Hello everyone, I just wanted to report the final verdict since I know a lot of people have been wondering what is going on. After my ultrasound and bloodwork (which came back at 22,000), I am going to miscarry. However, not because of a blighted ovum like we thought... but most likely because of a complication with the multiple pregnancy. From the scans, it looked like it was a monoamniotic twin pregnancy, meaning they shared the same gestational sac (but had two separate yolk sacs). This happens in 1% of all twin pregnancies... which is probably why the symptoms were so baffling to everyone here. It's very rare and even though I am heartbroken, it's comforting to have some closure. In learning more about monoamniotic pregnancies, I learned that there are a lot of complications that could come later on down the road and that the chance of survival among these twins can be so low. It does bring me some peace to know that I lost my beautiful angels at 9 weeks and not at 25 or 30 weeks.
I am praying for all of you and thank you so much for being supportive. My midwife says that once I miscarry I can start TTC again as soon as I get my AF.