 he left to france to dentist there , free charge for all , so i was happy for him… but i got home myself alone with my dog… so on 05.05.2017 i started to spot again!!!! more pinkish gelatinos? was not smelling at all , and very small like a little circle , i had to use pads on underwear , i also had sharp pain usually when i was walking the dog and also felt into my left side , with leg , i was hmmm sceptic.. again spotting , but wasnt brown like period is about to come ,so on 06.05.2017 i went to dosome tested to see what is happenening with me another blood test again N…. and some anemie? no hiv no other bullshit good glicemy , colesterol just the PH or pee they marked as too high 6.5… i went home still spotting a day on a drop , next day nothing at all!!!!! on 09.05.2017 i go gyn to tell her about this pink spotting he took a sample of secretion for lab .on 11.05.2017 i woke up dizzy , went bathroom , i got even dizzier , my legs just got shaking i hold myself on washing machine and boom i vome!!! i did seat on toilet and guess what heavy PMS again but not so heavy like always , lasted 1 day and half and 2 more days light brown spotting… on 11.05.2017 beside dizzy wome pms , also had headache plus fevre!! i was burning the hell out my skin, i had a wet towel during night on my forehead because couldnt resist anymore, during day ii felt so lifeless , i even lost few secs my breath , lucky my dog was pulling my arm not to asleep… i was scared , and i survived !! the next day after i was feeling lot better! no cramps at all just bleeding… i was still testing HPT N.. crazyyy I am no ??? so on 23.05.2017 i wipped and again bit pink hmmmm i was asking myself why had no clue, was just in that day that`s all on 24.052017 i go gyn again she said sample is like having gardenella , a bacteria so i said ok……but why …. well hygiene is poor? oh but i dont do nasty stuff , she asked me if i use internal tampons, and i do use them on my 3rd 4th and 5th day of PMS all time for years!!!! he said maybe u need do the Pap-nicolau , i freaked out when i heard , because knew this thing u do for cancer or anything bad like this , so we did took anaother sample and came negative i have no cancer , cervix damage etc , no cyst nothing , just a septat uteras /2 cavites one big /one small.and she said lets run more testes for another bacterias….could be possible have a bacteria that causes u this long period with spotting and heavy flow.i asked her maybe im pregnant , and based on her calculation i would have ovulated on 15.16 /04.2017whatever…. when period wasnt ended *but my app on phone said clear that i have 30 cycle days i introduced all PMS dates along , and i knew i ovulated on 19.04.2017 and i had sex on 20/21/22.04.2017 ….* so well the new test says i have a bacteria called “ureaplasma urealyticum”08.06.2017 is the day they took sample why i went again to gyn ??? because i have no more spotting and my period supposed to come on 05.06.2017???? since last month spotted on 05.05.2017 , weird no? in all this weeks i only took every day ” acid folic” my best friend and mother told me will help me get pregnant and stay strong. so i finished them all yestarday! no spotting pink brown nothing!!!
when i sneeze a little white discarges wets my panties , i felt / feel pregnant my app says 5 weeks and 2 days , because in 6 days late PMS!!!! so the bacteria stopped my cycle? when i did the intravaginal ecography was nothing in there , i wass maybe 3 weeks ? thats why?now gyn is convinced im not prego / but i had so many symptoms , bloated/ buuurps/ cramps /headaches/ cold tummy and breast , i feel sensitive with boobs they so heavy so soft big , and today for 1st time ever i noticed how painfull my nipples are , ouch!!!!! really and my legs are so sensitive i walk so slow , and feel lke i did run few miles , even shaked my legs few times , i dont do much effort , low back pains, strange pimples forehead nose and boobs! but why since no period and i never had on period pimples/ strange smell hate a certain polen from a tree , makes me throw up but im not/ i did gain bit tummy feels big and im a skinny ” bitch ” ahaahah my clothes pants dont fit me anymore , i have not thyroid, or else to influence this , i feel i get big and bigger streching me insideeee i pee every single hour!!!i dont like hot showers anymore! i went into market and saw a tiny bag of peanuts with caramell , i was omg!!!!! delicioussss , i eat healthy yougurt, salade, nothing heavy to get fat because of that! so questions/ conclusion: this bacteria make me fell / have ” fake pregnancy symptom” ? why PMS is late 6 days? why still negative HPT and blood test? could history repeat and have to wait untill i hit ” imaginary 6 weeks” to get positive like 4 years ago?i did read so many things that some women simply get negative blood test and hpt untill 10 weeks!!! wow , so i guess need to wait another week to see if i start to spotting or PMS come….. my bf is doing his testes aswell in france , if he will gets negative result why i got positive? i did read many pregnant women at 5 -6 weekds earlier or later they found out they have this bacteria , is a bacteria that is produced by fetus? or against him ? my nose is dry stuffed but why i sneeze from time to time but im not having a cold….is like a stranger is in my body :))) i know i must go gyn again after i get my bf results! but if next week still no period and hes negative shall i go to a 2nd gyn that wants to to transvaginal , maybe i`m pregnant!!!! any hopes??? we want a baby!!!!!! and we frustated by this so called bacteria “ureaplasma” could treatment affect fetus , of bacteria affect him ? why my gyn refuses to believe im pregnant since im 6 days late??? plsss help me , the white discarge doesnt smells , and i spot white just from time to time , feel like i have a fat pussy , getting tighter down there :(………. i heard this bacteria cause infertility, hope wont be my case!!!!!looong story of my life , will GOD allow me get over this and enjoy a baby or every 2-3 weeks treatment medicins… blahhh hate pills”i feel so tiredddd sleepy , i need to wait sooo long , i have like 1.53 cm height and over 45 kgs and 2 uteras lol and my blood type matters ? it could be im not compatible with a baby? hope this wont be a problem in having a baby!i just need know if women been thru this like me , hope to be pregnant and get rid off this bacteria asap!!!! wish me luck , just wanted share my story and maybe someone tells me “yes u might be pregnant”or ” yes you are pregnant” spent lot money on running testes and hpts , seems like i still have to spend few ahahah , wish me luck i will update soon as i find out more

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