Let's Get to Know Each Other! WTT June/July 2014


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Mar 30, 2014
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Hello ladies! I've noticed a lot of people lately saying they are going to start TTC in June or July. I am as well and thought maybe we could use this thread to get to know each other/make some TTC buddies before moving over to the TTC forums together! :flower:
Maybe it's just me, but I'm dying to have people to talk to about everything (even if it's online!) This will be our 1st and we're not telling anyone that we're going to start TTC soon, as we want it to be a big surprise (first grandbaby on both sides!) So here's my story and I would love to hear yours! (By the way I'm going to apologize now for rambling on and on, I tend to do that so don't feel obligated to read this whole thing haha) :blush:

I'm 24 and DH is 25. We were married in 2011, but have been together for 9 years now as we were high school sweethearts and started dating when I was 15! I've always loved babies and knew I wanted to be a mom, so I've been super broody on and off since we were married. However, we were waiting for finances to be a bit better. DH is a firefighter and is currently in paramedic school; when he graduates this December he will make more money, so we decided we are finally ready. He has also been very ready to be a daddy. More so than what's normal for most men I think, he "oohs & ahhs" at baby things in the stores (when no one else is looking haha) and absolutely lights up around babies/children. It's adorable and melts my heart. As we're so close to TTC I did get a bit of cold feet like "ok I don't know, do we really want to do this now!?" and when I ask him he doesn't hesitate at all and even told me he would hide my pills if he had to! haha

I started the pill when I was 16, so I have been on some form nonstop for about 8 years. I've been on Yaz for most of that time. I'm nervous about things going back to normal after I stop, but we are hoping for the best and don't plan on waiting for a cycle or two or anything, we will just jump right in. I would have stopped it already, but we are going on a vacation to the beach the last week of this month, and I really didn't want AF to show up then so I'm waiting to stop until we get back, so I will be taking my last pill exactly a month from today! I started my first AF when I was only 10 (blah!) so for 6 years up until I started the pill I was extremely regular and I *think* I had about 28 day cycles. I had horrible cramps though that would make me physically ill so I'm realllly not looking forward to that again. But if everything does return to normal quickly (wishful thinking I know), I should O around the end of June and be in the TWW the first week or two of July.

As this will be our first child I'm a bit nervous about how a baby will change our relationship. Anyone else worry about this or have experience? We hardly ever actually fight and we are truly best friends and very much in love, but because he's a firefighter he works 24 hr shifts and I work midnight weekend shift so our schedules are a bit odd and we don't get to eat dinner and go to bed together at the same time every night (which I hope doesn't affect TTC too much!! I'll probably always O while he's at work) So I don't know if it's the schedules or just that we've been together since we were so young, but sometimes we kind of fall into this rut and it feels like we're more friends or roommates than husband & wife. ***TMI ALERT SORRY!!!*** but our physical relationship can be a bit nonexistent at times now, so I'm like if we can hardly have sex now then I know we won't when we have a baby! DH doesn't care at all about this though and just tells me we'll be fine.

Anywayyyys I'm so sorry that ended up being so long so I'll shut up now! :oops: What's your story? Hope we can go through this journey together!

Baby dust & best wishes to all! :dust:
I am likely going to be TTC at the end of June now. I get the feeling that DH is not ready, even though he hasn't come out and said that. He is extremely busy at work right now, and he has said many times before that he does not want to TTC while he's stressed at work, as he doesn't need to add one more stress to his life (TTC) which I totally understand. If we don't start TTC soon, my due date will be during his busy season at work, which is starting to freak me out. I can't imagine having a newborn and a nonexistent DH as he is busy at work. It definitely has me thinking.

I should be getting AF any day now, and our plan is one more cycle TTA and then TTC, which brings us to the middle of June. I hope we stick to that plan as I am getting antsy and getting extreme baby fever.

I was on the pill since I was 15 too, and then switched to a Mirena IUD 4 years ago, with no break in between. I had my Mirena removed in January of this year, as I was nervous that my cycle would be all out of whack. I have had 24, 26, and 28 day cycle so far. I have done OPKs the last 3 cycles, and got a positive every single time, so I am optimistic that things are regulating quite nicely. I will cross my fingers for you that things do the same for you!

We have told very few people of our plans to TTC and I plan to keep it that way. The less questions and the less comments of "are you pregnant yet" will help not to add extra pressure and pain to the process. I also like the idea of being able to surprise people when I tell them we are expecting. We just tell people we are "thinking about it" when they ask us when kids are coming.
I hope all goes well for you and that your DH gets more onboard. I'm very lucky that mine is. So will you continue to use opks? Will you chart or anything else? For the first month or two I don't think I'll do anything like that, just try to stay relaxed and BD as much as possible... especially around CD 14 even though I'll have no clue that that's when I'll actually O. After that if nothings happened yet I'll probably buy some opks and get more serious.
Eek, us too from end June/July! its coming round really quickly now!
Our stories our quite similar mkyerby16! We got together as high school sweethearts too and have been together 11 years in September. We got married in 2012 and have just been waiting for finances to settle -we've been wtt for the last 5 years! Can't believe how quick its happening now!
We had a few problems with unsupportive in laws, but last week while my hubby was talking to his dad on scype he was telling hubby about this friends child he helped look after for the day then just said 'so, when are you having kids?' Seriously we needed a shovel to dig our jaws out of the floor!!!!!! So although hubby has been excited that we are gonna start trying soon I think this has allowed him to relax about the family reaction - his dad was the last worry on that front!
Now I just worry about my own body! I never had regular periods - I'd have one every month but there was zero pattern -could be 30 days then 45 then 28 then 20 then 35.... You get the point! But I'm sure I remember getting a pain in my side which me and mum always put down to ovulating so fingers crossed that will be a good indicator for me! I have been on the pill for the last 10 years so really hoping it settles down quickly after my last pill at the end of June!!! We're not waiting either just jumping straight in - i've been taking folic acid since April!
I'm hoping we can keep it stress free - I dont plan to chart or opk for the 1st 6-12 months just Bd as much as possible, (though I will almost bet I will start to get antsy after the 2nd month!! You'll have to help me come down when I start panicking!)

Wow - sorry for the giant post! 😊
Hi, me and OH originally were going to TTC in July but it has now changed to early June eek!

Me and my OH are both 21 and have been together since we were 16/17 respectively. We already have a lovely 3.5 year old son called Callum. Callum has autism and severe sensory issues so he can be quite a handful at times but he is a lovely little boy and I cannot wait for him to be a big brother because I know he will be amazing.

I went on the pill when Callum was 3 weeks old and have stayed on it throughout this time. I had my last pill on Thursday and have been taking prenatals for almost a month now in preparation to getting my body ready for conception.

We hope to just TTC casually without the need for charting/temping/OPK's but if we have had no success after 6 months we will look into methods of increasing the chances of pregnancy.
We will be NTNP for June and July and then actively TTC after that.
*MrsMandy- I know time seems to be flying by all of a sudden! Glad your in-laws seem to be on board now. I’m sure mine will be ecstatic, the only thing I worry about is I have a feeling my MIL will be trying to tell us how to raise our child and I will want to strangle her! haha But oh well. Then my mother will be over the moon, but just a while ago I mentioned something about “when we have children” and my dad’s response was “well that won’t be for another 20 years” I know he’ll be happy once his grandchild is actually in his arms but I don’t expect him to be too excited when I tell them I’m pregnant. I also started prenatals (Rainbow Light brand) in April. I plan on starting a DHA supplement soon as well. Glad we’ll be going through this together! Watch after one month we’ll be like ok I’m buying opk’s haha

*Xprincessx- Thanks for joining us! While I could never tell you “I understand” with your son, I do watch my husband’s 4 (almost 5) year old cousin every week who is severely autistic and totally non-verbal as well as not potty trained with plenty of sensory issues as well, so I do have a glimpse into that world and know that God only gives special children to special people so I hope your son makes an amazing brother! Best wishes!!

*Teilana- Thanks for joining, it’s coming up so fast!! :happydance:
*MrsMandy- I know time seems to be flying by all of a sudden! Glad your in-laws seem to be on board now. I’m sure mine will be ecstatic, the only thing I worry about is I have a feeling my MIL will be trying to tell us how to raise our child and I will want to strangle her! haha But oh well. Then my mother will be over the moon, but just a while ago I mentioned something about “when we have children” and my dad’s response was “well that won’t be for another 20 years” I know he’ll be happy once his grandchild is actually in his arms but I don’t expect him to be too excited when I tell them I’m pregnant. I also started prenatals (Rainbow Light brand) in April. I plan on starting a DHA supplement soon as well. Glad we’ll be going through this together! Watch after one month we’ll be like ok I’m buying opk’s haha

*Xprincessx- Thanks for joining us! While I could never tell you “I understand” with your son, I do watch my husband’s 4 (almost 5) year old cousin every week who is severely autistic and totally non-verbal as well as not potty trained with plenty of sensory issues as well, so I do have a glimpse into that world and know that God only gives special children to special people so I hope your son makes an amazing brother! Best wishes!!

*Teilana- Thanks for joining, it’s coming up so fast!! :happydance:

I know right! Although with all that we have going on right now (house renos, dh's new job, I've applied for a promotion, my parents moving back, etc) it's definitely going to be here before we know it!
Hello :) can I join?
My b has agreed that we can start try when the house starts Which is hopefully going to be this summer! I asked him yesterday when he hopes it will start an he said august at the latest fingers crossed!!
A little about me :) I'm 22 bf is 23 been with him since I was 15! So 7 years now. We live together and I'm getting excited about our family

What are you doing to prepare for ttc?
Hi all, Can i join you?

I'm 21 and DH is 22. We were also childhood sweethearts (been together since we were 14 and 15!) We got married in June last year :)

We're going to start trying either the end of this month or early June :D Originally we were TTC in July but we've moved it forward which is great as I'm having quite long cycles of 42 days so might take a bit longer than expected!

We've bought a house and we're moving in the end of June so it's all going on at the moment. Currently on CD1 and started using my Clearblue monitor today! Woop! I've been dying to start using it since I bought it a few months ago. We've both been taking Vitabiotics Conception for the last 4 months and we eat healthily and have regular exercise, so we're as ready as we can be!

I've not been temping but i've been using OPK tests for the last few months and got a positive on CD28 last cycle so fingers crossed - it would just be nice if my cycles shortened a bit.
I will most likely continue to use OPKs (since I have 45 I need to use up :p), no charting for me, unless it's been several months with no success. OPKs have taught me that I O a little later in my 28 day cycles (day 16, 17 ish) with a shorter LP.

My DH is very much so on board, and is starting to notice babies/children a lot more, and keeps making comments about wanting to have a kid, it just seems that he is getting a bit of cold feet as our date approaches. When I bring up the idea of pushing back our starting date, he promptly shoots the idea down, so I know he is keen on starting soon. I have my moments of panic too, these days, where I start to think, are we really ready for this? Overall, I know we are ready, financially and emotionally, but those moments still creep in, KWIM? Me and DH are also high school sweethearts, it will be 10 years this winter of being together, and we were talking about kids shortly after we started dating, so I feel like it is time. Looks like most of us were high school sweethearts in here, funny since they say that is happening less and less these days.

Wow, this group really took off!

Vickster1 congrats on the positive OPK, I find them so exciting to see! The clearblue monitors seem to confuse the heck out of me when people talk about them on here. Is it considered a positive when you get the flashing smilie? Good luck with it this cycle!
Hey everybody! My DH and I have been together for 11 years, married for 7 of those, and we're finally getting around to trying for #1. It should be interesting because I have a 38 day cycle on average. Because my cycles are so long we're not going to try the NTNP route, just go head first. I've been on the copper Paragard IUD. It has no hormones at all, so once it's out I'm fertile pretty much that minute!
I will most likely continue to use OPKs (since I have 45 I need to use up :p), no charting for me, unless it's been several months with no success. OPKs have taught me that I O a little later in my 28 day cycles (day 16, 17 ish) with a shorter LP.

My DH is very much so on board, and is starting to notice babies/children a lot more, and keeps making comments about wanting to have a kid, it just seems that he is getting a bit of cold feet as our date approaches. When I bring up the idea of pushing back our starting date, he promptly shoots the idea down, so I know he is keen on starting soon. I have my moments of panic too, these days, where I start to think, are we really ready for this? Overall, I know we are ready, financially and emotionally, but those moments still creep in, KWIM? Me and DH are also high school sweethearts, it will be 10 years this winter of being together, and we were talking about kids shortly after we started dating, so I feel like it is time. Looks like most of us were high school sweethearts in here, funny since they say that is happening less and less these days.

Wow, this group really took off!

Vickster1 congrats on the positive OPK, I find them so exciting to see! The clearblue monitors seem to confuse the heck out of me when people talk about them on here. Is it considered a positive when you get the flashing smilie? Good luck with it this cycle!

I've just got the new 2014 model and I think it just either says Low, High or Peak. today when i set my cycle it said it didn't want me to test until CD6.
Wow! Glad all of you ladies decided to join us!! It’s nice to know there’s someone out there that you can go through this with... even if it’s online haha I’m getting more and more excited as time ticks away. DH can’t wait either. :happydance: Sorry I keep making long posts like this like I said I can ramble and I missed alot while I was babysitting today!:blush:

-Teliana: That’s a lot going on!! Hopefully ttc won’t add any stress to your life as it sounds like you’ve already got enough!

-Lucy: Hello! How exciting!! It is funny how many of us have been with our OH’s since we were teens. As far as what I’m doing to prepare I started taking Rainbow Light Just Once prenatals in April and plan to start a DHA supplement soon. I’ve also been trying to start a healthier diet but I can’t say I’ve been too successful on that front. I’m not overweight or anything but what I do eat isn’t that great. I eat way too many things out of a box or carton. Especially since my DH is a firefighter when he’s gone every 3rd day for dinner I end up just popping a lean cuisine or something in the microwave because I’m way too lazy to cook for just me. I also hate most veggies & fruits as well as yogurt and other “healthy” items. But I’m trying, I have no clue what I’m going to eat when I’m actually pregnant.

Vickster- Thanks for joining us! Fingers crossed for you that you don’t have any issues! Sounds like you are very prepared! Hope it all goes well! I know nothing about those monitors, but I can see myself looking into it if my cycles don’t go back to normal after the pill.

Hola- Gotcha. I got cold feet for a bit too even though I’ve been so ready for so long. I think as the time gets so close it’s just like ahhh! But we’re very lucky to have DH’s that are on the same page as us. I can’t imagine if mine wasn’t.

Mewolkens- Hi!! Best wishes!! When will you get the IUD out?
I'll be getting it out late June, just in time for ovulation. I'm a teacher so I'm timing to get summer off with a baby in tow.
DH and I are going to start trying in June and this will be our first as well. I've been broody for the past 2 years now so everyone (our friends and family) are expecting us to get on it :lol:

I charted my cycles last year but then stopped because we weren't really trying and I've been taking pre-natal gummies for almost a year (never too early to start taking them!) so now I'm on my A-game!

Glad to meet all of you!!
Welcome DandJ! Thanks for joining!!! I don't think it will be a huge shock to our family as we've been together for 9 years and married for almost 3, but at the same time they won't know we're TTC so it will still be a bit of a happy surprise to them. Did you seem to have regular cycles and O about the same time when you were charting?

24 days until I take my last pill... Ahhh!
I have 14 days left to go. Time is really REALLY going slow this month, although I must say the rest of my waiting time went by pretty fast looking back on it (and I've been on the forum for two years now I think).
My AF has not come yet so I am not sure when my predicted O will be since my cycle are like 32-34 days long and I just started tracking again. Arrrggh :3
Hi all,

I started using my clearblue monitor and my first day of testing was yesterday cd6. it showed low as expected but then this morning it's showing HIGH?? Is this possible? my last 2 cycles were around 40 days and i O'd on cd28 last cycle..

Has anyone else had this when using the monitor?

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