Bernie my bmi was `normal` if theres really such a thing with Oliver and I had GD undiagnosed until delivery when he was born in quite difficult and scary circumstances
So overweight does not by any stretch = GD and your MW should know better
I was never considered `at risk` to have a GTT with him however this time because of my problems upon delivery with him and the fact that my BMI is 35 I am considered `at risk` and my lovely consultant decided one GTT is not enough I have to have two
I had one at 16wks which was `normal` and am due to have my next on Thursday which am papping myself not like at all
Wondering if pinderfields will be a nicer place to delivery than St James
theres always bad media about LGI so def out for us and Oliver was born at St James which is literally 5mins drive away so was our obvious choice really. I have had mixed treatment opinions so far....some good and some not so
I have been made to feel as if I am wasting peoples time by the odd member of staff in the neonatal clinic when I have been simply following orders to be checked out there but then for every bad experience theres a good. I hope I have a good delivery experience this time
Anna how does it feel to be having twins